Chapter 3589

Even if Zhan Suifeng's high status does not matter, he has no ambition.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Zhan Suifeng came to the deck and watched the sharks swimming in the distance. He pushed the prince into the sea without hesitation.

The prince can swim, but what's the use of swimming in shark infested waters?

The shark soon came, and the prince looked at Zhan Suifeng in despair and asked him for help. Unfortunately, Zhan Suifeng had no pity for him.

He watched as the prince was torn to pieces by sharks. The smell of blood was so bloody that the sea area was stained red with blood.

Zhan Suifeng looked down at the little girl in her arms and said in a soft voice, "remember, you can't have the slightest kindness towards your enemies!"

Xiao Ping'an stares at him with black eyes. Zhan Suifeng suddenly falters. He coughs and blood flows out again. He quickly turns back to the cabin and locks the cabin doors.

He went back to the cockpit and put down Xiao Ping'an. Then he went for the medicine, grabbed it and put it in his mouth. He looked at the little girl lying beside her feebly, and he lay down beside her.

Fingers gently touched her face, "safe, I sleep for a while, your own darling, play tired also sleep."

Zhan Suifeng is just one person. He was beaten by so many men, and his injury was not light, but he knew he had to stick to it.

Otherwise, Xiao Ping'an is so big that he will die. He can't let this happen!

Ping'an suddenly turned over and looked at the person in front of her. She raised her little hand and began to eat it.

Zhan Suifeng was awakened by Ping'an's cry. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Ping'an crying desperately. He laughed and touched her face. "Hungry? I'll milk you. "

Zhan Suifeng is not an ordinary person. During the time he lived here, he has been looking for a way out.

He's got everything planned!

So no matter who comes to trouble him, he has to make sure that he can retreat completely.

Zhan Suifeng is not a careful person, but with Xiao Ping An, he began to do everything in detail. He prepared all the things Xiao Ping An needed on the yacht, not only the yacht but also other escape equipment.

In order that Xiao Ping'an would not suffer.

After Xiao Ping'an drinks the milk, he no longer cries. Zhan Suifeng holds her and looks at this lovely little guy, but he can't see enough. This is really a strange thing for him.

However, he didn't want to think about it. He only knew that he was just like this.

Two months later

Five months have passed since Gu Qingsheng was safe

Gu Qingxin came out of the airport, took off his sunglasses, looked at the familiar sky, and took a deep breath.

Country a, after all kinds of difficulties, she finally came back!

"Love, here." Papaver Yeh came to pick her up. As soon as the car stopped, the back door was pushed open. Baby and Xia Xia jumped out of the car and cried before they opened their mouth. They rushed to their mother crying.

Gu Qingxin saw the two children and her eyes were moist. She put down her salute and ran to the two children. She squatted on the ground and hugged them tightly!

"Mommy, you're back at last. I miss you so much!" Baby tightly around the neck of Mommy, crying very sad. , the fastest update of the webnovel!