Chapter 3328

Said a man nearby.

"I'll give birth in the car. If I can't give birth, I'll open my stomach and take out the child. Anyway, your order is that as long as there are children, no adults." The other voice is like a devil.

"What did you say? Who gave the order? " Jian Haixun's eyes widened.

"Of course it's the president, otherwise we wouldn't dare to attack you on such an important day."

"You have a life, as long as you keep the child's life, adults, take the child and throw it directly into the river to feed the fish."

"No way, no way. He won't do this to me." Jane Haixun constantly shakes her head. She doesn't believe it. She doesn't believe it at all.

"Poor woman, do you think that if you had not conceived your child, he would have kept you by his side all the time?" A man sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense, you should give birth to the child quickly, or the child will suffocate, and you will kill us."

"I don't believe it! Beimingyu won't do this to me! No way Jane Haixun is tied, she shouts.

"Whatever you think, it seems that you can't be born. Take a knife and cut it." One of the men took out a knife, and the other lifted Jane Haixun's skirt.

"Don't touch me, don't touch me!" Jane Haixun struggles desperately and screams in collapse.

A man's mobile phone rang, he immediately picked up the phone, inside came a male voice, "quickly solve, absolutely can't let people find, I only want children!"

The phone was hung up mercilessly.

Jian Haixun heard this voice, completely gave up the struggle, really The northern Ming emperor.

How could he I really want children and my own life

At that moment, although she seemed to be alive, she seemed to be dead.

The clothes were lifted, a knife against her abdomen, gently start

The pain came from her abdomen. She widened her eyes. There was no anesthetic, so she wanted to cut her stomach. She really wanted her life

Jian Haixun's heart is completely dead

The skin was scratched bit by bit. When the knife edge was about five centimeters, suddenly, "bang!" A loud noise of

Their car was severely hit by someone, and all the people inside were unprepared and fell down. When the car stopped, the people inside still didn't know what was going on. The door was opened and several shots were fired, and all the people inside died.

Jane Black Leopard jumped up. When he saw the appearance of Jane Haixun, he ran over and cried, "Xiaoxun, don't be afraid, I've come to save you."

He had no time to feel sad, no time to comfort, picked her up and jumped out of the car, on another car.

He knew that time was life to them.

In the other car, Jane Dahai is already on it. He has woken up, but he is still very weak.

When he saw that his daughter was covered with blood, there was a surge of blood in her throat.

Unfortunately, he is too weak to speak now.

Jane Black Leopard is very glad that he took the doctor, the doctor immediately came to check the situation of Jane Haixun.

Seeing that she was in a coma, she said, "you have to get Mr. child down at once!"

"Xiaoxun has been in a coma. How can she live?" The Panther asked anxiously.

"Caesarean section, no choice. Fortunately, there are all kinds of medicine in the car. You can do it for me, quick!"

Even if he can't do anything, now he has to fight to save Xiaoxun , the fastest update of the webnovel!