Chapter 804

"I'm a little tired. I want to go back to my room and have a rest." Gu Qingxin picked up the scarf and stood up.

"Take a rest. I'll call you when the meal is ready." Lin Yin said.

"Good." Gu Qingxin went back to the room, closed the door, leaned back on the door, raised his scarf and slowly put it on his chest. He sighed helplessly.

She knew that beiminghan must be angry.

Because of the photos

But why didn't he even ask her? Why didn't he listen to her explanation?

So she was sentenced to death again?

Did he really not believe her at all?

Walking back to the bed, my mind is full of two people in this bed lingering picture, every part of her life seems to be stained with his breath and figure, she no longer has a bit of their own space.

Everywhere is full of memories of her and him.

Take off his down jacket, Gu Qingxin takes off his shoes and lies on the bed, staring at the ceiling above him in a daze.

Mind over and over again playback of what happened today, Gu Yunci those videos in the end who put?

The answer has been ready, she knew that he would not appear in the scene of the wedding without any reason.

Lin Yin had dinner and asked Gu Qingxin to go out for lunch. Gu Qingxin looked at the rich lunch on the table and asked, "how can I do so much today?"

"It's hard for you to come back, so you do more. Last time Mr. Xiao gave me a tree. I think it's pretty good. It's just stewed. You drink more in the afternoon. Your face doesn't look very good." Lin Yin reached for her daughter's hand.

"No, maybe I just came back from outside. It's too cold. I'm in good health now." Gu Qingxin humbled his head and ordered for his mother.

"You eat too. Don't patronize me with dishes." Lin Yin also gave her a pinch.

After dinner, Gu Qingxin wanted to do the dishes, but Lin Yin stopped her and asked her to go to her room to have a rest.

In the afternoon, Lin Yin's Stewed soup was ready, and she served Gu Qingxin a bowl. Gu Qingxin was sitting on the sofa, watching TV while drinking the soup made by her mother.

Lin Yin sat on the side with a smile, and saw that she had finished drinking, and gave her another bowl.

"Thank you, mom. It's better to have mom by your side." Gu Qingxin hugs Lin Yin.

"You, you told me last time that you got the place in the competition. Which place is it?" Lin Yin asked.

"First!" Gu Qingxin feels very proud when he mentions this.

"Really! It's so powerful Lin Yin looks at her in surprise.

"Of course!" Gu Qingxin immediately wants to take out her mobile phone and show her mother the clothes made of flowers by Bei Ming Han. However, she wakes up in time and can't show her mother, otherwise she will show up.

"Mom, what are you weaving?" Gu Qingxin picked up the wool and asked.

"I'll weave a scarf for you. I think the wool is beautiful. I think it must be beautiful." Lin Yin showed her a piece that had been woven. It was like a rainbow, one color after another. It was really beautiful.

"How's it going? Do you like it? " Lin Yin asked.

"It's beautiful. Thank you, mom." Gu Qingxin hugged her mother and gave her a kiss.

"Oh, how old is it? Drink the soup first, or it will be cold." Lin Yin brings the soup to her daughter.

"It's so happy to have my mother by my side!" Gu Qingxin took a mouthful of the soup and took it with a spoon. He sent it to his mother and said, "Mom, you can drink it too." , the fastest update of the webnovel!