Chapter 533

She still had the smell of wine in her mouth during the day. He was intoxicated with a kiss

Beiminghan greedily kisses every drop of water on her body

From the living room to the bedroom, Gu Qingxin really has the endurance of Beiming cold. It's too long

He's going to break her waist!

Beiming cold deeply combined with her, every time let him obsessed, big hand holding her soft waist branch, this little girl now can barely keep up with his rhythm!

It seems that the recent training is not bad!

He can keep up his efforts

The lip kisses her deeply again, his action is faster, the frequency is too high, Gu Qingxin still can't bear it. He tries his best to avoid his kiss and can only breathe in a hurry

At the end of the matter, Beiming cold suddenly found a serious problem!

He forgot to wear TT!

A trace of chagrin flashed in her eyes. She was to blame for standing there naked and seducing him

Beiminghan took a bath with her and went back to the bedroom. He put her in his arms and bowed his head to kiss her forehead.

"You did a good job today!" North dark cold suddenly said a sentence.

Gu Qingxin was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "what do you mean?"

"All good."


"You'll get along with poppies in the future." North dark cold said a sentence.

"Do you want to support each other and enjoy the happiness of all people?" Gu Qingxin looked up at him angrily.

"Well? What? " North dark cold doesn't understand of looking at her.

"Is she Xiaoyi's mother? Are you Xiao Yi's father? " Gu Qingxin simply asked him directly, this question in her heart, almost suffocated her.

She likes Xiaoyi very much. Even if she guesses that Xiaoyi may be his child, she still likes it very much.

Three black threads appeared on the forehead of Beiming cold. He reached out and pinched her little nose. "Where do you think it is? How can I be Xiaoyi's father?"


"Xiao Yi's identity is a little complicated. You will know later Today, Xiao Yi made a sound for the first time, so Su Su and I took him to check. "

Gu Qingxin was stunned for a moment. Is he explaining to himself?

"Xiao Yi hasn't made any sound since he was born. We haven't given up treatment, but every doctor says it's congenital and can't recover, but today you let him make a sound." Bei Ming Han took her little hand and put it to his lips to kiss.

"No one of you has ever brought him out to play! How can a child be happy when he likes to play, but you keep him at home and no one cares about him? " Gu Qingxin thinks of Xiao Yi and feels heartbroken.

Although beimingyi is in Beiming's home, he is taken care of by servants. Beiminghan also cares about him. But his cold nature can't express itself. Xiaoyi's character is a little autistic, so naturally he can't feel it.

As for the leaf poppy

He is the same kind of person as Bei Ming Han. He is also a cold person.

"What did you say to Xiao Yi at the playground today?"

"He promised that he would take him there again. He liked it very much." Gu Qingxin said.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Beiming cold some excited kiss on her small mouth, see, he is in a good mood today.

Gu Qingxin felt his enthusiasm and thought of what Ming Shang said today. He said that Bei Ming Han didn't live in Bei Ming's home before he was a teenager

Thinking of what he might suffer, Gu Qingxin unconsciously hugged him , the fastest update of the webnovel!