Zheng Baozhu was still on her way to the audition location.

The audition location usually takes place at a hotel. But, there would be other actors auditioning on-site besides the main creative team, so there should be a lot of people. So, there was nothing to be afraid of. However, still sent her location to Wang Jingyi after arriving, just in case.

These past two days, Zheng Baozhu watched the web drama directed by Gao Boyun before, and although she could tell that his filming was somewhat immature, she really liked his camera work. Gao Boyun's previous web drama was also in the martial arts genre, and he seemed to have a preference for that world of chivalry, enjoying the sense of justice and revenge in it. The world he depicted through his lens had that kind of chivalrous spirit he admired, so if he could fully express himself in this production, the visuals would surely be impressive.

The core of a television drama had always been its script. Although [New Moon Wuxin Sword] had the original work as its foundation, it was not known how the production team was going to adapt it, especially for a drama that had been remade several times. Everyone hoped that they could bring some fresh elements to the story.

Zheng Baozhu only received the audition-related part of the script and didn't know the full details of it, but the section she had read was well-written.

Today, she was vying for the role of Ye Ling, the first major character she had received until now. In the original work of [New Moon Wuxin Sword], Ye Ling was a divine healer who saved the male lead after he fell off a cliff with severe injuries. She soon developed feelings for him as they spent time together. The male lead lost his memory from the fall and he temporarily forgot about the deep enmity he carried with him, so the time he spent with Ye Ling in the mountains could be considered as the most relaxed and purest period of his life. After regaining his memory, the male lead naturally left, and to avoid involving Ye Ling in his affairs, he told her he would return once he resolved everything.

In the end, he did come back, but with another woman by his side.

Ugh, a scumbag. Zheng Baozhu cursed in her heart.

Ye Ling's role wasn't extensive, totaling no more than five episodes. But in the many remakes, the writers always liked to be innovative with this character. Some turned her into a white lotus, others into a villain, or changed her into someone seeking revenge. However, no matter the changes, the core of this character remained the same - hopelessly in love with the male lead.

When Gao Boyun chatted with Zheng Baozhu about the script last time, he specifically mentioned that this time, Ye Ling had been modified. This time, Ye Ling was portrayed as a cold and indifferent divine healer who would say there was no need for the male lead to come back after he left.

Zheng Baozhu was thrilled by this development.

Upon arriving at the studio, Zheng Baozhu parked her car and sent her location to Wang Jingyi. Wang Jingyi quickly replied, "Have you arrived? You can do it! Don't be nervous!"

Zheng Baozhu: Okay! If I successfully secure the role, I'll send you a big red envelope!

Wang Jingyi: I'm waiting!

Zheng Baozhu put away her phone and pressed the elevator button to go upstairs. Inside the hotel elevator, she received information from the crew. After arriving at her floor, as soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she saw actors lined up for the audition, so she didn't have to worry about finding the place.

The place was truly crowded. There were four roles to be cast today, two male and two female. Zheng Baozhu quietly joined the end of the queue. In the corridor, she could see not only the actors waiting in line but also those who had received the script and were preparing for their performances. Zheng Baozhu was relatively calm at first, but now she started to feel a bit nervous due to the atmosphere on the scene.

Fortunately, the queue didn't take too long; it was faster than the last time she auditioned for a supporting role. When she walked into the room, she took a moment to look around.

Unlike the audition photo sent by Wang Jingyi, this crew had booked an executive suite, which was more spacious. The living room was filled with people, including actors auditioning and members of the creative team. There were some snacks and drinks on the table, and the place looked relatively tidy, much more comfortable than the last crew she and Wang Jingyi had auditioned for.

In addition to the people in the living room, there was also a man sitting on the stage. He wore a mask and a hat, sitting alone in a corner, not interacting with anyone, only occasionally glancing around the room.

Based on Zheng Baozhu's experience, this person might be an important figure, at the very least, the most influential person in this room.

After a few actors had finished their auditions, it was finally Zheng Baozhu's turn. The casting director and several creatives asked her a few questions before letting her perform a scene. Zheng Baozhu felt she did well; after all, she had been practicing her lines and acting during this period, and even her teacher praised her for significant improvement.

After the performance, they asked about her availability. For an actor like Zheng Baozhu, there was no issue with availability, and she immediately assured them that she was flexible and available at any time.

The casting director nodded and told her to wait for the results. Zheng Baozhu was about to leave when the man who had been sitting on the stage suddenly spoke, "Hey, young lady, come over. Let's have a chat."

Zheng Baozhu was taken aback. None of the previous interviewees had gone over to chat with him after the audition. Now, he specifically called her for a conversation; was it because of her age?

She took a peek at the several creatives sitting in the living room when the casting director chuckled and said, "Just go over; he won't eat you."

"...Alright," Zheng Baozhu slung her bag over her shoulder and walked over, smiling at the man on the wicker chair, "Hello, Teacher."

"Sit," the man pointed to the chair opposite him and said. His voice sounded mature, probably older than the creatives who interviewed them. But even in this face-to-face conversation, he didn't take off his mask.

Zheng Baozhu was increasingly suspicious that he was someone important, and because he didn't want to be seen, he didn't take his mask off.

But she couldn't ask about it, she could only smile and take a seat in front of him.

"Are you Zheng Baozhu?" the man asked as he started the conversation. Without waiting for Zheng Baozhu's response, he handed her a business card. Zheng Baozhu took the card and glanced down at it.

The name "Gao Tianming" was impressively written on it.

...Goodness, since Little Director Gao couldn't come today, Big Director Gao has filled his shoes?

Zheng Baozhu cleared her throat and greeted him, "Hello, Director Gao."

Gao Tianming waved his hand, saying, "This production is from Boyun Productions. I just came here to take a look today."

"Alright, got it," Zheng Baozhu replied with a smile.

Gao Tianming looked at her and said, "You don't need to be too formal. I just want to chat with you casually. How did you decide to become an actress?"

Zheng Baozhu was a little surprised by his question. Why would they talk about dreams before the audition? But since Director Gao asked, she replied honestly, "There's no special reason. I've just loved it since I was young, so I decided to pursue it."

Gao Tianming nodded and asked again, "Being an extra must be tough, right?"

"It's challenging, but I also learn a lot from it," Zheng Baozhu smiled, "Besides, which industry isn't tough?"

Gao Tianming also smiled, looking at her, "You're a beautiful and hardworking girl. You remind me of Su Ming."

Zheng Baozhu was taken aback. She knew that Gao Tianming was acquainted with her aunt since he had directed several movies with Su Ming. Even the movie [Spring No More] had Gao Tianming's name listed as the director.

However, she didn't expect him to suddenly bring up Su Ming in the conversation.

Gao Tianming remained relatively calm, "You don't have to be so surprised. I've heard your name mentioned before. It's been so many years, but I still remember that name..."

Gao Tianming spoke with a hint of emotion, "Baozhu, it's indeed a good name."

Zheng Baozhu didn't say anything and Gao Tianming continued, "I attended your aunt's funeral and even met you there. But you probably don't remember."

Zheng Baozhu did recall Su Ming's funeral because at that time her family held strong reservations about the entertainment industry, thus, they kept the funeral low-key, inviting only close relatives and not people from the entertainment circle.

Gao Tianming might have attended as a representative from the entertainment industry, but Zheng Baozhu didn't have much of an impression back then, as she didn't have a clear concept of prominent directors.

"In fact, I was quite surprised when you decided to enter the entertainment industry, considering your family's strong opinions about it due to Su Ming's situation," Gao Tianming added.

After a moment of silence, Zheng Baozhu spoke, "They do have reservations about the entertainment and I understand their concerns, but I don't think that means they are right. I wanted to be an actress. It's been my dream since I was little, so that's why I'm here."

Gao Tianming didn't say anything; he seemed to be contemplating something. After a while, he spoke again, "I watched your performance just now. I can tell you've had some training in acting, and your delivery of lines is good. If you continue to take supporting roles or small roles like Ye Ling, where the screen time is limited, your current level is sufficient."

Zheng Baozhu looked up at him and asked, "What do you mean, Director Gao?"

Gao Tianming said, "If you want to climb higher, become a nationally or even internationally renowned actress, then you are far from there yet. You have talent and charisma, but your understanding of acting lacks a more systematic and profound approach. Your current performance is mostly imitation, imitating what your teachers have taught you, so you haven't developed your own style yet. In the end, your performance needs to have your own interpretation."

Zheng Baozhu nodded slightly. She was aware of everything Gao Tianming mentioned, but reaching the level he described required not only innate talent and insights but also the guidance of a great teacher. However, finding such a teacher wasn't an easy task. Everyone strived to get into top universities because they had the best teachers to provide the finest guidance.

Gao Tianming took a pen and wrote on a notepad in the room for a while, then tore out a page and handed it to Zheng Baozhu, saying, "Next Tuesday, go to this address and find this teacher with the last name 'Ge'."

Zheng Baozhu was somewhat perplexed as she received the paper. On it was indeed an address in the old city district, and beneath the address, the word "Ge" was written. There was no phone number or other contact information.

"What is this for?"

"You just need to go there at the appointed time."

Though Zheng Baozhu had some doubts, she still put the paper into her bag, "Alright, thank you, Director Gao."

"Mhm, you can go back now."

"Okay, goodbye, Director Gao," Zheng Baozhu stood up, slung her bag over her shoulder, and walked out.

In the corridor, there were still many people waiting in line, showing that the competition this time was intense. There was no guarantee of being selected, but worrying about it now wouldn't help. She should wait for the results calmly.

Walking to the elevator, Zheng Baozhu noticed that the two actors who had auditioned with her earlier were also waiting there. When they saw her approaching, the two of them whispered to each other. Zheng Baozhu guessed they were definitely talking about her. It was natural to have thoughts when someone was called for a separate chat after the audition.

After the elevator doors opened, the three of them entered together. The executive suite was on a higher floor, so the elevator slowly descended. One of the other actors couldn't resist and asked, "Who was the person you were talking to just now on the stage? What did he talk to you about?"

Zheng Baozhu smiled and replied, "Nothing much, he just asked me some questions and gave me a few pointers."

"Is that so?" the other actor nodded in response, but it was uncertain how much they believed her. Suddenly, the elevator shook, and the lights flickered on and off. The two actors next to Zheng Baozhu were frightened and looked around in panic, "What's happening? What's going on?"

Before they could finish their question, the elevator rapidly descended again, causing both of them to scream in fear.

The descent was brief, lasting only a couple of seconds before the elevator stopped once more. However, the two actors who were in the elevator with Zheng Baozhu were already terrified, tears welling up in their eyes. Zheng Baozhu pressed the emergency button and pulled them up from the floor, "Don't crouch down; follow my lead and stand up straight."

Both of them stood up trembling, afraid that the elevator might descend again. One of them asked anxiously, "Is the elevator malfunctioning? What do we do now?"

Zheng Baozhu pressed all the remaining floor buttons, but the elevator didn't respond, "It seems to be malfunctioning. I already pressed the emergency button, you can try calling this number. The signal inside the elevator is weak, so try dialing it several times."

The person next to her dialed the number several times, but none of the calls went through. They panicked and cried out, "We can't get through on the phone! What do we do? Are we going to be stuck here and die?"

"We won't," Zheng Baozhu said, feeling a bit scared herself, but she had to calm them down because they were even more frightened than her, "Elevators have steel cables, emergency brakes, limited speed, and safety clamps. Unless all these things fail, the elevator won't fall."

Zheng Baozhu replied calmly. Influenced by her calm composure, the two actors also calmed down a bit, "How do you know all this?"

Zheng Baozhu said, "A top student told me before. He's now a scientist. You may not believe me, but you should believe him."

The two individuals pursed their lips and stood in the elevator. Zheng Baozhu also walked over, trying to make a phone call while reassuring them, "Unless we are really unlucky and all the things I mentioned earlier have malfunctioned, the elevator will not fall. It will only stay here until the maintenance team comes to rescue us."

After hearing her words, the two individuals also picked up their phones and dialed the number again. This time, the call finally went through. The staff member on the other end of the line tried to comfort them, "Don't worry; the maintenance team has already rushed over. They will rescue you soon! Now, all you need to do is stay calm and don't be afraid!"

The successful call seemed to symbolize that their luck wasn't so bad after all. The maintenance team arrived shortly and opened the elevator doors to pull them out one by one. Zheng Baozhu was the last one to come out. After coming out, she tidied her hair and then looked at the apologetic hotel manager, "I also work in the hotel industry, so we are in the same field. Elevators must be regularly inspected; waiting until something happens to think of maintenance is too late."

"I'm really sorry; our elevators are regularly inspected. This time was indeed an accident," The hotel, to comfort them, also gave each of them a small gift and a bottle of hot milk.

Since the three of them got out of this situation unharmed, there was no further investigation. Zheng Baozhu held the bottle of hot milk and went outside to retrieve her car. The two actors, who were lingering nearby, approached her, "Thank you just now. If it wasn't for you, both of us would have been terrified."

"No problem," Zheng Baozhu smiled at them.

The actor who tried to probe her earlier felt a little embarrassed and said, "I might have been a bit abrupt just now because I noticed that only you were called for a separate chat. So, I was a bit suspicious. But in fact, you performed really well just now, better than both of us."

"It's alright, don't worry about it," Zheng Baozhu replied.

After chatting a bit with them, the two actors took a taxi and left. Zheng Baozhu went to her car, opened the door, and sat inside. After fastening her seatbelt, she didn't immediately start the car. Instead, she sat in the car, took a deep breath, and then opened the bottle of milk to take a big sip.

The warm milk flowed into her stomach, making Zheng Baozhu feel warm all over. She picked up her phone and posted a new status on her social media.

Zheng Baozhu: I was so scared just now, wuwaa QAAAQ

After posting the status, Zheng Baozhu took another deep breath, put her phone aside, and was about to drive the car. However, her phone started vibrating. Zheng Baozhu glanced at it and saw Qu Zhi's name on the caller ID.

Her eyes widened slightly. Why was Qu Zhi calling her?

The phone kept vibrating without stopping. Zheng Baozhu picked up the phone again and answered the call.

Before she could say anything, Qu Zhi's voice came through the receiver, "Zheng Baozhu, what happened to you?"

Zheng Baozhu hesitated for a moment and subconsciously asked him back, "What happened to me?"

Qu Zhi's voice sounded a little annoyed, "Then what's the meaning of the status you just posted?"

Zheng Baozhu understood; Qu Zhi must have seen her social media post, so that's why he called her.

Leaning back in her seat, Zheng Baozhu asked Qu Zhi on the other end of the phone, "Qu Zhi, do you still remember the year we got trapped in the elevator on Meng Yaxin's birthday?"