~: Chapter Volume 4 Family care (273)

After bidding farewell to Miss Xin, Xin Yunhua and Gu Yueze got in the car.

"You won't use it to pick me up in the future."

Xin Yunhua said to Gu Yueze as soon as he got in the car.

"What's the matter?"? I haven't been with Xin Yunhua for a long time, but Gu Yueze likes this feeling. Sitting together, even if they don't say or do anything, they are very comfortable.

"You can go back early to rest."

Except for important meetings and events, Gu Yueze always waited for her at the entrance of the restaurant. If she was too busy, he would just sit in the restaurant and wait for him while working.

If he needs it, the restaurant will be free no matter how good it is, because no one dares to make Gu Dashao wait.

"Come over and wait for me every day to see if the dark circles are gone."

Xin Yunhua said distressedly, her hand stretched out and touched Gu Yueze's face.

In fact, there are no dark circles under the eyes, but in Xin Yunwei's eyes, she feels distressed when she sees him coming every day.

"My dark circles are not waiting for you." Gu Yueze said, and he stretched out his hand to put Xin Yunhuan in his arms, "You know how it came here."

As he spoke, he smiled at the corners of his mouth, moved his lips to Xin Yunhua’s ears, and exhaled lightly. This tingling sensation spread throughout Xin Yunhua’s body, and the look in her eyes as Gu Yueze changed. Be more gentle.

"Gu Yueze, you rascal."

The meaning of his words, Xin Yunhua couldn't understand why, her cheeks were hot with shame, and her fist gently punched Gu Yueze.

She told him business matters, but he molested her.

"I'm serious, you don't need to come over."


"Did you not see? Every day there are girls waiting for you in the restaurant."

I know that Xin Yunhua is Gu Yueze, and I know that Gu Yueze comes to this restaurant every day, so many young ladies are waiting in the restaurant.

They knew that Gu Yueze had a wife, but they couldn't resist the temptation of Gu's family. They wanted to leave an impression in front of Gu Yueze, so that it was in Gu Yueze's eyes. Even if they were lovers, they were very willing.

"Have it?"

Gu Yueze thought back, "I didn't find it."

He said frankly, really didn't notice.

Every night he came here for the purpose of picking up Xin Yunhua, so he came for this purpose without paying attention to the gaze and affection of other girls.

"Today, the woman my sister brought her eyes straightened when she saw you."

Xin Yunhua didn't like Laimi the first time she saw Laimi, and when Gu Yueze appeared, she knew why she didn't like him.

It turned out that Lemmy, like other girls, had his eyes bright when he saw Gu Yueze.

Although Laimi's expressions were different from those of those girls, she was smiling and smiling all the time, but the obsession in her eyes couldn't help Xin Yunhuan.

"How I chased you before is the most clear."

"So what those girls think about you, I can tell at a glance."

"My Huahua is so powerful." Gu Yueze exclaimed with a smile.

This compliment didn't please Xin Yunhuai. Xin Yunhua felt that she had been talking for a long time. Is this the point?

"Then do you notice the way they look at you?"


Gu Yueze replied directly.

"My sister's friend, you always watch it."

Xin Yunhua recalled Laimi, she also felt a kind of hostility from Laimi.

"I glanced at it, the light was too dark to see clearly."

Gu Yueze was telling the truth, because Xin Yunhua said that one of them was her sister, so he took a look.

The woman looked familiar, but he didn't look at it more.


Xin Yunhua didn't doubt it. After chasing Gu Yueze for many years, she knew exactly who he was.

"Gu Yueze, how can you be so indifferent and ruthless!"

Xin Yunhua was a little angry, and said happily.

It's not because of Gu Yueze's indifference and ruthlessness that she thought he was very good.

It is difficult to chase after him, but once this person shuts you into his heart, his heart will never shut down to other people in his life.

"It's enough to be affectionate for you." Gu Yueze said with a smile.

Xin Yunwei raised his head and looked back at Gu Yueze, with lips falling on his cheeks, "I found that you are more and more able to make me happy recently."

Where did Gu Yueze say love before, precisely because he couldn't say, Xin Yunhua could clearly feel his changes these days.


Gu Yueze smiled. He wouldn't tell Xin Yunwei. To please her, he Baidu a lot of information about chasing girls.

He who can manage such a large company well, he doesn't believe it and can't tell those love words.

"I like to come and pick you up." Gu Yueze continued, "rest assured, those girls, I won't take another look."

"Don't think I'm tired. It's uncomfortable to be at home."

Without her, Gu Yueze's heart was empty, sitting in the line of sight that could see her, feeling that this was a very happy thing.

When Gu Yueze said so, Xin Yunhua didn't insist anymore.

Although she gave Miss Xin his number, Xin Yunhua also asked her when to have a meal together.

It was strange that Mrs. Xin was so cruel to her, but to Miss Xin and Xin Nanshan, Xin Yunhua wanted to get close.

When she was young, she was spoiled and thought that the Xin family was the little princess, and her brothers and sisters had to follow her. Later, when they grew up, Mrs. Xin deliberately separated them and prevented her children from contacting Xin Yunhua too much.

In Mrs. Xin's view, her own children are the best, and should not be too close to Xin Yunhua.

Even so, Xin Yunhua felt very close when she saw Miss Xin.

To Xin Nanshan, he has always been regarded as an older brother.

So when I contacted Miss Xin, Xin Yunwei felt very happy.

However, Miss Xin sent a message saying that she has been busy recently and will look for her in a few days.

Miss Xin is really busy, she wants to compete with another person for the position of team leader.

She has only one position, and she has strength, but the relationship with the other party is very hard. I heard from the team members that the other party's uncle is the leader of the company.

Even so, Miss Xin still worked very hard.

The Xin family is not as good as before. Xin Nanshan's business is doing very hard, she doesn't want to hold him back.

Winning Gu's project this time is particularly important to her.

However, Miss Xin did not think about looking for Xin Yunhua.

Work is work, younger sister is younger sister.

Regarding the kind of project in Miss Xin's hands, Gu Yueze was handed over to others to handle, so she didn't know that Miss Xin had contact with Gu.

However, soon, someone deliberately let him know.

Gu Yueze didn't recognize Laimi again.

Did not recognize that this was a friend of her many years ago, nor did she recognize her as a friend of Miss Xin.

In Gu's Mansion, Gu Yueze walked to the door under the **** of bodyguards, and Lemmy came over and called him.

Gu Yueze ignored her, and the bodyguard didn't give Laimi a chance to get close.

They also encountered a lot of such things. "Young Master Gu, I am Xin Yunduo's friend." It was these words that made Gu Yueze stop.