Chapter 1729: : He holds her

Gu Baobao complained to Xiao Chen, "You have to help me in the future."

She said to Xiao Chen in a commanding tone that the two of them were like this before, and Xiao Chen said everything Gu Baobao said.

Just like in the memory, after Gu Baobao finished speaking, Xiao Chen nodded, "Okay!"

"I will help you in the future."

Xiao Chen said by looking at Gu Baobao. He only had her in his eyes. Thinking of Xiao Yan, they said that Gu Baobao had to marry him, thinking of them saying that Gu Baobao had turned himself into a workaholic, except for work.

She was so afraid of hard work and so playful, but because of him, she was completely changed.

"I won't be so tired in the future." Xiao Chen said, and he reached out and touched Gu Baobao's.

Gu Baobao listened to his gentle words, her eyes suddenly moistened.

"Xiao Chen." She leaned into Xiao Chen's arms, "I am not tired, I am really not tired at all."

"As long as you come back, everything is worth it."

She waited for him for so long, and she was really afraid that it would take her a lifetime.

Fortunately, the heavens treated her well and made Xiao Chen come back.

Xiao Chen listened to Gu Baobao's sobbing, his heart was also uncomfortable, and he held Gu Baobao in his arms tighter.

The two were cuddling each other. When the car stopped, Gu Baobao remembered that after she got in the car, Xiao Chen didn't say where to take her.

Xiao Chen got out of the car one step before her. It was not very convenient for him to walk on his heavily injured foot, so he walked slowly step by step.

He wants to recover as soon as possible, and does not want to be a lifetime lame, let Gu Baobao follow him like this.

"Huh?" Gu Baobao wondered how Xiao Chen brought her to the hotel?

Is it?

"Xiaochen, what are we doing here?" Gu Baobao asked.

When she asked, her face blushed inexplicably.

According to her current relationship with Xiao Chen, she has to think about this.

Xiao Chen smiled and liked this Gu Baobao who blushed easily when he looked at him, "What do you think?"

He deliberately did not say, let Gu Baobao guess.

In fact, Gu Baobao's guess is also correct.

When he walked to the door of the hotel room, Gu Baobao's face turned red.


The door of the room opened, and Baby Gu whispered.

Xiao Chen turned around, his eyes fell on Gu Baobao's cheeks.

She blushed, and when Xiao Chen stared embarrassedly, her hand was suddenly pulled by Xiao Chen, and into his arms.

The two clung to their bodies, and the door behind them closed.

"Xiaochen." Gu Baobao struggled symbolically twice, her heart beating very chaotically.

Xiao Chen hugged Gu Baobao in his arms. He lowered his head and his voice became gentle, "I sent you back last night because I wanted you to cultivate enough energy."

"Huh?" Gu Baobao looked up, looking into Xiao Chen's smiling eyes.


"Xiaochen, you have gone bad!"

Gu Baobao replied softly.

"Yes." Xiao Chen replied, "If you don't possess you, I'm afraid you will run away?"

When Xiao Chen said, he touched Baby Gu's cheek with both hands, "Baby, I miss you, I really miss you."

Xiao Chen's eyes were too affectionate and too deep. Gu Baobao looked at him and understood what he meant. She did not flinch, let alone shy.

When something happened in Xiao Chen, she fully understood her thoughts.

Since I want to be with him, why be reserved!

She doesn't want to miss it again!

Before Xiao Chen leaned over to kiss her, Gu Baobao took a step ahead of him, stood on his toes, wrapped his hands around his neck, and then her lips covered Xiao Chen's.

"Xiaochen, I want your baby!"

Without him, she lived in fear. During that time, she wondered more than once how nice it would be to have Xiaochen's child.

She is willing to give herself to him!

Xiao Chen was kissed by Bao Bao. His eyes were filled with misty Gu Bao Bao. I don't know when she cried again?

When did the girl he guarded became so crying, and all these tears shed for him.

His heart is joyful and uncomfortable. At this time, he just wants to hold the girl in his arms tightly and love her well.

For Xiao Chen and Gu Baobao, this was their first time.

Baby Gu is very nervous, and so is Xiao Chen. The first time, neither of them felt comfortable and didn't taste the feeling of joy. Following the second time, they looked at each other and just wanted to rub each other deeply into their bodies.

Xiao Chen sent Gu Baobao to review her home yesterday, asking her to rest well, knowing that she had enough rest last night, and no longer suppressed her feelings for her today, just thinking that she will grow old.

Baby Gu was very tired from tossing, and she was also very painful the first time.

However, as soon as she opened her eyes and saw the man next to her, she couldn't stop laughing. It was a happy feeling.

When she was sleeping in a daze, Xiao Chen's phone rang, and she heard Xiao Chen calling "Dad" over there, and she knew it was Xiao Yan.

What she didn't know was that when she and Xiao Chen stepped into this hotel, Xiao Yan ran to Gu Mocheng's office to show off.

At this time, he was counting the time to call Xiao Chen, thinking that Xiao Chen and Gu Baobao were done.

"It's my son." When Xiao Chen came back, Xiao Yan returned to his nature. Seeing that his son finally took down Gu Mocheng's daughter, his tail went up to the sky, just happy and proud.

Xiao Chen was a little embarrassed. He just wanted to come back and cherish every minute with Gu Baobao, instead of wasting each other's time.

So, this morning, I brought Gu Baobao to the hotel and went straight to the theme.

As for Gu Mocheng, he didn't think much about it. But now he brought Gu Baobao to open the room without saying anything. The old man might have to beat him up.

"Gu Mocheng, what!"

Xiao Yan was still on the phone, and Xiao Chen wanted to remind Xiao Yan not to get too smug.

Before something happened to him, Gu Mocheng followed Gu Baobao. Now that he comes back, Gu Mocheng's heart is probably not willing to marry his daughter. Even if he agrees, he doesn't want him to get it so easily.

Unfortunately, he has got it now.

"Xiaochen, if you continue, I won't bother you and the baby for now." Xiao Yan didn't speak much, and hung up the call very interestingly.

His son, his grandson, well, granddaughter is also successful.

After he hung up the phone, he watched Gu Mocheng happily. Gu Mocheng's expression was very bad.

"Gu Mocheng, I'm really sorry, my Xiaochen put your daughter to sleep." Xiao Yan said not afraid of death.

Gu Mocheng looked at Xiao Yan, "Xiao Yan, what about after sleeping!"

He said in a cold voice, seeing Xiao Yan so proud, Xiao Chen wanted to marry his daughter smoothly, no way!

What is the relationship between Xiao Yan and Gu Mocheng, Xiao Chen and Gu Baobao are not separated, they lie on the bed and sleep deeply together.

In her sleep, Bao Bao Gu saw Xiao Chen approaching her ear and said to her, "Marry me!"

Gu Baobao squinted her eyes and nodded her head almost without even thinking about it, and then she felt something stuck on her finger. When she woke up again, it was evening, and Gu Baobao was hungry. When she got up, she was pleasantly surprised to find the ring on her ring finger.