Chapter 1586: : Will always love her

The great father had arranged for the reporter to be at the hotel, and he brought people over as soon as he heard something.

"What's going on!" Elder Zeng rushed over, Zeng's father and Mrs. Zeng followed behind, seeing Zeng Shuyu at the door of the room and Wen Lan with his clothes slipping off, and seeing a security guard coming out with Lu Yiyi in their arms, they were startled. .

When they came, they shouldn't have seen Lu Yiyi sleeping in Zeng Shuyu's arms, but now!

"What's the matter with you, security guard? How can you hold Miss Lu Jia!" Madam Zeng walked over first, blocking Yan Yan's path.

Both Yan Yan and Lu Yiyi's bodies were wet. Just looking at the two of them like this, they were unclearly subtle.

A good scene was destroyed by someone, and it was still a security guard.

Yan Yan didn't have time to talk to them, he stood there, the chill radiating from his body made Mrs. Zeng shut up inexplicably.

"Hold it down!"

He said three words lightly.

The people in the crowd were all laughing, thinking that a security guard even gave orders to people.

When the hotel security guards came and took Madam Zeng away, everyone was stunned.

This man is the boss behind the hotel?

Yan Yan didn't say anything more, he rushed to send Lu Yiyi to the hospital.

During this process, only one person remained calm, and that was Mr. Zeng.

After all, the old man has met many people. When he saw Yan Yan, he knew that this person's identity was not simple. Goodbye, the hotel security staff all came over to protect the people, he even felt that this man had a strong background.

Mr. Zeng watched his wife being dragged away, and then looked at Zeng Shuyu and Wen Lan on the ground. He explained to Mr. Zeng, "Uncle, I will teach Shuyu a lot about what happened today."

Mr. Zeng is a wise man. Lu Yiyi was taken away when his son was beaten, knowing that today's plan was completely ruined.

The only thing to do now is to keep his place in Mr. Zeng's heart.

"It's impossible for your son and the daughter of the Lu family." Elder Zeng said quietly.

When he came over, Lu Minglang went down and drove, but the two did not collide, but it was certain. Without Lu Minglang's permission, the security guard just now could not take Lu Yiyi away.

Looking at the wounds on Zeng Shuyu's face and Lu Yiyi's situation, it must be that Zeng Shuyu's family used all sorts of tricks to marry the Lu family.

What a shame of their Zeng family!

"Uncle." Mr. Zeng called again.

"In the future, you will come here less." The old man's words kicked Mr. Zeng out of the old house.

Mr. Zeng's face changed drastically, and he followed the old man and begged him. But someone blocked his way long ago. Mr. Zeng looked at Zeng Shuyu, who was covered in injuries, and Wen Lan who was crying, and he was in a bad mood.

Elder Zeng walked to the lobby and saw that Lu Minglang had driven the car over, the security guard carried Lu Yiyi into the car and left.

He confessed to the person behind him, "Go check the identity of this security guard."

He has never seen this man, but it doesn't mean that his identity is simple.

Zeng Shuyu and the others provoked the Lu family and this man. For the overall benefit of the Zeng family, the old man had to draw a clear line between Zeng Shuyu and the others, and he had to investigate the man's identity so that he could come and apologize.

Lu Yiyi dreamed that four years ago, in the darkness, the man trapped her hands and covered her body like this, leaving her with nowhere to go.

No matter how she struggled and begged him, he would not let him go.

"No! Please don't." Lu Yiyi yelled out, she yelled over and over again, waking up Lu Minglang and Yan Yan who were with her in the ward.

Yan Yan had been sitting next to Lu Yiyi, and when Lu Yiyi first heard her nightmare, he held her hand.

Lu Minglang woke up and saw Lu Yiyi like this and scolded angrily, "If I meet that man, I will cut him a thousand times."

What happened to Lu Yiyi four years ago was a pain in the hearts of everyone in the Lu family.

Both Lu Heng and Lu Minglang wanted to chop off the man who had imprisoned Lu Yiyi to feed the dog.

However, Lu Minglang didn't know that the man he was going to chop up and feed the dog was right in front of him.

Yan Yan squeezed Lu Yiyi's hands, and did not answer Lu Minglang's words.

After Lu Minglang finished speaking, he looked at Yan Yan's expression.

Lu Yiyi was the only one in the old man's eyes. He didn't seem to hear what Lu Minglang said just now.

With the example of Zeng Shuyu first, Lu Minglang was more concerned and careful about Lu Yiyi's feelings.

"I have something to tell you first." Lu Minglang said.

No one in the Lu family wants to mention this unbearable past of Lu Yiyi.

When Lu Yiyi was with Zeng Shuyu, they didn't even know how to talk to Zeng Shuyu.

But now, Lu Minglang has changed his mind.

He felt that he had to tell Yan Yan the matter first. If Yan Yan couldn't accept Yiyi, then don't bother Yiyi.

Otherwise, when Yiyi plunged himself into the whirlpool of emotions again, he said that he could not accept Lu Yiyi's past.

"Yiyi was kidnapped by a man four years ago. She was pregnant not long after she came back." Lu Minglang said seriously.

Yan Yan understood what Lu Minglang meant when he heard Lu Minglang mention the incident four years ago. He did not answer, his eyes still staring at Lu Yiyi.

If he knew it was her four years ago, put her back to the Lu family, and then went to the Lu family to beg her, would she not be so miserable?

In addition to pain in Yan Yan's heart, his momentary greed took away Lu Yiyi's beautiful four years.

"When she was five months pregnant, she fell and the baby was gone." Lu Minglang made the matter clear, but also made it simple.

He did not tell Yan Yan that after losing two children, Lu Yiyi was depressed for a period of time and stayed in the room with tears all day long.

"Yan Hui." Lu Minglang called again, "This is Yiyi's past."

"She is a very good girl. If it weren't for the past, she would have a better life. If you can't accept her, don't come to her."

Lu Minglang saw that Yan Yan really liked Lu Yiyi, otherwise in the hotel room, he wouldn't want to leave with his eyes closed to make room for them.

"Okay." Yan Yan's throat was sore, his voice became hoarse.

He owes Lu Yiyi, no matter what setbacks he encounters in this life, he will hold her hands tightly.

Hearing the word "good", Lu Minglang was taken aback and walked to the bed again.

"You can really accept Yiyi!"

"Yeah." Yan Yan responded.

He raised his head, his eyes were so red that Lu Minglang was strange.

"I love her." Yan Yan said seriously.

These three words are enough. Lu Minglang was silent for a while, and then he said to Yan Yan, "Yan Hui, I'm just a younger sister."

"She has been behaved since she was a child. If it weren't for the things four years ago, she would not have been so hard." "You have to remember today, if you treat her badly, I will not spare you even if you go to jail." Although Lu Minglang didn't know who Yan Yan was, he was fearless for Lu Yiyi.