As for what Wu Renyue thought, Xu Fan didn't care. At this time, Du Chun took Xu Fan into the office of the newly established second group.

This is the same hall as the office area of the first group, and the configuration of the hall is the same, just because there is no one for a long time, it is covered with dust and needs to be cleaned.

On the first day of work, Xu Fan spent all his time cleaning the office, and most of it was him alone. Du Chun, a girl, had to take care of Lin Haiyao's secretarial work, which was just a little help.

To put it bluntly, he is a naked commander.

This group leader is really depressed. Xu Fan thinks that he has to find several subordinates. How can he be a leading cadre to do this kind of work.

So, as soon as the cleaning was finished, he ran to Lin Haiyao's office and suggested, "director, can we recruit more people? You can't really let me be the bare commander."

Lin Haiyao was busy. Hearing Xu Fan's voice, she raised her head from a pile of materials and said with a sorry smile, "Xu Fan, can we talk about this in a few days? You see, Du Chun and I are busy preparing tomorrow's half year final report. It's really..."

"Half year summary?" Xu Fan picked his eyebrows.

"Yes, leader Xu." Du Chun came over with a pile of materials and said, "in the past, the half year summary meetings were held in the last two days of June, but this year they were advanced several days. Just received the notice, we have no preparation at all. We have to work overtime tonight. "

Seeing that they were really busy, Xu Fan had no choice but to shelve the problem for the time being and talk about it after the summing up meeting.

As a newcomer, he doesn't have much to sum up, but he doesn't have to be busy.

So in the evening, when others work overtime to sum up, he stays at home and practices his own skills.

In the evening, because of working overtime, the business department building was full of lights, and all the offices were on. This summary came so suddenly that the people in the business department were unprepared, and they had to finish the summary report even if they worked overtime.

Among the departments in charge of the five vice presidents of Jinyun group, the business department is in the charge of Li cenfei. This summary meeting of the business department was suddenly decided by Li cenfei.

At this time, in Li cenfei's deputy general manager's office, a smart man in his thirties stood in front of Li cenfei's desk and respectfully reported: "Mr. Li, Xu Fan entered the fourth business group and became Lin Haiyao's subordinate."

"Lin Haiyao? She can choose people Li cenfei said with a smile.

"It's not her choice. It's someone else's choice. Leave it to her." Chen added.

"Well?" Li cenfei had a meal, and then "poof" a smile, this smile, gorgeous, see Chen Dong are a little crazy.

But the person in front of him is noble and not something he can touch, so he can only look at the beauty and sigh.

"That Xu fan is so underappreciated." Li cenfei said with a smile.

"Others don't like it, but Lin Haiyao takes him seriously." Chen Dong said: "not only will Xu Fan live in the villa area, but also..."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Li cenfei didn't wait for Chen Dong to finish, but snatched the words: "isn't there a staff dormitory? Why don't you arrange to live there? Besides, who will arrange villas for an employee, and a new employee? "

"No one assigned Xu Fan a villa. It was Lin Haiyao who arranged Xu Fan into the villa she lived in." Chen Dong's expression is a little strange.

"Ah?" Li cenfei was stunned, and her pretty face showed a surprised expression: "Jinyun group has never had such a thing. Besides, if a girl lets a boy live in her villa, is she not afraid of gossip?"

Chen Dong wry smile: "well, I don't know what she thinks. However, if you let the third master know about it, it will be troublesome. It's estimated that he may have a heart to eat that Xu Fan. "

"Hum, with the third brother's temper, don't eat him, you have the heart to kill him." Li cenfei frowned, and a trace of distress appeared between his eyebrows: "this can't let the third brother know. Before we get Xu Fan's things, we have to ensure his personal safety."

"It's simple. Let's just ask Xu Fan, an ordinary employee, to move out on the ground that living in a villa doesn't conform to the company's regulations." Chen Dong suggested very easily.

"Wait a minute." Li cenfei fell into a state of being thoughtful.

Chen Dong had doubts on his face. He didn't know what the young lady was thinking.

After Li cenfei thought for a while, a cunning smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his pretty mouth, and he raised his head and said, "let him live in a villa. It's just right that I live more comfortable. I'm really afraid that I can't get used to living in the staff dormitory."

Chen Dong was stunned. He didn't understand what this meant?

How to talk about Xu Fan's living in a villa.

"Mr. Li, I don't quite understand what you mean." Chen Dong frowned and was puzzled.

Li cenfei smiles: "I mean, I want to live in that villa, too."

"Ah?" Chen Dong's face was muddled: "why?"

"In order to get something from Xu Fan." Li cenfei seriously up: "don't forget, we try our best to let Xu Fan into Jinyun group."

"Mr. Li, I didn't forget this purpose, but what does it have to do with your living in that villa?" Chen Dong continues to be confused.

"To get something from Xu Fan, you must get his trust." Li cenfei said solemnly, "if you want to win his trust, you should try every means to be his friend and best friend. You know what I mean? "

Now Chen Dong seems to understand something.

"I see, but you don't have to go in person." Chen Dong didn't agree with Miss Li cenfei and vice president of Jinyun group to do it in person: "we can send people to get Xu Fan's trust and try to get what he has."

"No, it's too important. I don't trust others to go. I have to do it myself." Li cenfei's tone was firm, and at the same time, he solemnly asked, "besides you and me, this matter must not be known to a third person, do you understand?"

Chen Dong nodded heavily: "Mr. Li, you can rest assured that I will never say anything, but if you go in person, I'm afraid it's difficult to make friends with Xu Fan in your present status."

It's true. One is the powerful vice president of Tangtang Jinyun group, and the other is the new ordinary employee. There is such a big gap between their identities that it's hard for them to be friends.

In addition, if she approaches Xu Fan in such an identity, she will make Xu Fan wonder if the vice president of Tangtang has any ulterior motive to approach him.

"I've thought about this for a long time. It's not a problem. I have my plan." With a mysterious smile, Li cenfei stood up and said, "wait a minute."

With that, she turned away from her desk and headed for the filing cabinet in the back.

There is a password lock on the file cabinet. You must enter the password to open it.

After entering the password to open the filing cabinet, she put her slender hand into a pile of documents and felt for a while. A slight vibration immediately sounded. The filing cabinet moved slowly to the side, revealing an entrance for a person to enter and leave. There was a secret room inside.

Chen Dong knew about the secret room, so he was not surprised.

When Li cenfei enters the secret room, the filing cabinet automatically closes and returns to its original appearance.

Chen Dong didn't know what Li cenfei was going to do. With doubts, he sat down on a sofa and waited patiently.

After half an hour's waiting, a sound finally came from the filing cabinet, and a graceful figure came from inside.

Chen Dong suddenly stood up, his eyes staring at the strange shadow, his face appeared incredible expression of consternation, Chen Dong rubbed his eyes, his heart is also a shock.