Sure enough, as soon as the entrance in front was opened, the crowd rushed in, just like the flood of breaking the dike. One by one, they were afraid of being late, and the good jobs were robbed.

The job fair is very big. There are five layers in the talent market, all of which are occupied by companies of different sizes. However, there is only one enterprise in the fifth layer, which is monopolized by Jinyun group.

Although there is only one Jinyun group on this floor, there is the largest influx of people. As soon as they enter the building, many people go straight to the fifth floor. They come specially for Jinyun group, and other companies will not take a look at them, such as Yin Chengzhi and Ouyang Nana.

In order to deal with the huge number of candidates, Jinyun group has set up many interview sites for the initial competition. Maybe everyone has an interviewer to interview one by one, so the interviewer has to be tired to death at the end of the day.

After entering the entrance, Qian Jingjing said, "Xu Fan, let's start from the first floor to see if we have a suitable job. It's better to work in a company."

But to Qian Jingjing's surprise, Xu Fan shook his head and said, "I'll go directly to the fifth floor. Would you like to come with me?"

Qian Jingjing is in a cold sweat. This guy was not joking before. It turns out that this guy is really preparing to interview Jinyun group. Although he has a bachelor's degree, he has no confidence compared with those 985 and 211 graduates.

"I suggest you go to Jinyun group to have a try. You are excellent and have confidence in yourself!" Seeing that Qian Jingjing didn't plan to apply for Jinyun group, Xu Fan bewitched: "you see, you have such temperament, you are likely to apply for it!"

Hearing Xu Fan's "encouragement", Qian Jingjing, who had no confidence in her heart, dared to go. If she didn't dare to go, it would be decent. So they went straight to the fifth floor with the crowd.

Into the fifth floor, first of all, there is a hall, in which people are crowded and pushed, and there are people constantly pouring in from behind.

"My God, there are so many people. What should we do? When will it be our turn Qian Jingjing looks at the crowd in front of her. Her face is rather ugly. The confidence she had built up before collapsed.

At this time, Xu Fan also had to feel the attraction of Jinyun group. Although he had been in Jinling before, he did not have a deep understanding of Jinyun group. He only knew that Jinyun group was very powerful, some means and funds were very strong, and he knew nothing about it.

Xu Fan takes a breath, steps out, and pulls Qian Jingjing behind him. Xu Fan rushes all the way in front of him and is forced out of his way.

Those who wanted to stop him, without exception, were pushed away or dragged behind by him. Qian Jingjing always does not understand, Xu Fan thin arm thin leg, how strength so big.

A burly boy was angry, but he directly stopped in front of Xu Fan. As a result, he was grabbed by Xu Fan, and the burly body fell to the right uncontrollably. However, when he fell down, he grabbed Qian Jingjing, who was standing behind him. Qian Jingjing screamed and fell to the right.

After a lot of effort, they finally got out of the crowd, rushed to the front, and arrived at the recruitment site of Jinyun group. They knew that Jinyun group expected that there would be too many people today, so they prepared only 300 resumes. Only those who received the resume had the chance to enter the first round of screening. Those who did not received the resume had to come back next time. Fortunately, Xu Fan successfully received the resume, Qian Jingjing is in the light of Xu Fan.

Although there are 300 resumes, only four people are recruited this time. From the proportion, we can see how strict Jinyun group is in the selection of personnel.

Jinyun group is very considerate. It has arranged several groups of interviews with two people in each group to screen the candidates one by one. Although many groups of interviewers have been arranged, there are too many people coming. There is a long queue in front of each group of interviewers.

After Xu Fan waited for a long time, it was his turn. Just as Xu Fan was about to enter, a boy behind him suddenly said, "classmate, don't go in. Go back directly. Anyway, you can't apply for the job, so as not to waste everyone's time." But Xu Fan glanced at the guy, and then closed the door, which made the Boy Stomp.

"Well! This guy will be out in a minute at most. " After Xu Fan went in, the boy said angrily.

"A minute? I guess at most 20 seconds to roll out, who dares to bet with me Someone answered.

"I'll bet you, but I'm not guessing twenty seconds, I'm guessing five." Someone immediately joined the game.

Xu Fan didn't expect that there would be such a boring person in the world. He even gambled the time when he went in for an interview. He had already entered the interview room.

The room inside is not very big. Behind the two tables, there is a man and a woman. The woman is a beautiful woman with glasses in black professional dress. In her twenties, the man looks very young. He looks like a new young man with a long face. His eyes are a bit proud and his toes are high.

There is a chair in front of the table, which should be for the candidates. The people who come in to apply for the job bow respectfully to the interviewer and say hello. After getting the permission of the interviewer, they sit on the chair and wait for the interviewer's question. However, Xu Fan says hello to the two interviewers, and then sits on the chair directly.

This can not help but let the interviewer Leng, Xu fan is not nervous, look like that is also full of confidence.

Long face interviewers don't know where this guy's self-confidence comes from. Even 985 and 211 graduates come to Jinyun for interviews, they are honest and obedient. What's more, this guy is so mature. What's more, what's the matter with his ragged clothes? They can't believe their eyes, This may be the poorest candidate Jinyun group has ever met.

Xu Fan also wants to dress prettily, but he can't help it. This is his best suit. In the past, Xu Fan lived such a life, and he didn't dare to reveal his identity. Otherwise, it's very easy to get some money. God knows what else the master of Tongtian has to do in the mortal world.