"Just ahead." Huang feiwen did not answer Xu Fan's words. Xu Fan frowned and felt that things were more and more complicated.

Came to a place similar to ancestral hall, the yard is very big, in front of the yard, Huang feiwen said: "brother Xu, here we are."

"Go in." Xu Fan didn't ask any more.

Huang feiwen enters through the door, and Xu Fan follows him. As soon as he enters the door, Xu Fan smells a faint smell of blood. Xu Fan takes a look at the yard, but it's very clean, so he asks, "has anyone died here?"

Huang feiwen was stunned at first, then nodded and said, "I've died, more than one."

"Tell me about it." Xu Fan said, after that, Xu Fan turned his back and began to look at the yard. There was a Buddha statue at a corner of the yard. No, it was exactly half of the Buddha statue, only the head to the shoulder position. Xu Fan walked over and gently pushed the Buddha statue, and found that the Buddha statue was the cut mark of Qi brush.

"Well, the village head of our village, that is, my grandfather, passed away. According to the custom, he had to put it in this ancestral hall for seven days before going into the earth. There must be someone to watch the spirit on these seven days." With that, Huang feiwen pointed to the ancestral hall, and Xu Fan took a look. There was a coffin in it. After a pause, he said, "it's my turn to wake tonight." When he said this, his voice was obviously scared and his body was shaking.

"Is there something wrong with the previous watchman?" Xu Fan frowned and asked.

"Yes, they all died. On the first day, although the villagers were very sad, they didn't care. On the second day, Li Ergou's brother's wake also died. Everyone guessed that it was unusual. On the third day after that, no one came to the wake." Huang feiwen said that when he spoke, the cold sweat on his forehead had come down.

Xu Fan took a look at the ancestral hall and said, "has something happened to the person who didn't wake up?"

"Brother Xu, how do you know that something really happened? Not only did he die, but also many relatives died. It can be said that all the people in the three families who didn't give five blessings died. On the fourth day today, brother Xu, I really don't want to die!" Huang feiwen said, after that, he choked a little.

"It's OK. It's going to be OK. I'll see what's going on." Xu Fan said, and then patted Huang feiwen on the shoulder to show comfort.

Xu Fan walked towards the ancestral hall. As soon as he entered the ancestral hall, Xu Fan felt something was wrong. This resentment was probably not what an old man should have. It seemed that he wanted to be detained for thousands of years. Xu Fan frowned, took a look at the red coffin and pushed it away. Huang feiwen was shocked when he saw this scene outside, although he knew that Xu Fan had some means, But I never thought that Xu Fan would open the coffin as soon as he came up.

After pushing away the Yan red coffin, there was not Huang feiwen's grandfather's body, but a similar iron bar standing in it, with blood on it.

"There's a problem." Xu Fan said, and then he reached out to grasp the iron bar like object.

As soon as I touched the iron bar, it exploded Xu Fan's hand with a bang. Then I saw that the iron bar had disappeared.

"A small skill in carving insects." Xu Fan looked sarcastically at the empty coffin, then walked out of the ancestral hall, looked at Huang feiwen and asked, "when did your grandfather put it in the coffin?"

"I don't know. I didn't see my grandfather when I came back. I saw this coffin, but it should have been in my home." Huang feiwen said, and then Xu Fan asked, "who else is in your family?"

Huang feiwen said without thinking: "my parents died early. I was brought up by my grandfather. There is no one else in this family."

"Then who found out that your grandfather was dead? Who helped with this? " Xu Fan asked. Huang feiwen thought for a moment and said, "it's the village branch secretary."

Xu Fan frowned and said, "what kind of person is this village branch secretary? No matter. Take me to him

"All right." Huang feiwen said, and then he took Xu Fan to go out. When he left, he looked back several times with some worry. Xu Fan shook his head and patted Huang feiwen a few times. Huang feiwen said, "don't worry. After you take me, you go home to sleep. Take this one, stick it on the door and stick it on the body." Xu Fan said, and then he gave Huang feiwen two self-defense charms. When Huang feiwen was working in Yanjing, he had more or less heard about Xu Fan. He carefully collected the two charms as if they were precious. At this time, his expression was better.

"Come on, lead the way." Xu Fan said that at this time, Huang feiwen put away the charm and patted his pocket uneasily. When he heard Xu Fan speak, he remembered that he had to take Xu Fan to the village branch secretary's house, and then went forward to guide him.

After walking for about seven or eight minutes, Huang feiwen stopped in front of a house and said, "this is it. Brother Xu, do you want me to go with you?" Huang feiwen had no fear of the village party secretary, but when he saw that Xu Fan found a little iron stick instead of his grandfather's body in the coffin, he began to doubt the village party secretary. People's fear comes from the unknown. The more they can't think of things, the more they are likely to have fear. Huang feiwen's psychology is like this now, Xu Fan smiles, then shakes his head and says, "go home. There's nothing wrong with you."

"Well, did you just leave?" Xu Fan asked, because he saw Huang feiwen turning around and ready to leave just after finishing the sentence. When he heard Xu Fan's question, Huang feiwen didn't understand and looked at Xu Fan with some doubts. Before he opened his mouth, Xu Fan said, "I've come so far to help you. Are you going to let me sleep in the ancestral hall to watch for you or how?"

"Ah! Sorry, brother Xu, I was too nervous to forget. " Huang feiwen apologetically said, and then took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, and then took two of them from the top and handed them to Xu Fan, saying: "this is my key, the blue yard, the stainless steel door."

Xu Fan put away the key and saw that Huang feiwen was ready to leave again. He couldn't help taking a few puffs and said, "you tell me where your home is?"

"That's the one with the thatched cottage in the front yard." After Huang feiwen finished, he was also a little embarrassed.

"Let's go, let's go. I don't know how you got into the police academy." Xu fan can't help burying Huang feiwen. Huang feiwen is really embarrassed by Xu Fan's words.

After Huang feiwen left, Xu Fan looked at the family on the slope. It seemed that there was nothing too strange. Since there was nothing to see here, let's go in and meet the village branch secretary for a while.