"No matter how much!"

Now there is no choice, if this failure, the Zhao family is also doomed.

Although the old man with the surname of Jia wants to say something more, he knows that it's useless to say it at this time. What Zhao Yan said is true.

Thinking of this, the old man of surname Jia slowly goes back. It's hard to see that all the powerful family members of the Zhao family are gathered together. Together with the old man of surname Jia and Zhao Yan, they have five Heaven level masters, 12 earth level masters, and several other martial arts masters of xuanjie level.

Zhao Yan nodded slightly when he saw these people, and then waved his hand to the Xunzi family.

On the other hand, Xunyi did not know that the real backstage agent on Hong Kong Island was the Zhao family.

It was only after Xu Fan came back that he told ting. As soon as he got the news, he was ready to monitor the Zhao family, and every move of the Zhao family was in his hands.

After discovering this scene, Xun Yi also showed a trace of anger in his eyes.

"When we're looking for a home?"

He gave a loud drink, and then ordered all the black people under his command to be mobilized back. As long as he could get back to Xun's house in one day, he would not let it go.

Until that morning, when the Zhao family had begun to take action, the people of Xunyi also gathered in front of Xunyi's house. There were two Heaven level masters, 20 earth level masters, who hit more than 40 Xuanwu people.

Although the overall strength is much worse than that of Zhao family, the good thing is that all they have to do is to try their best to defend and delay time, as long as Xu fan can brew xianjiu before the Xun family is captured.

And the smell of wine will surely make the Dragon lock formation more stable.

In this way, even if the other party is desperate, it will lose its meaning. In that case, the other party is likely to retreat without fighting. The strength of the Xunzi family is not too poor, because Yan Ying is also in the Xunzi family at this time.

Her main task is to help find a home and guard the whole winery. Unlike someone who can disturb Xu Fan and brew immortal wine, many families in China are monitoring their situation.

It even includes Huaxia ZF, but no one wants to do it again at this time.

In fact, Huaxia conquest is also under a lot of pressure. Although it is a huge ZF, the influence of the powerful families is also quite huge. No matter what ZF does to some extent, it tends to retain the face of some powerful families.

This is why they captured Zhao WuFan, but did not dispose of it or kill it.

Although the Zhao family is against the ZF and intends to release yuan, they still have unclear interest relations with other powerful families. If the Zhao family is simply put into one pot, the interests of other powerful families will be lost.

Although on the surface, they will not say anything, but on the back, they must be dissatisfied. This is not a good thing for the whole ZF to firmly control Huaxia for a long time.

So at this time, no ZF personnel came forward. Of course, the family members of the powerful families also regret this. Although their involvement makes ZF not directly appear, they are even less likely to directly help the Zhao family, because in that case, they will make their attitude against ZF public.

For itself is not a better thing, so the two sides are you in this matter completely in the degree of mutual restraint.

Therefore, this fight can only be gathered between the xunxia family and the Zhao family. However, Huaxia ZF has done something that it can do on the basis of what it can. For example, when members of Yuan organization approached Huaxia, Huaxia ZF found a reason to delay the airport, which gave the xunxia family time.

Of course, no one can help the two families in the remaining follow-up battles. The two families must rely on their own strength. Whether they win or lose depends entirely on their strength.

At this time, the whole Chinese family and ZF's eyes were on the Xunzi family. On this afternoon, the people of the Zhao family finally appeared in the small valley where the Xunzi family was.

Their goal is very clear. As soon as they appear, they rush in the direction of the winery. Moreover, these people are all with the idea that they will not give up until they reach their goal. In order to achieve their goal, they do not care about their own lives.

Xunyi is standing in the hall of Xunyi's family. As soon as the Zhao family shows up, his men greet him. Although Yan Ying doesn't fight with him, she puts her body at the door of the winery, and the golden colossus is also called out by him. If someone comes near here, the golden Colossus and he will cooperate to repel each other.

There is only one purpose of the Xunzi family and Yan Ying, that is to delay time and defend the whole winery.

Under their fighting ideology, it is impossible for the other side to fight and decide quickly.

The quick battle and quick decision is exactly what the Zhao family wants most now. There are obvious differences in the battle between the two, and the battle rhythm is naturally different.

The people of the Zhao family are desperate. Some of them are so crazy that they even launch suicide attacks. It's really hard to resist such attacks. Fortunately, these people are only a small part of them, and most of them don't want to sacrifice themselves. But even so, their company and attack power are quite terrible, In a short period of time, the Xunzi family suffered a fatal impact. Fortunately, this impact had appeared in the thoughts of the Xunzi family. Therefore, in the face of this impact, although the Xunzi family seemed a little embarrassed, it was not really in a hurry.

When talking about this mission with the inspection team, Xunyi specially mentioned that it was the opponent's tactical strategy. In Xunyi's analysis, he had thought that the opponent was likely to launch several large-scale charges as soon as he came up, so what kind of defense should be used in this case is particularly important.

In addition, Xunyi had analyzed the possible attack means of the other party before, so in the face of the Zhao family supply shock, the Xunyi people in black did not appear too big loopholes.

In the face of the other party's three consecutive supply shocks, after seven or eight people in black died, they finally controlled the momentum of the other party's impact.

Although it is said that the brave win when they meet each other in a narrow road, there is another good one who loses like this. He falls two times in one drum and three times in three.

In fact, it means that if you want to make a strong attack, you must be driven by a momentum, which can cause more large-scale damage. If this momentum fails, then the common attack power of these people will also be seriously affected.