He did not forget how much trouble the Gou family had brought them.

Xu fan is not a fool. How can he not see it. Scholar like people hate Gou Dong.

So he took over the words of a scholar like man and said, "I see."

At this point, Xu Fan did not go on with his words.

After all, the reason why he chats with scholar like people is to delay time.

As Xu Fan thought, the success of the scholar like people, has no worries.

Hearing Xu Fan say so, the scholar like people not only have no doubt.

On the contrary, he was curious about what Xu Fan understood.

"What do you understand?" He looked at Xu Fan and asked with a smile.

What Xu fan is waiting for is a scholar like person to question himself.

"I understand why you plan to change." He laughed and continued to procrastinate.

Although the scholar like people understand that after they tell the original plan, the reason for the change is not difficult to guess.

But listen to Xu Fan say so, he is still smiling, toward Xu Fan asked: "Oh, you come to talk about."

In his opinion, he can't really be angry with gou Dong for his humiliation.

As soon as Xu Fan says it, he will be able to sing with Xu Fan. At that time, Gou Dong will be angry with both of them.

Scholar like people think so, Xu Fan's heart, naturally very happy.

"You didn't expect that the hostages you were holding had combat power." He looked at the scholar like people, said with a smile: "so the brain is not bad you, temporarily change your mind, deliberately delay time, let us with the idiot goudong, inhale the aroma of soft dragon."

"We are going to kill the three of us when we are all weak and invaded by the fragrance of the soft dragon."

"To get rid of the enemy of the axe family and kill two birds with one stone."

Speaking of this, Xu Fan shook his head and sighed.

Although he delays time, he is preparing to break this plan. But he had to admit that the other side's plan was not bad.

At least it's not bad when people who don't look like scholars deliberately delay for shame.

When Xu Fan thought this way in his heart, the scholar like people had already blossomed in his heart.

He did not expect that Xu Fan's cooperation was so perfect.

He could see that after listening to these words, Gou Dong was even more ugly.

He believed that as long as he added one more sentence. If the other party is not angry today, they have to faint.

"Yes, you are right." Thinking of this, he continued with Xu Fan's words and said, "I really think so."

Speaking of this, the scholar like man looks at Gou Dong.

"Speaking of it, I really want to thank this idiot Gou Dong for forming my plan." Directed at the direction of Gou Dong, he said sarcastically: "if it wasn't for Gou Dong, an idiot, who jumped over the wall in a hurry and took his idiot brother to come to join us."

"It's impossible for us to have the chance to get rid of a sky level senior."

"I will not own it. I will take away all the blood of the Gou family."

"It's impossible for the Gou family to resurrect, and they can't have a foothold in Aurora town any more."

At the end of the speech, the scholar like man raised his fan. As he fanned, he began to laugh.

In Gou Dong's heart, he felt extremely angry for the scholar like people and Xu Fan's previous irony.

Now the scholar like man has put all the blame on him.

Once again, the anger in his heart expanded as before.

His face is also from black to white, from white to blue.

Gradually, Gou Dong's anger and remorse climbed to the top.

Finally, there is no way to vent his self blame and anger in the heart of Gou Dong, angry.

A mouthful of blood was spit out by his "poof".

At this time, because of the soft dragon effect, Gou Dong's body is extremely weak.

This mouthful of blood exhausted Gou Dong's last strength.

As soon as he closed his eyes, his head tilted. In the middle of the sky stage, he was fainted by Qi.

On one side, Xu Fan, seeing the powerful man in the sky, was fainted by a word from a scholar like man.

He couldn't help shaking his head, and there was more emotion in his heart.

But he had to admit it. The last words of the scholar's appearance can be called a killer.

Not to mention Gou Dong, even though he was in that situation, he felt right and fainted.

Xu Fan and his family, who witnessed the scene of Gou Dong vomiting blood and fainting, are different from Xu Fan.

The family members, including Lao Miao, have been completely filled with smiles on their cheeks.

As the two overlords of the Gou family, there are contradictions between the axe family and the Gou family.

There are not many battles on weekdays. But there are so many frictions on weekdays.

But Gou Dong's strength, causes them in the friction and the battle, usually is in the defeat condition.

Now see Gou Dong was gas dizzy, ax family people, how can not feel excited.

Of course, while excited, they did not forget Xu Fan.

Although they hate goudong, they understand it. The most dangerous enemy is not Gou Dong in the middle of the sky stage.

It's Xu Fan, who has the highest rank in the sky and can't even survive a round.

Knowing this, after a short period of excitement, they looked at Xu Fan.

Xu Fan's previous words made him better than Gou Dong in the hearts of scholars.

This makes to see to gou Dong, that scholar appearance person, can't help saying: "to tell the truth, I really don't want to kill you."

For this kind of hypocrisy, Xu Fan's face, a touch of irony.

"Then don't kill it." He grinned, sarcastically.

For this kind of anger, scholar like people are not too angry.

"No way." He shook his head, stood up and said to Xu Fan, "who let you offend Fu Zhang? That's my eldest brother's only son."

"Besides, if we let you go, how can you let us go?"

After that, the scholar like people laugh at themselves and go to the direction of Xu Fan.

The scholar like people, toward their own direction, Xu Fan said: "can you promise me a request."

Scholar like people, did not stop their own pace. As he walked towards Xu Fan, he watched Xu Fan fall to the ground.

"What requirements? I can't let you go. " At the same time, such words came from his mouth.

"I want you three brothers to take my life together." As the voice fell, Xu Fan's response began to ring.

This kind of answer makes the scholar like people have a meal at their feet.

"Well?" A light surprise came from his mouth.