However, due to Xu Fan's actions, they are all carried out in a state of invisibility.

Therefore, no one knows what Xu fan is doing.

Naturally, no one can answer the doubts of these owners.

However, everyone knows that there is a person in the arena who must know the situation in the challenge arena.

So, everyone's eyes, have shifted to the direction of Xia Cang.

"Master, what's going on?" One of the Xia family members inquired curiously.

At this time, Xia Cang was frowning and looking at the challenge arena.

"This time, I don't know what that kid is doing." Hearing the inquiry, he shook his head and said uncertainly, "but according to my guess, he should have used some methods to weaken Feng Shaobin's strength."

"But it's really strange that there is no way to weaken people's strength." After answering the Xia family's questions, Xia Cang murmured with some doubts: "and this weakened strength is really too much."

After murmuring, Xia Cang also ignored the people around him. Instead, he put his eyes on the challenge arena again.

At this time, the people who heard Xia Cang's response also withdrew their eyes.

But compared with just now, everyone was shocked.

They did not expect that Xu fan used. It was a method that even the well-informed Xia Cang didn't know.

When people think like this, Xu Fan's blood stains are in five places. There have been four, destroyed by Feng Shaobin.

As for the rest, it is about to be destroyed by Feng Shaobin. If this blood smear location was destroyed by Feng Shaobin.

Then his position will also be discovered by Feng Shaobin. He will also be attacked directly by Feng Shaobin.

After all, the smell of blood in these places was buried in the soil. The wound on his arm will be the most bloody place in the whole challenge arena.

However, knowing this, Xu Fan's face has not changed at all.

After breaking through the bloodstain, there is only one place left. But there is only one point left for the thirteen needles of Guimen.

He took a slow breath and then rushed to Feng Shaobin's direction.

Under the promotion of shenxingfu, almost instantly, he rushed to Feng Shaobin.

But just as he raised his right arm, he was ready as before. When making silver needles with fingers to poke Feng Shaobin's acupoints.

Feng Shaobin, who had been looking at the last blood spot, suddenly turned away from his head and looked in his direction.

Suddenly turned eyes, so that Xu Fan the whole person, are Leng in situ.

He understood that his purpose of smearing blood had been discovered by the other party.

When he thought so, Feng Shaobin gave a faint smile and said to Xu Fan, "you lost."

As he spoke, he raised his arms. Toward the chest, is to hold up.

This seemingly ordinary embrace, but it contains enormous power. If you hold Xu Fan in your arms, Xu Fan will be squeezed flat.

At this time, Xu Fan has been awakened from the stupor.

Aware of this, he just hesitated and made a decision.

He didn't hide, but he raised his index finger. Toward Feng Shaobin's chest, stab the last acupoint.

As a strong man of heaven rank, Feng Shaobin naturally felt the sharp breath of piercing to his chest.

Knowing the power of this stab, he hastened to speed up. Toward Xu Fan, who is not far from his chest, he hugs him.

However, the distance that Xu Fan attacked was closer after all.

Without waiting for Feng Shaobin's arms, he rushed to him. His index finger was punctured to Feng Shaobin's acupoint.

In a flash, the infinite internal force is transferred to Xu Fan's index finger, and is transferred to Feng Shaobin's acupoints as if he didn't need money.

Immediately, Feng Shaobin felt as if he had been hit by thunder, and his whole body trembled fiercely.

And then, the breath that he grew. In a very obvious way, it retreated like a tide.

When I realized that my strength had been reduced completely, I didn't leave a trace behind.

Feng Shaobin, as a whole, was just like a wood carving, stunned in the same place.

He didn't think of it at all. He could only reduce his strength. Even at the last moment, let all the power of self promotion disappear.

It's usually only in a few seconds that the competition between experts is decided.

What's more, Xu Fan created this opportunity from the beginning.

Therefore, Feng Shaobin was stunned to see him. He immediately seized the opportunity and reactivated the attack.

He squatted down and swept the hall cleanly. Will stand Lengshen Feng Shaobin, direct sweep over.

And before Feng Shaobin fell to the ground, he turned over and kicked him in the abdomen.

Feng Shaobin was in a state of stupefaction and was caught off guard by a stroke of sweeping his legs.

The first reaction is to pat your right hand to the ground and use the reaction force of the ground to make yourself stand up again.

Therefore, he has no time to deal with this side kick.

This makes him understand that he has lost after seeing this side kick.

Realizing this, Feng Shaobin shook his head and put his hand on his abdomen.

At the moment when he blocked his abdomen with his hand, Xu Fan's side kick also arrived as scheduled.

Immediately, Feng Shaobin's body flew out.

Strong inertia, until outside the arena, only gradually reduced.

Feng Shaobin himself, however, was two or three meters out of the challenge arena. Just turned over a foot, stopped oneself side fly of body.

Stopping his body, he followed the smell of blood and looked to a place in the challenge arena.

A moment later, there was a touch of bitterness on the corner of his mouth.

He did not expect that, in his opinion, the first World War, which he was sure to win, would lose.

However, he also understood. If you lose, you lose. There's no excuse.

So, he directed the direction of the challenge arena, light said: "I lost."

All the people around the challenge arena were stunned by this sound.

"Feng Shao lost?"

"How can it be? How can Feng Shao lose?"

"Yes, Mingming has been pressing Xu Fan since the beginning. How can he lose?"

After a short period of stupefaction, an incredible voice. From the young people around the challenge arena, it came out.

In the voice of public discussion, Xu Fan on the challenge arena relieved his invisibility.

Soon, with rags tied to the arm wound, he appeared in front of the crowd.

"You're strong." Feng Shaobin saw Xu Fan appear, pointed out a thumb in the direction of Xu Fan, followed Xu Fan said: "lose to you, it is not too much failure."

In Feng Shaobin's opinion, what he said was not polite.

Because he never thought that in the early days of Tianjie, he could compete with Tianjie senior.

He didn't even think that an early stage of Tianjie could defeat Tianjie senior.