After a quick dinner, Xu Fann locked himself in his room.

He took out the entire Storage Ring's Grand White Talisman and held it in his hands, and started to read it with rapt attention.

If it was before, when Xu Fann saw Taibai Jinhsing's thick glyph book, he would definitely be confused.

However, after consuming the Spirit Opening Powder and flipping through Taibai Jinhsing's paper talisman, he felt that it wasn't strange at all.

The more he flipped, the more excited Xu Fann became!

It was completely different from those deceptive talismans nowadays. The talismans recorded in Taibai Jinhsing's notebook all had some sort of special effect.

Celestial Power Talisman s could increase their strength by three times, and the perspective talisman could gain the ability to see through things in a short period of time. Invisible Talisman s could hide their bodies for a short period of time and the fire sword talisman could summon a fire sword that was in a short period of time! Lightning talismans could obtain the power of thunder and lightning!

All sorts of talismans had miraculous effects! Xu Fann was overwhelmed by what he saw!

Under the urge of intense curiosity, Xu Fann quickly recorded the method of making these Glyphs into his mind.

At the same time, a problem appeared in Xu Fann's head.

These talismans were indeed powerful, but at the same time, they were extremely particular during the refining process.

Firstly, the ingredients were precious, and secondly, the refining technique required was extremely high. Xu Fann reckoned that with his first brother's method, he would probably only succeed once out of ten of the simplest Celestial Power Talisman …

Xu Fann took a deep breath and suddenly thought of something.

How can you become stronger without charging money?

The cultivation of this talisman technique would probably require a large amount of money.

Xu Fann heaved a sigh of relief. Luckily, he still had a lot of money on him. No matter what, he had to give it a try.

There's always a first time, isn't there?

The next day, Xu Fann got up early from his bed and hurried to the back of the mountain.

Xu Fann shook his head. He was afraid that he would have to wait until tomorrow to have the time to plant these fruit trees.

After picking the ripe wild peach from the wild mountain peach tree, Xu Fann carried it to the tricycle and prepared to set off for the county city.

"Xiuxiu, get in the car."

There were many things that needed to be taken care of during this trip to the county.

Firstly, it was to deliver the goods to the customers who had ordered the wild peach. Secondly, it was to purchase the materials needed to refine the talisman. Thirdly, it was to purchase some things for his family.

Now that he was rich, he should let his family enjoy it.

Of course, the most important thing was to buy a few phones so that the deities in the Heavenly Court could study them.

Xiuxiu had been bored after staying at home for the past few days. Now that they met, Xu Fann yelled at her to go to the county town and get on the car without a word.

They rode the tricycle quickly through the rough dirt road and entered the county town.

"Xiuxiu, I'll go deliver some goods to someone else and give you some money. Go buy something for your parents and yourself."

Besides delivering the goods to the customers later, Xu Fann also needed to buy some materials to make the charms. It was not convenient for him to let his sister know, so he might as well just let her buy the things for him to save some time so that he could go home earlier.

"Mhmm, alright, brother, just leave it to me."

Liu Xiuxiu had been a student at a high school in the county, so she was very familiar with the county.

However, after seeing Xu Fann give her the money, the little girl instantly became dumbfounded.

"Ah?" "Bro, there's so many …"

Xu Fann stuffed a thick stack of money into her hands. It was almost 20,000 yuan!

After all, Liu Xiuxiu thought she would at most give herself a thousand yuan …

"Big brother, this is too much …"

Liu Xiuxiu, who had never lived over three hundred yuan a month, was not used to having such a large amount of money.

Xu Fann didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he rolled his eyes at her. He pinched her nose and smiled, "Silly girl, isn't this brother here to spend money for you? Still think it's too little? You have to spend all of it for me! "

In the future, after he expanded the scale of fruit trees, the amount of money he could earn in a day would be around this amount.

To let his family live a good life, what did spending this little bit of money count for?

"Then, then alright. Bro, I'll try my best. If I can't spend all of it, don't you dare scold her …"

Liu Xiuxiu pouted. When she thought back to school, she was envious of the luxury goods and beautiful clothes that other girls in her class could buy, and now had a general direction.

"Good boy, I'm going to work."

After Xu Fann made an agreement with Liu Xiuxiu about where they would meet up, he drove the tricycle towards the customer's address that was recorded in his mind.

It was only the second day, and it was still so early in the morning, but Xu Fann had already brought the order to his door, surprising all the customers that ordered the peaches.

Many customers were moved by Xu Fann's honesty and immediately booked the next batch.

This also made Xu Fann feel gratified. He believed that if he persisted on, there would be a chance for him to surpass the dragon clan!

After spending almost an hour, Xu Fann drove three rounds around the county, and finally, all the wild peaches in the trunk were delivered to the subscriber.

After finishing his work, Xu Fann asked around for the location and then headed to the wholesale market in the county.

Wholesale markets took up an entire street, selling a wide variety of goods, such as red and white wedding supplies, incense candles, yellow paper, cinnabar pens, etc.

Xu Fann planned to refine the Celestial Power Talisman, which was recorded in Taibai Jinhsing's notes. Currently, he could refine the simplest talisman, so refining it did not need too complicated of materials. Relatively speaking, the success rate was also much higher than other talismans.

Xu Fann knew his own limits. First, he would use the Celestial Power Talisman to practice his hand techniques. Then, he would wait for the talisman refinement technique to become proficient. Only then would he be able to try out other talismans.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of money.

Running around a few incense shop, Xu Fann bought a large number of yellow paper cinnabar and a fine cinnabar pen.

What he bought was the best materials that could be bought at this wholesale market. He could sharpen his knife without sharpening the wood cutting equipment, and he believed that when the time came, these preparations would allow him to increase his success rate by a lot when refining Celestial Power Talisman.

After exiting the shop, Xu Fann put the materials into the Storage Ring, then drove the tricycle towards the rendezvous point that he and his sister had discussed beforehand.

Liu Xiuxiu had been waiting for him here for a long time.

Xu Fann stopped the tricycle and looked at the girl.

Liu Xiuxiu was carrying a few shopping bags, but most of them were for her father …

Suddenly having so much money on hand, the little girl didn't know how to spend it …

Liu Xiuxiu pursed her lips and muttered, "Brother, there's too much money, I don't know how to spend it …"

Xu Fann shook his head, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Naturally, he couldn't blame her.

"Silly girl."

Xu Fann patted Xiuxiu's small head and said, "Come, come with me to buy something."

At this time, the matter was almost done. There was only one thing left to do.

Buy a phone for a deity in the Heavenly Court.