The conch on Luo Qian's waist rang, and the old roughneck called to tell him that three materials had been identified. When Luo Qian was on his way to the cave, the Western divine world also sent messages through the transmission array. Western alchemists cracked the two materials. Luo Qian was overjoyed. He spent some time buying up these five materials in the fairyland and the divine world. With these, Luo's semicolon in the holy world could be set up. Although we only sell five kinds of materials, they are much cheaper than other places.

However, the rent of the semicolon has not yet been settled. Luo Qian sneaks into the imperial prison and sneaks into the lower boundary. Luo Qian is wandering in the furniture market. In addition to those post-modernism office furniture, there are also some classical Chinese furniture that are very popular in the market. Each piece of mahogany furniture, which is said to have collection value, is exorbitant, which makes Luo Qian shake his head. But some imitation mahogany Chinese furniture, and South Asian style furniture, it is possible to consider.

There was a famous business case: a man went to a desert country in Africa to sell shoes. When he came to this country, he found that people in this country did not wear shoes at all. So he went back and thought there was no market. However, another salesman studied the local customs and put forward shoes matching the local customs and customs, which were very popular.

Although the people of the holy world now like the dark color panel furniture, it does not mean that they will not accept the new style of home. It is profitable to smuggle panel furniture from the lower boundary, but this kind of furniture has no monopoly after all. However, if the smuggling of other styles of furniture, it is likely to form a high-end monopoly market.

Luo Qian visited the whole furniture market, and finally decided that in addition to panel furniture, there were three main types of furniture in the market: classical Chinese style, European style and chic South Asia style. Each of them purchased 10 sets of furniture to test the acceptance ability of provincial market. This is the first sample source. Luoqian knows the importance of quality, so they choose the best brands. Each set of furniture costs tens of thousands of yuan. Luoqian is very painful to spend.

His bank card was given by Chen baozi. After spending Chen baozi's money, Luo Qian remembered that he had such an agent in the lower bound. The last time he didn't come in time, the agent was about to be killed by a power from another world. You have to worry about it. He decided not to move. After all, Chen baozi is here, and he never has to worry about money.

Chen baozi still lives in that building. Luo Qian's life is miserable. When he goes downstairs for elevator maintenance, there are 36 floors in the building. Chen baozi is in the center of the building. From the 18th to the 20th floor, Luo Qian wants to fly directly. But his performance in the daytime is a bit shocking. Luo Qian doesn't want to be treated as a UFO, so he has to climb the building with a sad face. Luo's family is in the fairyland. There are carriages waiting for him to go in and out of the fairyland. Climbing over 20 floors will not make him panting like a pug, but he is definitely not enjoying it.

When Luo Qian climbed to the tenth floor, he suddenly woke up: how could I be so stupid? I have Chen baozi's mobile phone number. Find a public phone and call him down! Is it up or down? Luo Qian struggled in his heart and decided to let Chen baozi down.

Luo Qian made a phone call, Chen baozi received his call, and quickly made an appointment with Luo Qian to meet in the community. After receiving Luo Qian's call, Chen baozi's frown was stretched out, and he was relieved: Fortunately, the boss always arrived in time. I didn't expect the phone rang again. It was Luo Qian. "What else, boss?" There is no choice but to ask for your voice at the entrance of the convenience store Chen baozi was stunned: "what's the matter?" "I used a public phone and didn't have change to pay for it." Chen baozi:

Luo Qian has a bank to open, but he has to pay a few cents for a public phone. This is a very cold sweat. What's more, the small convenience store doesn't have a boss machine at all.

Knowing the embarrassment of being detained for a few cents, Chen baozi ran down the stairs panting and redeemed Luo Qian from the convenience store with a small change

Luo Qian couldn't laugh or cry, and Chen baozi endured very hard. Luo Qian said, "I know you want to laugh, but I warn you not to laugh!" Chen baozi didn't dare to laugh. His face turned red. Luo Qian saw a group of bodyguards behind him and asked curiously, "why, what happened again?"

"It's really a good time for you to come. It's the same guy you were last time. He's back again." Chen baozi said. Luo Qian a Leng: "I understand, he is looking for me." Chen baozi thought about it for a moment, and got the job: the guy came back half a month ago, harassing Chen Baozi and injuring dozens of his employees, but he didn't hurt himself. Obviously, he was waiting for Luo Qian to appear. Luo Qian said: "you temporarily move out, no one to stay, I wait for him alone."

Chen baozi had great confidence in Luo Qian: "OK, I'll do it right now. What else can I do for you Luo Qian thought for a moment: "you can find a way to collect some creative furniture for me." People in the holy world are interested in things that can inspire their thinking, so a magic cube is also priceless. In this case, the creative furniture that Luo Qian often saw on the Internet when he was in the lower bound should also be able to inspire them. Furniture is a kind of luxury in the holy world. With the added value of "creativity", I'm afraid it will be sold at a high price!Chen baozi always did not ask much about all his orders to Luo Qian. Even if he felt strange, he never did much. He took his men to go: "you can rest assured that the next time you come, you will be satisfied."

Chen baozi moved quickly. He said that the accompaniment would be removed. He climbed upstairs again panting. He packed a box and left the building with his wife. He stayed in the hotel for the time being.

Luo Qian strolled below for a while. After the elevator was repaired, he went upstairs.

Luo Qian felt that he was a half saint, and he always had to have the bearing of some outsider. Luo Qian arranged the furniture of Chen baozi's house according to the direction of Xianzhen. There was a space left in the middle. He pulled a soft carpet and sat on it. With the left leg outside and the right leg inside, sit cross legged, and look up to the sky. Hold yuan Shou Zhong, meditate and wait.

Sure enough, at night, a cold wind came. Luo Qian opened his eyes and laughed: "here it is." A black shadow of a human figure is projected on the ground. The shadow is close to the ground, like a piece of paper. Chaoluoqian approaches cautiously. "You finally show up." The voice of the shadow was hoarse, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman. Luo Qian relaxed his body and said, "in fact, I really want to talk to you. Are you the living creature of that world?"

The shadow hissed like a snake: "it has nothing to do with you." "Are you here to avenge me?" "Not bad!" Luo Qian looked at him sympathetically: "why do you hit the stone with an egg? Why don't we just sit down and have a chat. You're stuck in this low-level world and you're having a bad time. " It's needless to say, Shengsheng has been knocked down one level. If anyone can have a good time, it's heartless.

"You tell me you come from that world, and maybe I can help you." Luo Qian began to seduce. Another meaning of this sentence is "maybe Oh", but maybe, I didn't say that I could help you. As for whether I can help you or not, it depends on whether your utilization value is enough.

However, Luo Qian's words obviously played a role. The guy hesitated for a moment: "you are also a person from a high-level world. Maybe you can really help me." The paper black shadow rose from the ground, then inflated like an inflatable doll, and soon turned into a strange creature with dark blue skin and frog like eyes. He had webbed palms and feet and two ant like tentacles on his head.

"I'm from the world of daga. I don't know if you've heard of it. I've been in this world for three years, and I know something about it. According to my guess, the world of Dhaka should belong to the same level as the fairyland spread here. " Luo Qian frowned: but on the level of fairyland, there are only four realms, and these four realms have already been there. There is no frog like creature.

However, on second thought, he was relieved: many sages in the holy world did not all rise from these four realms. It must be that there are places similar to fairyland in some parallel spaces. And this "frog man" is from one of the world.

"I haven't heard of it, but I can go to a higher level world and ask about it." Luo Qian is very niub said. Sure enough, when this sentence was said, Mr. Frog man was awed: "no wonder I can't see through your strength. It turns out that you come from two levels of the world, the high place!" It seems that the strong are always respected wherever they are.

"But why did you come to such a hierarchical world?" Asked Mr. Frog man, puzzled. Luo Qian immediately said, "don't think I am driven down like you. I can go in and out of all levels of the world freely." At this time, Mr. Frog man admired him more: free access to all levels of the world, that is not the ordinary strong can do things, it is the top of the strong ah! The frog man's eyes were full of dark blue tears. He suddenly jumped at Luo Qian's feet and cried bitterly: "the LORD God aurora can do anything! I finally see the hope of going home, Wuwuwuwu... "

(sorry for the delay in watching the game. But today, the six thousand word sect has been completed. Are you going to give some monthly tickets as a reward? Ha ha)

(in addition, a new book of high-rise buildings, which looks like a master in the alien world, is highly recommended. An idea you can't imagine. Gao Lou Da is also an old writer with profound skills. We will not regret it. Shi San thinks that all the books recommended recently should be pretty good, at least it will make everyone look very happy...) (to be continued, please visit , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!