Every time he quoted a price, Luo Qian's heart jumped, because every time he quoted a price, he would increase the income of the first-class Xianyu by 500000 yuan. After 20 million high-quality jade, continue to look. Ling Xiaose did not sleep all night, fighting to see in the fun, suddenly disappeared! The homestead man's heart was like a cat scratching a mouse. He ran to the outside of luoqian's Jueshan cave overnight. When Luo Qian was not there, he had been waiting outside. In my heart, I was still guessing the plot of the story.


"So it is." Luo Qian was dumbfounded, blaming himself for "judging people by their appearance". However, if you pirate, you will pirate. Why do you have to make such a pornographic cover? It's not my fault. Luo Qian found an excuse for his impurity.

"Brother Luo, please." Ling Xiaose from the arms of dozens of top grade jade, carefully handed over. This is about the private money he has saved for months.

Where can these little money Luo Qian look good? But Ling Xiaose is obsessed with this kind of novel, to let him in front of a golden light, and see a way to make money!

"Ling Shao, put it away. It's just a favor for you. Although the process is dangerous, the task is difficult and the action is difficult, you can rest assured that I will not let you down." When he said this, Ling Xiaose was even more embarrassed. He repeatedly said, "brother Luo, you'd better take it. I can't rest in my heart..." Luo Qian giggled: "Ling Shao, why don't you transfer the content of the book to jade board, and let more people see such a good book?" Ling Xiaose's eyes brightened: "brother Luo is selfless. You're right. During this period of your lower bound, I'll immediately turn on several copies and distribute them to the people around you."

This is called market trial. Let's see how wide the audience is.

Luo Qian sent Ling Xiaose away and went back to the cave. He thought carefully: if this business can be done, he might as well open a Roche bookstore.

He took a breath of the spirit of the immortal and pressed it toward his internal organs. With a dull sound, Luo Qian left the fairyland again.


The small pirated book seller at the gate of the community has never appeared again. In order to avoid the attack, these people usually shoot one shot and change places. Luo Qian waited all night, but the tricycle didn't show up, so he went to the street to look for it.

The next day was a Sunday. The streets were very busy. Luo Qian looked for places that were not very prosperous and not very lonely. According to his judgment, these people wanted to sell pirated goods and evade the attack. This is the most suitable place.

After a long time, I got nothing. He couldn't help being a little discouraged. Casually turn into a street, did not notice this small street, young students more.

The original street has a humble school gate: so and so university. Luo Qian glanced at it and didn't pay much attention. At this time, a few tricycles into the campus grandly - behind the car, neat code pile of books.

Luo Qian didn't expect that the place where China's intellectual property was most abundant was also the place where piracy was rampant. As soon as his eyes lit up, he dived in.

Although he found the "base area" of piracy, he was disappointed in the result. He found a similar book, but he couldn't find the traditional version. In mainland China, it is not easy to find a traditional Chinese edition.

He was so annoyed that he threw the book down: "how come they are all simplified versions!" One side of a student wearing glasses looked at the book in his hand, and he said with a smile: "who is still holding the book to read, they are looking for it on the Internet. If you want the traditional Chinese version, the starting point is the traditional version. "

Luo Qian's eyes brightened: "where?"

(to be continued, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! )

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