"Brother Luo is here. Please have a seat." In the room, Ling Xiaose's cousin is drinking a cup of hot tea, contented. Seeing Luo Qian come in, he said politely. Luo Qian secretly said in his heart: how does it seem that he is the master here. He has dealt with many people and knows that this is the so-called "superior" habit. He always deliberately wants to make an open-minded attitude, so that you don't feel unfamiliar, but always have some distance with you.

"Ha ha, I don't know if this fairy is satisfied with my goods?" Qian Luo has nothing to say. The mysterious cousin nodded: "very good. I didn't expect such a good thing in the lower world." He has always covered his face and kept his mystery. He didn't want to be seen through his identity. Even when he was drinking tea, he just raised a corner and showed his mouth.

"Brother Luo, did you get all these things yourself?" Asked the mysterious cousin. Luo Qian took a look at Ling Xiaose. Ling zhainan knew his own affairs clearly. He must have told his cousin. Luo Qian simply admitted: "yes, the risk is great, so the price is not low." Cousin light way: "but also not high where to go."

Luo Qian's heart suddenly jumped: a hundred top-grade fairy jade, not expensive! He couldn't help but take a serious look at the rich and young, and wondered in his heart: what is his identity?

"You don't have to guess, you are a businessman, I am a buyer, you and I only see money and goods, not in the identity of each other." It seems to see Luo Qian's mind, said the mysterious cousin.

Luo Qian nodded and bowed. My cousin said, "I'm not hiding it. This time I'm going to look for brother Luo with my cousin. I really have something to trust. I'll ask you a lot." Luo Qian raised his head. His mysterious cousin tilted his head slightly. Ling Xiaose took out a fairy jade and gently touched it. A spirit of fairyland penetrated into it. A piece of light and shadow was superimposed on the jade and cast into the air to form a three-dimensional projection.

Luo Qian was shocked. Judging from Ling Xiaose's obedience to this cousin, the identity of his mysterious cousin is not just a relative. Otherwise, as a member of Ling Xiaose's family, how could he be at his command like a servant?

"Brother Luo, brother Luo?" The mysterious cousin saw that he was a little absent-minded and called out. Luo Qian even said, "ah, what's the matter?" Mysterious cousin pointed to the projection: "brother Luo, please see." In the projection, it is a white red jade pendant with double patterns of dragon and Phoenix, which is exquisite in carving. Dragon's eye and Phoenix's eye are just two protuberances, with a little blood red inside, which is really the finishing point. The blood red of this protuberance makes people feel that the carving is lifelike, and the dragon and Phoenix are ready to break through the wall! It can be seen from the projection that the jade is warm and moist, which is really a top-grade work.

But Luo qian can see at a glance: This is not the thing of fairyland. There are essential differences between the fairyland jade and the lower fairyland jade, which can be seen at a glance.

"This is what brother Luo was entrusted with." The mysterious cousin said: "I think brother Luo has seen it. This article is a common thing. I want to ask brother Luo to come and get it back for me." Luo Qian frowned, for: "this xianshao, it's not that I don't help you. You are Ling Shao's cousin. I will not frown at this point, even if I walk ten times in the lower bound. However, there is a vast world of people. Where do you want me to find such a small jade pendant?"

Although the words are good to hear, but if you don't look at the score of 120 top-grade fairy jade, the ghost will take a walk for him.

Mysterious cousin said: "brother Luo, don't worry about this. I know where this thing is stored."


"Ha ha We are rich After seeing Ling Xiaose off, Du Ning hugged Luo Qian excitedly and said generously, "go, I'll invite you to see the rock tower."

Guanyan roof, the best view of a tea house elegant room, almost become Du condensation dedicated. With light tea and simple snacks, Du dasheao drove away the villains in the teahouse. He closed the door, palmed his hand, and in his sleeve, a novel notebook computer appeared.

Luo Qian was startled and said, "Du Shao, what are you doing here? It's not safe here!" Du Ning waved her hand: "don't worry, no one dares to break in without my permission..." The video of the award ceremony that Luo Qian took the last time for him has been copied into the computer. At this time, she came out and looked at it. She regretted: "well, if I can spend the night with her, I will do anything I want."

Fairies in fairyland are not necessarily more beautiful than women in lower realms. Those who rely on the acquired cultivation to change the appearance, the decoration trace of knife and chisel is too obvious. Beauty is certainly beautiful, and lacks a charm. In the legend, there are some fairies that are not fireworks in the world. For example, Li Feng fairy, which Du Ning and Lei Ming once secretly fell in love with each other, is only a pity that the beauty of that series, even Du Ning, has no chance to get married.

In recent days, Du Ning has always watched the video of the awards in front of Luo Qian over and over again. Why doesn't Luo Qian understand his mind? Seeing that his good brother was possessed by the devil, Luo Qian left the piece of bad dim sum in his hand, and sighed: "Lao Du, you'd better give up this idea. My ability, can only own lower bound, if take a person, I'm afraid I don't know how to die. Moreover, you are now cooperating with me. At most, you are selling some things from the lower bound. If you are caught, you will be locked up for hundreds of years. However, if you do, it will be a big crime to lose your head - brother, I can't harm you. "Du Leng listened to him earnestly, but also a burst of dejected, patted his shoulder: "I certainly understand that you are good for me, but Alas, the immortal also has the immortal's distress... " Luo Qian said: "Du Shao, I'm surprised. As you are, there should be many fairies around you, but not one of them is in the eye?" Du Ning smiles bitterly and shakes her head: "it's easy to say, you can't look up to what you like, and you can't look up to you - this love poison rule is applicable in that world."

Luo Qian shook his head.

After returning from ningyao mountain, Luo Qian began to think about what he should do next. The auction of massage chairs yielded more than 100 top-grade jades in one fell swoop, which is a huge wealth of more than 100 million standard fairy jade. Even if it is put in the fairyland, it can make many people envious. Do you want to follow Xiao Xiangzi's model, buy a piece of land in ningyao mountain, and open a medicine shop to sell the precious pills refined by rice cookers.

Although the level of Baodan is not high, but the number is huge. As long as you keep the price down, business will be good.

Luo Qian thought for a while and thought that the plan was feasible. He hit Du Ning again. He opened a medicine shop in ningyao mountain. The bully of ningyao mountain should give himself a discount. Maybe he could save money by buying land.

However, it is not so simple to open a shop in the fairyland. There is also a special commercial management organization "lirenyuan", which is responsible for the businessmen in charge of the fairyland. The merchants were only interested in profit, so the management organization was called lirenyuan. There were four levels of "hall, Tai, yuan and Jian" in the fairyland. The level of lirenyuan was one level higher than that of the imperial court, which shows the great power of the court.

If you want to open a pharmacy, you should first submit an application to the Li people's Hospital, report your total assets, that is, the "registered capital" of the lower boundary, and then conduct a series of certification and tax declaration. In a word, the procedures are complicated.

In addition, even if the land does not cost money, the transmission array will always cost money, and the signboard cloth banner will always cost money. Neither Luo Qian nor Du Ning can keep watch in the medicine shop. If someone is hired to look at the shop, they will have to talk with Xianyu.

Luo Qian shook his head and thought roughly that there were so many troubles. He had better go down to the boundary and get back the jade pendant that the mysterious cousin wanted. This jade pendant was offered by a mysterious cousin for 100 pieces of top-grade fairy jade, which was about the same as his auction of massage chair. However, Luo Qian had to travel seven or eight times to move the massage chair from the human world to the fairyland. This small jade pendant only needs one trip. The money is easy to make.

With a muffled sound like opening champagne, Luo Qian successfully landed on the top floor of a building. Seeing that there was no one around, Luo Qian, who was guilty of immortality, slipped down quickly.

Below the building, it happens to be a large chain fast food restaurant. Large posters publicize their new product stewed rice. Coarse grains and fine grains are mixed together and cooked together. Some green beans, vegetables, carrots and other things are added in it. It looks delicious and makes people salivate. Luo Qian glanced at it, and suddenly his heart moved: if you put yuyingmi, Yunying rice, and Canghai millet into a pot and stew them, I don't know what kind of pills will appear?

Luo Qian thought all the way. He made up his mind. This time he went back and began to experiment.

The address given by the mysterious cousin is in an unknown hill in the human world. It's a long way from where he landed. Luo Qian calculated, from here to the mountain, just pass by his stronghold X city, simply go back to have a look.

There are dozens of batteries on his body. Xiao Xiangzi's power boxes have not been made yet. Many of luoqian's customers rely on these batteries for power supply. By the way, I'm going back to recharge.

Just arrived at the gate of his stronghold, he was stopped by the aunt who collected water and electricity charges: "Xiao Luo, don't run..." Luo Qian looked at the short and fat woman who was standing in front of him and said with a bitter smile, "what can I do for you? Doesn't it seem that the water and electricity bill is due yet? " "Xiao Luo, you are honest with Auntie. Are you looking for a girlfriend?" she asked enthusiastically

Luo Qian is stunned. It seems that new China's community aunts are very keen on this career. Luo Qian has a bad premonition: she doesn't want to introduce her girlfriend. If she denies it, she will introduce a girl to herself. For once and for all, Luo Qian gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and admitted: "yes."

"Ha ha..." "I said, that girl has come to you several times." The aunt nodded with satisfaction: "OK, Xiao Luo, I can't see. You are usually so simple and quiet. You can still find such a beautiful girlfriend. That girl, I think it's OK!"

Luo Qian depressed: I usually? Am I usually in the human world?

After two dry laughs, Luo Qian escaped from her mother's clutches and returned to his stronghold. However, Luo Qian was puzzled: did a girl come to me? I don't know a few female animals in fairyland, especially in human world. Is it Luo Qian's heart suddenly moved, a hazy and beautiful shadow floated in his heart. His heart was hot and his eyes were moist. But the impulse lasted less than half a second, and he quickly rejected it. It was impossible. It would not be her. How could she find me, not to mention her

"Oh, little girl, you're here again. It's just that Xiao Luo is back..." Luo Qian, who was leaning on the door, just heard the voice of the aunt outside. Almost at the same time, he knocked on the door.Luo Qian, full of doubts, calmed his mind, took a deep breath and opened the door.

Outside the door stood a beautiful girl, some familiar to him, but he could not overlap with the beautiful shadow in his heart.

"You are..." Luo Qian is a little confused. The girl is dressed up in a fresh white T-shirt, retro jeans, a black hair tied into a ponytail, and beautiful. Even if she is plain faced, she can't hide her natural beauty.

"Hello, I'm Pei Shifei. Maybe you are more familiar with me like this." The girl held up a magazine in her hand. On the poster on the front page, Pei Shifei was dressed as a woman warrior. Her eyebrows and eyes were like ice, and her cold knife could kill people.

"Thirty five, it's you!" Luo Qian was surprised: "but, but, how did you find me?" Pei Shifei didn't answer. He looked at Luo Qian with a rather playful look: this man is slovenly, bearded, and has a good taste in clothes. Unfortunately, those who live in this community should not be very rich. Why should he help himself in obscurity? The instinct formed from childhood, let Pei Shifei can't help but be vigilant.

"Well, I have my own way." The beauty smiles, slightly complacent and slants her head slightly. Looking at Luo Qian's eyes, there is a spark called wisdom.

Luo Qian doesn't care. He presses his elbow on the door frame, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, just in front of Pei Shifei, who is preparing to enter the house. The girl instinctively lowers her head and almost bumps into it.

"You The girl was a little angry. She puffed her cheeks and looked like a little lioness. Even Luo Qian couldn't help but feel a little nervous. When Pei Shifei appeared in front of Luo Qian for the first time, it was a picture, which gave people the feeling of coldness. Luo Qian still remembers the feeling of killing people with ice skates between their eyebrows and eyes.

When Luo Qian opened the door, he saw the girl standing in front of him for the first time. It gave him a refreshing feeling, just like drinking a glass of iced lemonade on a hot dog day. It's eye-catching and comfortable. There is no extra seasoning, the light taste is the most real.

When she refused to answer Luo Qian's question, there was a kind of narrowing and wisdom in her big eyes.

When Luo Qian refused to invite her in, the expression of a little lion was as cute as a child.

Luo Qian couldn't help being a little confused. How could such a girl blend all these qualities into one? The fairies in the fairyland are beautiful, but they are just like the ones printed in the same mold. They are more and more boring.

(watering happiness with saliva

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