Gambling on boats is not only his tool for collecting money, but also his capital. It's the key to his foothold in Shankou group. He doesn't want to lose it.

So let Wang Hao go like this? Lose more than two billion? one finished , all is finished? He was just as unwilling as before.

This method came out of his hard thinking. He absolutely and definitely didn't win Wang Hao's bet, so he gave up. What a pity!!

"How long will the Chinese patrol ship come?" asked matsumu

The security minister estimated the time and said, "less than 20 minutes."


Songmu Qinghui was relieved. Twenty minutes was enough for him to accomplish what he wanted.

Of course, it's not hard. No one will come to a good end.

If we can't force it, we can only take a step back.

Songshan Qinghui first a small compliment to situ Yu, said situ Yu skill, his men are not rivals.

Then, Songshan Qinghui said: "since the third childe is determined to intervene in today's matter, I can't help but give him face. How about we make concessions?"

"How can I retreat?" Situ Yu asked.

It's no good for anyone that a strong dragon does not oppress a local leader. It's the best way for Wendou to solve this problem.

Pointing to the chips in front of Wang Hao's desk, situ Yu said, "I admit that these chips belong to Mr. Wang, and I agree that Mr. Wang can bet on them, but the odds need to be changed."

"How much?"

"Five times!"

"As long as Mr. Wang is able to win, I'm willing to pay five times as much as he can," he said

Five times, that is, 11 billion yuan. There is still a lot of money, but Matsuyama Qinghui can get it.

"Brother, what do you think?" Situ Yu asked, he can't do this kind of thing.

In fact, as early as when he put forward the 100 times odds and asked Songshan Qinghui to take out the draft of Donghai bank, Wang Hao knew that the matter was probably yellow.

220 billion, what concept? Is this the cash that ordinary people can take out?

Let alone Matsuyama Qinghui, the richest man in Japan can't afford so much cash.

However, the Japanese plutocrats can.

Japan's chaebols rose in the last century. I don't know how much money they have made following Japan's expansion. Although the financial resources are not the top of Bluestar, they are definitely ranked by Bluestar. They are second only to the chaebols in the United States and the central mainland. Even those old chaebols in the Western Ocean are not as strong as them.

As for China, no one can match them.

That's why he just made such a request. At the same time, he also wanted to try Matsuyama's experience to see how much energy he has in Japan.

As a result, it is obvious that Matsuyama Qinghui is not the person in charge, or that his position is not enough for him to control the funds up to 220 billion Chinese dollars.

Of course, 11 billion is not enough, which is enough to prove that Matsuyama Qinghui plays an important role in a certain organization in Japan.

Refuse? Or promise?

There's no hesitation. No matter how small a mosquito's leg is, it's meat. What's more, with a huge fund of 11 billion yuan, you should know that the total amount of money on him is not 11 billion yuan, only more than 9 billion yuan.

Wang Hao nodded and said, "OK, just do as Mr. Songshan said, but I still want to see the bank draft first."

After a pause, Wang Hao added: "a bank draft worth 13.2 billion."


Songshan Qinghui nodded and arranged related matters. In less than five minutes, a draft of Donghai bank worth 13.2 billion was placed on the gambling table.

Songshan Qinghui said with a smile, "here's the money. Please bet with Mr. Wang."

Wang Hao took a look and knew that the draft was true. The bank paid at sight, and there was no problem.

Wang Hao was very excited about the huge fortune of 13.2 billion, and said excitedly, "do you still need to make a bet? I just guess the number of dice in the box

"It's OK, too!" Matsuyama recognized.

Wang Hao thought for a moment and said, "I guess there's only a little inside."


The onlooker was shocked and looked at Wang Hao in a daze.

one o'clock? How dare you guess? Can dice be shaken a little? The minimum is three!!

The gambler whispered, guessing why Wang Hao would dare to guess that there was only one point in it.

How stupid is Wang Hao? Wang Hao doesn't understand? Obviously, it's impossible. There must be a reason for Wang Hao's guess.

Soon, someone thought, they thought of a possibility, that is, the dice in the treasure box are overlapped, so the number of points is one.

If you want to put three dice together, and just a little bit up, the difficulty is not generally big, at least there is no possibility of machine shaking.

As for people, say so! The number of people who can shake out such points will never exceed five on the blue star.

It turns out that the Japanese may not be shaking, but cheating directly by hand.

The Japanese means are not insidious and cunning.

Matsuyama and the Japanese leader looked at each other. Can you guess? What about teasing them?

Matsuyama gave the Japanese leader a wink, then squeezed out a smile and said, "a little? Is this the number you guessed, Mr. Wang? "

"That's right!" Wang Hao nodded.

"Ha ha!"

"As we all know, the minimum number of dice is three, but Mr. Wang guesses an impossible number. Do you think it's possible?"

Wang Hao said with a smile, "is it possible? Open the treasure box and you will know."


Matsuyama ordered, "uncover the treasure box."

The person in charge of Japan stepped forward quickly and couldn't wait to uncover the treasure box, but at this time, Wang Hao stopped him and said, "wait a minute!"

Songshan Qinghui said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wang, what else

Wang Hao said: "I don't trust him to uncover the treasure box. It's better for other people who have nothing to do with the gambling."

Matsuyama said with a sneer, "it's ridiculous. It's the business of the dealer to uncover the treasure cover. How can it be done by others?"

"Mr. Koizumi, don't listen to him, uncover it!"


The person in charge of Japan does not hesitate. He puts his hand on the treasure box, which seems to be uncovering the cover. However, Wang Hao knows that this person is playing tricks and wants to break up the overlapping dice.

This is not difficult, as long as you gently use a little strength, the overlapping dice will inevitably spread, and the worst dice will fall down.

Enough, as long as there is a dice separated, the number of points will never be one, Wang Hao will be defeated.

In fact, not only Wang Hao, but many people have thought of this possibility. Otherwise, Songshan Qinghui would not even want the most basic notarization. He said that it is the business of the dealer to uncover the Baogai, and he can't leave it to others.

Will the open-minded people be afraid of this? Only those with a bad heart will be afraid of this.

However, it's in other people's territory. It's other people who set the rules. Naturally, it's what other people say.

Some people sigh.

Judging from the performance of the Japanese, they think Wang Hao may have guessed right, but they can't stand it. The Japanese are so shameless that they can only lose in the end.

Ten bets and nine swindles are the best.

Unfortunately, the Japanese should not have met Wang Hao. In the face of this situation, Wang Hao made a quick response.