Chapter 70: Melam Status (3)

Name:Immanent Ascension Author:
Chapter 70: Melam Status (3)

An hour later, they lay together in the tent, their clothes thrown off to the side somewhere. She nestled against him, her face buried against his neck, her hair spilled out over his chest. He held her with one arm.

I can hear your heart beating, she whispered, running a finger round his belly button.

That tickles, he said. Smiling, he reached down to push her hand away.

She smacked his hand away and kept circling his belly button. She kissed his neck. When we get back to Sin-Amuhhu, lets get an apartment.


I heard a rumor. Once were back, and we get paid, its going to be something like two or three hundred shekels. If you and I pool our money, we could afford it.

He thought about it. He and Katayoun, getting a tiny apartment somewhere in Sin-Amuhhu. Living together. Maybe they could have a vegetable garden. Sure. Lets do it.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

They whispered into the night. For a short time, they forgot about everything outside the tent. The monsters and the death.

They were happy.

It didnt go unnoticed that Xerxes and Katayoun emerged from the same tent in the morning. They werent the only ones. Ningal and Atra-Hasis had spent the night in each others arms.

Nobody said anything.

Xerxes couldnt keep hold of his bliss upon waking and seeing all the dried blood and grim faces around him. Morale was at rock-bottom. Their mission had been described as an overland journey and an escort job. Instead, it was turning into a death sentence.

But after the previous night, at least Xerxes wasnt hovering on the brink of despair.

As promised, Gandash pushed them to their limits.

He had Dasi shapeshift into the form of an eagle and fly high into the sky to keep an eye on the surrounding terrain.

But that didnt mean he wasnt paying attention to the conversation. Jad wasnt letting go of his anger over Enusats death. Every chance he got, he complained about Gandash or tried to subvert his authority.

For the time being, the other mages he shared his resentment with did little more than grunts and nods.

Gandash still commanded respect and authority, despite the low morale and disastrous night battles.

They were on the move again, rushing toward what the map indicated was the first and only town they would pass through on the way to Puabi.

As they trudged through the final league, a meteor shower started. At first, it wasnt as dramatic as the previous massive meteor shower. There were only a few scattered streaks of light visible through the clouds and rain. Until the massive ball of burning fire appeared.

As soon as Xerxes saw it, his heart sank. Everyone craned their necks as the huge falling meteor rumbled overhead, then disappeared beyond their field of view. Moments later, a distant thumping sound echoed out, followed by a cloud of dust rising into the air.

Dasi! Gandash shouted.

She didnt need him to explain the orders. She shapeshifted and flew in the direction of the meteor.

The rain started to fall in earnest then, a steady stream that caused pools of muddy water to build up everywhere.

Meanwhile, the company formed ranks. Dasi returned only ten minutes later.

Returning to human form she yelled, A big ones coming right toward us. Its a variation on the kind with arms. Its massive. Probably stage five or six.

Almost as if in coordination with her words, they heard a muffled thump in the distance. Then another.

Its coming, someone said.

Unsighted, fall back! Gandash yelled. Mages, get your components ready. Dasi, I want you to shrink the thing down. Xerk, you lead the Asgagu mages and get on top of it. Once youre there, use Minor Augmentation on your sword and stab the fuck out of the thing. Get to its brain as quickly as possible. Then

A shadow fell over them, and then the gigantic Abhorrent smashed into the nearby forest. There was no more time for orders.

Xerxes ran forward, pulling out a handful of stibnite talc to cast Minor Augmentation. Before he could, a massive hand crashed through the trees, grabbed him, and flung him to the side. He hit a tree, and everything went black.