Chapter 26: Dead in Ten Minutes (2)

Name:Immanent Ascension Author:
Chapter 26: Dead in Ten Minutes (2)

Planting his foot on the parapet just as the hand was about to smash into the building, he jumped, simultaneously unleashing a wild shout.

His half-battlecry half-scream echoed across the rooftops as his feet made contact. Hed landed on the Abhorrents wrist.

Ha! he shouted, then started running up the creatures limb. The shaggy fur felt like thick grass as he bounded up the forearm and relied on momentum to carry him toward the things shoulder. He batted aside one of the bizarre flying creatures, then vaporized another with his burning hand.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

He clenched his hand into a fist and prepared to jump up to the things face. What about the trunks? The tusks? What about its magical power? Was it ready to be unleashed again? What if

The Abhorrent jerked its shoulder like a human trying to dislodge a bug that had landed on it.

Xerxes planted his foot incorrectly, and his ankle twisted. Then a massive hand swept toward him, as if that same human were also trying to swat the bug off of it.

Whether it was for better or worse, the hand never hit, as he started falling.

Oh shiiiiiii

He saw the tree-lined stone street rushing toward him, then everything went black.


When his eyes opened, an unfamiliar face loomed over him. A human face, belonging to a somewhat pudgy young man with light brown hair. Beyond the face were the trees.

You woke up quickly, the young man said. Youre lucky the trees broke your fall. That was stupid, what you did. Stupid but brave. I gotta admit, Im impressed.

He extended a hand toward Xerxes.

Xerxes took it and allowed the young man to pull him up.

His head hurt a bit, and he felt dizzy.

Who are you? he asked.

The young man wore clothing that looked finer than the type worn by even the most well-known and famous mages on Mannemid. Overlapping garments of black and violet, with a golden girdle, a silver headband, and jewel-encrusted bracers. Most noteworthy of all to Xerxes was the hilt of the sword strapped to his back. It was a very long hilt, and given how high it protruded, it could only be a longsword. Definitely not the type of bronze weapon used by natives of this planet.

Im Purattu, from Ku-Aya. Here. Purattu extended his other hand, and Xerxes saw his own battered longsword in it, held toward him, hilt-first.

Not waiting for a confirmation, he started running across the rooftop, while simultaneously reaching toward a velvet component pouch on his belt.

Xerxes glanced down at Purattus sword and the strapping mechanism. He smelled leather and oil, and saw the glint of expensive metals. Without even being able to see the steel of the blade, he knew that this sword was vastly superior even to the sword hed found in that shop in Kisiga.

Looking back up, he saw Purattu casting a spell while simultaneously accelerating. He jumped, sailing through the air with the grace of a bird. Then he landed on the massive Abhorrents shoulder.

The giant didnt seem to notice his presence. Purattu flitted forward, then lifted his right hand back and above his head.

That was when Xerxes noticed a faint darkness to the hand, as though it emanated, not light, but shadows.

Purattu slapped his hand onto the back of the Abhorrents head, then backflipped and pushed off. Twirling, he then landed on a nearby rooftop. Less than ten seconds later, he was back with Xerxes.

Sword, he said.

Right, sir, Xeres replied, handing it to him.

Just call me Purattu. No need for that sir business. He started strapping the sword back onto himself. Can you help me with this buckle here?

Xerxes stepped forward and helped him, while simultaneously looking nervously over at the gigantic Abhorrent. It was still swiping its arms at whatever force of soldiers was assailing it from the other side of the city.

Purattu tightened the straps and adjusted some buckles. Alright, thats good. I guess I could have kept the thing on, but you never know what might happen in a fight with a monster like that. Not that I have much experience in that regard. Well, nobody does, really. He gave a final tug to one of the straps. I suppose that big building over there is Mannemids headquarters?

Xerxes followed his gaze to the keep off in the distance.

Yes, thats the keep, Xerxes said. Where the king lives. And its where the Mage Parliament is right now. Except, the Head Mage just got killed.

Aban Saddi? Dead already? Must have been pretty useless. He started walking to the edge of the roof, and when Xerxes remained standing in place, he looked back. Are you coming?

Xerxes looked at the massive Abhorrent. But, arent you going to.

To what?

Do something about that thing?

Purattu snorted. That thingll be dead in ten minutes. My other people will keep it occupied until then. Dont worry. No more innocent lives are going to be lost. Come on.