Chapter 614: A Child’s Tantrum & A Devourers Arrival

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 614: A Child’s Tantrum & A Devourers Arrival

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patren and get early access chapters!

As of now, the patren is 8 chapters /AlienWarlord

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Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan! (A/N: )

As Peter focused on refining his newfound strength on the desolate and now-fractured surface of Mars, a meeting between his children unfolded in his absence. Lily, America, and Leo gathered in Lily's bedroom, their small voices hushed as they discussed matters of great importance.

Leo, with his wide, innocent eyes, looked up at the older girls, his small hands fidgeted nervously. "Taking too long" He said, clearly upset.

Lily sighed, exchanging a knowing glance with America before finally breaking the news. "Leo, you haven't even been here for a week yet"

America nodded alongside her, "Yeah, we have no doubt that our parents will adopt you. Just be patient"

Leo didn't seem to be taking their advice, as he began pacing around the room, his faced scrunched up in displeasure. He wanted nothing more than to be Peter's son, but they were taking far too long for his liking!

"Look, Leo" Lily hesitated, but finally revealed the truth. "Actually, we've known for days that Mom and Dad are going to adopt you. They talked to us about it a couple days ago," Lily admitted, stopping Leo in his tracks.

Leo's eyes widened as he looked toward Lily, trying to decipher whether or not she was lying to him. And based on America's reaction, she wasn'tN♡vεlB¡n: Transforming Moments into Memories.

America jumped out of her seat, "Lily! They said not to tell him yet!"

Lily shrugged, gesturing towards Leo. "What are we supposed to do when he's like this?"

America reluctantly agreed as she flopped back down into the bed, "Fine, but I'm not taking the fall for this when they find out"

Lily shrugged uncaringly, turning her attention back to her future baby brother. "See Leo?" She asked. "It's just taking some time."

"Yeah, they'll do it soon, so stop freaking out all the time" America added, her attempts at reassurance falling short as Leo's eyes filled with confusion and disappointment.

Leo's little face scrunched up as he processed this revelation. "Why no tell me yet?" he questioned, a hint of sadness in his voice.

The girls exchanged uncertain glances, realizing that perhaps Leo still wasn't satisfied. Lily hesitated before explaining, "Leo, you just have to wait a bit It's not that big of a deal."

This explanation failed to soothe Leo's growing concern. His small brows furrowed, and he pouted. "Wait long enough!" He shouted, stomping his foot, his limited vocabulary in full effect. "I want now!"

The urgency in Leo's tone caught the girls off guard. They exchanged a quick glance before America decided, "Then go ask them, Leo There's not much we can do here..."

Seeing a glaring issue with this plan, Tobey couldn't help but point out the obvious: How are you supposed to pick us up with that if we don't know our universes number?

Realization dawning on him, Ben replied: Oh sh*t

Seeing the flaw in his plan, Ben hesitated for a moment before making a bold decision. In the spider group chat, he declared: I'll go alone to investigate. I'll find the evidence and maybe even figure out our universe numbers. Don't worry, I got this

Tobey and Miles immediately chimed in, trying to dissuade him from his reckless solo mission.

Miles pleaded through the text: Ben, it's too dangerous! We should come up with a safer plan together. Let's just message Peter again.

Tobey joined him in trying to persuade Ben in another direction: Going alone is risky. We need to stick together and think this through.

However, Ben, confident and seemingly dismissive of their concerns, stopped replying in the chat. The virtual silence left Miles and Tobey uneasy, as they pondered the consequences of Ben's impulsive decision.

No matter how much they type, begging him to be patient, the chat remained empty, the absence of Ben's messages hanging heavily in the digital space

On the desolate and fractured surface of Mars, Peter engaged in an otherworldly workout. An enchanted bar, heavily bent under the strain of two mountain-sized plates, was part of his routine as he bench-pressed, a light sheen of sweat dripping down his body.

"30,678 30,679 30,680 30,681" Counting every lift, Peter appears to have been at this for a while, the sheer weight serving as a testament to his enhanced strength.

With newfound powers from a combination of Ego's manipulation of cosmic energy and Wanda's chaos magic, Peter was able to effortlessly conjured training tools. Cosmic energy and magic blended seamlessly, allowing him to summon objects of any size, shape, weight, density, or power. It was a boon to his training, aiding him in regaining control over his immense strength at a much faster pace.

'I can probably even make living beings at this point' Peter thought. After all, Wanda was able to make some powerful creatures with her magic, and Ego was able to create life as well. 'If I were to combine their powers to make something, then it would probably be really strong'

Putting that idea to the back of his mind for the time being, Peter continued his workout, but suddenly, an unusual disturbance caught his attention. A powerful energy signature entered his galaxy, and thanks to the cosmic senses inherited from the Silver Surfer, he could discern its presence without even trying.

Something or someone was approaching, and the vibes weren't benevolent.

Peter paused, dismissing the conjured workout tools that vanished instantly. Standing up, he turned his gaze toward the source of the energy signature. Utilizing Superman's telescopic sight, he zoomed in until he spotted the cosmic giant, Galactus. The devourer of worlds moved through the vastness of space, his purple armored colossal form unmistakable.

Galactus, attuned to the cosmos, sensed Peter's scrutiny. Turning his immense head in Spider-Man's direction, a silent exchange occurred between the two beings of cosmic significance.

"Interesting, so you're the one who killed my Harold" muttered Galactus, acknowledging the unexpected presence of another formidable force in the cosmos. Without hesitation, he altered his trajectory, heading straight for Peter.

A/N: 1637 words :)