Chapter 576: The Seven

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 576: The Seven

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In the towering headquarters of Vought, the air hummed with anticipation as the remaining members of The Seven gathered, minus the Deep, now deceased, Translucent, hospitalized, Starlight, gone with the mysterious intruders, and Lamplighter, who had retired. Homelander, an imposing figure, stood in front of Peter and MJ's multiverse ship, his piercing gaze fixated on the peculiar blue phone box.

As each hero arrived, Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, and A-Train, Homelander remained in front of the ship, seemingly oblivious to their presence. The room buzzed with confusion and annoyance, the heroes exchanging puzzled glances as they awaited an explanation for this unusual behavior.

Finally breaking the silence, Maeve, a woman who looked like a Wonder Woman wannabe, asked, "Okay, I've had enough... what's the deal with this British phone box?"

[Insert picture of Maeve here]

A-Train, a man dressed in a slim-fit blue body suit, nodded alongside her, "Yeah, why is it here? I though this was about what happened to Deep and Translucent..."

[Insert picture of A-Train here]

Black noir, a mysterious man in all black, including a face mask which hid his identity, kept silent, seated calmly in his chair. "..." Though even he stared at the blue box in curiosity.

[Insert picture of Black Noir here]

Homelander turned his head slightly, his icy gaze still partially fixed on the mysterious box. "Figure it out yourself. Just step up and punch it."

Maeve raised an eyebrow, exchanging bewildered looks with the others. "Okay..." Without another word, she stood from her seat, striding over to the odd blue box. Winding back her fist, she threw a powerful punch towards it, expecting it to crumble under her strength.

To her surprise, just inches away from contact, an invisible barrier materialized around the phone box. Maeve's punch collided with the unseen force, and the room resonated with a faint hum as the barrier effortlessly absorbed the impact.

And it didn't end there either, as suddenly, the barrier retaliated with a burst of energy, amplifying Maeve's own strength tenfold. The unsuspecting hero was sent hurtling across the room, crashing into the wall with a resounding thud. Shock and confusion painted the faces of the remaining members of The Seven. All except Homelander, who's already been through this exact same experience only a few hours earlier.

Eyes wide, Maeve struggled to rise from the floor, blood dribbling from the corner of her mouth. She felt as if she had taken a direct hit from Homelander at full force, a sensation she knew all too well. Gasping, she managed to utter, "What... what the hell is that thing?"

Homelander, finally turning his attention to his team, replied with an indifferent tone, "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."

The room fell into an uneasy silence as the heroes stared at the enigmatic blue phone box, now emanating an aura of mystery and danger. Fear mingled with curiosity as they contemplated the bizarre power it possessed.

Homelander pressed further, "And if they aren't willing to comply?"

Madelyn's reply was stern, "Then treat them like the murderers they are, but bring them in alive..."

As the gravity of the situation settled, Madelyn declared a change in their meeting location. "By the way, you'll be using a different room for the time being. This one will be taken over by the research department, who'll focus on studying the blue phone box and how it works."

The heroes, unfazed by the prospect of changing meeting rooms, filed out of the space, contemplating the task ahead. The room, once a hub of secrets, would soon be dissected by the curious minds of the research department.

Outside, the remaining members of The Seven dispersed, their mission clear, find Starlight and the mysterious figures who emerged from the blue box.


Meanwhile, in a quiet, yet opulent hotel room, Starlight, emotionally drained from the recent events, found solace in MJ's arms, drifting off to sleep after releasing all of her pent up emotions. Her tears flowed freely as she recounted how the heroes that she once worshipped betrayed her expectations in the worst way possible.

Gently cradling the exhausted hero, they carefully transported her to a nearby hotel, the city's neon glow casting a soft radiance on their path.

As they arrived at the hotel room, Peter and MJ set Starlight down on a comfortable bed, ensuring she was tucked in securely. The silence of the room embraced them, offering a stark contrast to the chaos that unfolded upon their arrival. Starlight's breaths steadied, and her eyes closed, succumbing to the restful embrace of sleep.

Turning away from the peacefully slumbering hero, MJ faced Peter with a look of curiosity flashing in her eyes. "Okay, explain more about this universe?"

Peter smirked, "Regretting not watching the Boys with me, aren't you?"

MJ rolled her eyes before reluctantly nodding her head. "Yeah, now explain already..."

"Anything for my lovely wife." Peter said as he called out. "Dobby!"

With the sound of a pop, the now-well dressed elf appeared. "Yes, Master?"

Peter pointed at Starlight. "Watch over her while we're gone. Your mistress and I are going to get some food."

"Yes, sir!" The little elf saluted dutifully.

Turning back to MJ, Peter held out his arm for her to take. "Come on, I'm starving. I'll explain everything as we eat."

A/N: 1638 words :)
