Chapter 570: Oh, How The Tables Have Turned

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 570: Oh, How The Tables Have Turned

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The night's laborious efforts came to fruition as the first light of dawn bathed the ancient halls of Gringotts in a soft glow. Peter, his fatigue masked by a determined grin, stood alongside MJ as they prepared to unveil the revolutionary changes they had wrought upon the Wizarding banking system.

"Here goes nothing..." With a swift gesture, Peter activated the newly carved runes on the central ward stone, initiating a cascade of magic that resonated throughout every Gringotts bank simultaneously.

As the banks opened without the need for employees, the world outside stirred with anticipation. Diagon Alley, usually bustling with the clatter of morning commuters and the rustle of wizarding cloaks, now lay eerily silent.

The absence of goblins, who once stood outside the bank, trying to break into their former property, did not go unnoticed, and curious onlookers gathered, exchanging puzzled glances. They had heard all about what happened to the Goblins as well as their loss of the Banks.

The news papers and magazines couldn't stop printing good news as of late. First, the Dark Lord and his minions were all killed, and now the insufferable Goblins were dethroned. The Wizarding populace couldn't help but ask themselves, 'What's next?'

Although everyone seemed pleased with the recent happenings, some couldn't help but worry about the possible reopening of the bank. After all, they didn't know the new owners, so doubts and fears took hold.

Of course, it would be hard to out do the Goblins when it comes to greed, but it was impossible for them not to worry.

A crowd began to form outside the entrance of the London Gringotts, eyes fixed on the imposing doors, which suddenly burst open. The vague news of a reopening spread far and wide, drawing everyone's curiosity, and soon enough, the crowd cautiously made their way inside.

Confusion filled the air as the interior of Gringotts revealed a stark contrast to its usual atmosphere. No goblin tellers manned the counters, and the grand hall echoed with the footsteps of wary wizards and witches.

A prerecorded message, which played throughout the bank, caught their attention, explaining the transformation and instructed them to the new holographic interface.

"Set up an account and access your vaults through the hologram. Simply say 'Log in' and the interface will appear. Don't worry, all information is encrypted against eavesdropping. Only you will be able to see the interface...." MJ's voice echoed across the bank on repeat, spurring everyone to mutter the magic words.

The initial bewilderment of seeing a glowing screen appear before them soon gave way to a buzz of excitement and chatter as people tentatively began interacting with the interface, setting up their accounts with usernames and passwords.

In Diagon Alley, the scene unfolded like a surreal spectacle. Shopkeepers peered out from their storefronts, bewildered by the absence of the typical Gringotts-related commotion. As the news spread, the allure of the unknown drew more and more curious onlookers, creating a growing crowd that spilled into the cobbled streets.


In the French Branch of Gringotts bank, an elderly couple, clad in discreet robes, tentatively waited in line before finally getting inside, eying the bank with skepticism.

[Insert pictures of Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel here]

However, the moment they pressed against the enchanted barrier, an unforeseen consequence awaited them. The wards, designed to escalate in response to persistent intruders, retaliated with a fury beyond the goblins' imagination. A cascade of additional defenses unfolded, each more formidable than the last.

Teams found themselves ensnared by magical bindings, others repelled by ethereal barriers that seemed to materialize out of thin air. The once-silent streets echoed with the pained cries of goblins who underestimated the consequences of their relentless pursuit.

In the wake of their audacious attempts, some goblin teams met an abrupt and merciless end. The wards, now acting as both protectors and executioners, dealt lethal blows to those who refused to yield. Lifeless bodies littered the bank's entrance, serving as a grim reminder of the consequences of their insatiable greed.

Others were not so fortunate. Those who managed to survive the initial onslaught found themselves captured by the wards, bound and imprisoned within the very bank they sought to infiltrate. The once-proud goblin invaders were now at the mercy of the magical defenses they had underestimated, as well as some new add ons courtesy of Peter.

Yet, the most harrowing fate awaited the team assigned to the London Bank. As they attempted to circumvent the outer defenses, a sudden and overwhelming force seized them. In the blink of an eye, they were ripped from their surroundings and teleported away.

When their disoriented senses settled, the goblins found themselves standing in a vast cavern, deep underground. It was far too dark to see more than a few meters in front of them, but they could hear the district sound of chains rattling, and dread set in as the realization dawned upon them.

A monstrous silhouette emerged from the shadows, a dragon of colossal proportions, bearing a thick metal collar with chains wound tightly around its neck.

In the dark expanse, where goblin trespassers were once fed to dragons as a form of punishment, poetic justice unfolded. The goblins, who had sought to reclaim their former glory, were now faced with the very creatures they had once commanded. The dragon, now belonging to a new owner, advanced with a predatory grace, its eyes gleaming with hunger.

As the chains rattled and the cavern echoed with piercing shrieks, the goblins' fate was sealed. The dragon lunged forward, its immense jaws opening wide to consume those who dared to challenge the new order of Gringotts. Greed had led them into a trap of their own making, and now, they paid the ultimate price in the jaws of their once-enslaved creation.


When all of the intruders were taken care of and the night settled into a peaceful silence, the words carved onto the front of every Gringotts bank said all that was needed to be said.

'Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.'

A/N: 1760 words :)
