Chapter 548: 2 Chapters! Again!

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 548: 2 Chapters! Again!

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters!

As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters /AlienWarlord????


(????A/N: 2 chapters again to finish off the mass release. Tomorrow, we go to a new universe. Also, Peter will stop holding back/hiding his powers from now on. I gave it a try in this arc and I didn't really like it. Ps- Gif and Pic contest is in the next chapter.)

In the bustling heart of the CDC's mass production center, Peter marveled at the efficiency of the high-tech machinery churning out the life-saving serum. The air was thick with the hum of equipment and the scent of chemical compounds, a stark contrast to the chaos that had plagued the facility before Peter arrived. He couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that this serum held the potential to alter the course of the zombie apocalypse.

Major Lewis's voice crackled over the military radio, breaking Peter's contemplation. "Sir, this is Major Lewis. I've got around a hundred soldiers ready to roll, along with shipping trucks for the serum. Where do you want us?"

Peter, feeling a surge of urgency, wasted no time in directing the major. "Head to the CDC in Atlanta. All they have to do is load up the serum and ship it safely back to base. Once the serum arrives, you need to administer it to everyone there, and then we'll discuss further plans."

The major's enthusiasm was palpable. "You got it! We'll make this happen."

As the radio fell silent, Peter turned his attention to the bustling production floor. The thought of saving lives on such a grand scale filled him with a renewed sense of purpose. However, a nagging realization tugged at the edges of his consciousness... this wouldn't be enough. The serum production, as impressive as it was, wouldn't reach everyone affected by the outbreak. The world is a big place after all.

Approaching MJ, who was overseeing the operation with a focused intensity, Peter hesitated for a moment before voicing his concerns. "MJ, I need you to stay here and manage everything. Make sure the serum is distributed as efficiently as possible. I have to go out there and reach the places we can't with just trucks."

MJ met his gaze, understanding the gravity of the situation. They had enjoyed the luxury of holding back their powers and treated this apocalyptic world as a vacation, but now the time for action had arrived. "I've got this, Peter. Go do what you do best."

With a nod of gratitude, Peter turned to leave but stopped as a thought crossed his mind. "We're leaving this universe after this, MJ. Get ready to say your goodbyes to everyone."

MJ raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Random destination again?"

Peter chuckled. "Yeah, let's keep the adventure going. I just hope that the next destination isn't apocalyptic. If I can, I'd much rather have regular showers, hot water, and food delivery."

MJ could g help but laugh, nodding her head in agreement. "Yeah, you don't realize how much you miss stuff like that until it's gone, huh?"

While Peter traversed city after city, leaving a trail of revitalized metropolises in his wake, the situation at the quarry camp outside Atlanta took a grim turn. The group, tasked with collecting food for the camp, returned with meager supplies and an unexpected addition to their ranks, Rick Grimes. Tensions escalated when Rick, discovering his wife Lori's affair, took matters into his own hands and shot the man involved.

Now, with Rick bound to a tree, the camp's key members, T-Dog, Andrea, Glen, Morales, Merle, Daryl, etc. including a distraught Lori, gathered to decide the fate of the man who had just become a murderer. The air was thick with unease as the group grappled with the moral complexities of Rick's actions.

As discussions unfolded, opinions diverged on how to handle Rick's presence. Some sympathized with the betrayal he had suffered, understanding the raw emotions that led to such a drastic response, even Merle was arguing for him which truthfully didn't help his case.

Others, however, argued that murder couldn't be justified, even in the face of infidelity. After all, cheating wasn't against the law, no matter how unforgivable it might be.

Lori remained silent, her gaze shifting between her deceased lover, who lay across the camp with a blanket over his body, and the man responsible for his death. Guilt and anger warred within her, torn between the pain of betrayal and the belief that Rick's actions were excessive.

When they couldn't come to a decision, the conversation pivoted from Rick's fate to the pressing issue of a food shortage. "Look, we can worry about this homicidal cuck later. Right now, we need to figure out our food situation..." Daryl spoke, receiving a self-deprecating chuckle from Rick. "My brother and I can only hunt so much before the surrounding forest is cleared out. And even then, a single deer only feeds the camp for a day, and their ain't much deer in this area to begin with..."

Rick, knowing that his son needed food, shared valuable information. "Back in kings county, the military is taking in survivors. They offered me a place there once I found my family, but as you can see, things didn't exactly go as I'd hoped. If you want food and a safe place to live, the I'd suggest you go there."

The mere mention of a secure location with military protection piqued the interest of the desperate group. Rick elaborated on the survivors at Kings County Hospital, led by a man named Peter. He described their plans to clear the city and create a safe haven, a beacon of hope in the midst of the apocalypse.

Suspicion lingered in the air as some members questioned Rick's motives. "Sounds to good to be true to me..." Even Merle, who was in Rick's side just moments ago, didn't believe him.

They couldn't help but wonder whether he was spinning a tale to secure his own safety, or was he genuinely trying to help them? The camp members argued fervently, torn between the promise of safety and the uncertainty surrounding Rick's credibility.

Rick, seemingly indifferent to the skepticism, shrugged. "I ain't lying," he asserted, igniting a heated debate among the group. "You can use that radio over there to contact them..." He gestured to the radio sat in the pile of stuff that was confiscated after he killed Shane.

Instantly, all eyes turned to the radio as everyone wondered, 'Is he actually telling the truth?'

A/N: 1675 words :)
