Chapter 535: Cheating B*tch

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 535: Cheating B*tch

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters!This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

As of now, the patreòn is 6 chapters /AlienWarlord????


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A few hours had passed since Michonne parted ways with Peter's group. MJ, sitting sulking in the car beside Peter as he drove, couldn't shake the disappointment from her expression. She had hoped to recruit Michonne into their growing group of survivors, but the woman had declined their offer and left.

Peter glanced over at MJ, his lips curling into a teasing smile. He understood why she was upset. She wanted to bringing people into their fold, envisioning a larger community, and later, a base where they can live together before they had to leave this world. But Michonne's refusal had put a damper on those plans.

MJ, unable to contain her frustration, finally asked, "What's so funny?" Her pouting face was met with Peter's gentle amusement.

"Why so glum, My Love? You can't expect every character that we meet to join us so easily." Peter said, his eyes focused on the road ahead.

MJ bristled a bit, her frustration evident. "Well, yeah, but Michonne is one of the cooler Walking Dead characters, so I might have gotten my hopes up..."

Peter chuckled, "I know, I know. But hey, don't worry too much. We'll see Michonne again sooner than you think."

MJ shot him a questioning look. "How can you be so sure?"

Peter's smile turned mysterious, and before MJ could inquire further, the radio crackled to life. A familiar voice echoed through the car, and MJ's eyes widened in recognition. "Hello... Hello... Is this the right frequency?" It was Michonne.

As Peter picked up the radio, a sly smirk played on his lips. "Well, well, well... I didn't think you'd call so soon, Michonne."

"Peter," Michonne's voice wavered as she recounted the recent attack on her camp by the infected, though she left out anything that do with her boyfriend. "I managed to escape with my son," she explained, her voice turning hopeful. "And... well... I was wondering if your group would still be willing to accept us?"

Peter, playing it cool, responded nonchalantly, "Hmm, I don't know..."

Seeing his playful facade, MJ snatched the radio from him. "Of course, you're welcome, Michonne! You and your child can join us. We'll tell you where to meet up."

Peter grinned at MJ's enthusiasm, secretly pleased with the turn of events. Meanwhile, in the car behind them, Joel, Tommy, and Sarah listened to the exchange. Sarah seemed open to the idea of Michonne joining, but Joel and Tommy wore expressions of skepticism. The possibility of Michonne lying about her situation to take advantage of them lingered in their minds.

After a moment of deliberation, they came to a collective decision to follow Peter's lead, but maintain a cautious eye on the thief who would be joining them. The prospect of expanding their community, albeit with a hint of uncertainty, added a new layer to the dynamics of their survival.

As the location for their meet up was shared, MJ leaned back in her seat, a triumphant smile on her face. They were on their way to meet Michonne and her son, which was exactly what she wanted in the first place.

[Insert picture of Rick Grimes here]

The military presence outside was evident, with the constant barrage of gunfire filling the air. The hospital had become the base of operations for the local military and a never ending battleground, each gunshot both a defense against the infected and a siren song drawing more of them near.

The military's attempts to maintain order were turning the hospital into a fortress, unwittingly amplifying the magnitude of the threat, further endangering everyone inside who they fought so hard to protect. Amidst the chaos, the military personnel worked tirelessly to secure the hospital, using up an uncountable amount of ammunition each and every day, exhausting their supply.

After all, not everyone can have 100% accuracy like Peter. Even for trained soldiers, wasted ammo was a normal occurrence.


Not too far away, in a nearby neighborhood, overrun by the infected just like everywhere else, Morgan Jones and his family, Jenny and their son Duane, huddled in their fortified home.

[Insert pictures of the Jones family here]

The windows were boarded up, and an air of silence enveloped the residence. Having learned early on that sound attracted the infected, the Jones family lived by the mantra of staying quiet to stay alive. The distant echoes of gunfire and the shuffling of passing zombies served as a grim reminder of the world they now inhabited.


Across the state, at the Quint Materials Company Road Base Quarry, a camp of survivors began to take shape. Ricks partner and trusted friend, Deputy Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes, Ricks wife, found themselves entwined in a clearly sexual embrace away from prying eyes.

[Insert picture of Shane(Snake friend) here]

[Insert picture of Lori(Cheating B*tch) here]

Some might think that this relationship started during the outbreak, when Shane took responsibility for Ricks family and protected them from the infected, but they would be wrong.

Even before Rick's absence, due to his coma, Shane and Lori were romantically involved behind his back. Except now, instead of trying to hide their misdeeds from her husband, they were hiding from her son, Carl, who was currently sulking in a nearby tent, wondering if he'll ever get the chance to see his father again.

[Insert picture of Carl here]


A whole day and night passed as Peter and his growing group of survivors crossed into the state of Georgia, where they would no doubt expand their group even further.

'I wonder if I can recruit the soldiers at Ricks hospital? Well, that is if they aren't dead or gone by the time we get there.' Peter wondered. After all, he had big plans, and big plans required a lot of man and fire power.

A/N: 1603 words :)
