Chapter 479: Reunion & Confrontation

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 479: Reunion & Confrontation

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Not long after their battle, Peter and the group finally arrived at a place that wasn't either barren or filled with deadly colossal creatures, Axia.

Axia was a huge and extremely technologically advanced city. Odd humanoid creatures walked the streets and flying vehicles filled the air. It stretched out before them like a metropolis of the future, a stark contrast to the desolate landscapes they had encountered earlier.

Peter smirked under his mask. 'Yup, Kang's here alright. Multiverse ship, here I come...'

Although everyone else was surprised and happy to find civilization inside this wasteland, they were also shocked to see the remnants of a battle at the edge of the city. Smoke filled the air, and buildings, which once stood tall, were either completely destroyed or crumbling to bits.

Floating away from the destruction, they could see a cluster of ships, each matching as if they were some sort of military or police.

Looking down at the compass in Peter's hand, Hank and Hope watched as the dial followed the ships' trajectory perfectly.

Peter studied the compass, his expression thoughtful. "It seems she's on one of those ships."

Tony asked, his brow furrowed with concern, "Do you think she's been captured? Or is she with the people who did that?" He pointed to the destroyed portion of the city.

Hank didn't even have to think before he shook his head, stating firmly, "Janet wouldn't do such a thing."

Peter nodded in agreement. "I guess we'll have to go and find out for ourselves, won't we?"

With determination in their hearts, the group decided to follow the compass's guidance once more. Peter, with a casual wave, opened up a portal to the towering citadel at the center of Axia, where the ships seemed to be headed.

It didn't take long for the rest of the team to fall in step behind Peter, especially Hope and Hank, who were more than ready to finally see their most loved one once again.


Upon returning to the Citadel, Kang couldn't help but ask. "What did you see?" He turned to Janet, a curious look in his eyes. "We didn't really get a chance to talk about it last time. But I always wondered. When our minds touched... what did you see?"

"A monster who thinks he's a god." She spat venomously.


Kang's eyes held a depth of pain as he responded, his voice tinged with an anguish only he could understand. "You do, don't you? And you're right, I have lost. You have no idea what I have lost. And I will burn them out of time for what they've done to me."

Janet's tone turned somber as she pointed out the stark consequences of his actions. "You'll be wiping out entire timelines and universes. Murdering trillions and trillions of people."

Kang's response was chilling in its detachment. "I wish that mattered, Janet, I really do. But it's doesn't."

As Kang's final words hung in the air, a sudden, golden portal materialized behind Janet, causing both her and Kang to turn in surprise. The portal emitted an otherworldly light, and its appearance was nothing short of astonishing.

From the shimmering portal, a group of individuals emerged, their presence commanding attention. Among them, Peter led the way, wearing his Spider-Man suit, his expression hidden under his mask.

Peter looked around the high-tech chamber for a moment before asking, "Yo, you guys don't happen to have a bathroom do you? We've been traveling for a while and I was too scared to, you know, out there. I mean, what if some quantum creature swims up my stream or shoots up my a*s while I'm not looking?" His voice reverberated through the room, cutting through the tension with ease.

Janet, still in shock from the unexpected turn of events and the odd question, managed to stammer, "Umm, you'll have to ask him..." But her words were cut short as her gaze landed on her aged husband, Hank Pym, who stood beside Peter.

Tears welled up in Janet's eyes as she called out, her voice trembling, "H-Hank?"

Hank, equally moved, stepped forward, but before he could reply, Janet's attention shifted to a young woman standing beside Hank. It had to be her daughter, Hope.

In a choked voice, Hope called out, "Mom?"

"Jellybean?" Janet whispered, her nickname for her daughter, disbelief and joy mingling in her voice.

Hope couldn't contain herself any longer. She rushed into her mother's arms, tears streaming down her face as they embraced, a reunion they thought impossible until this very moment.

Hank moved to join the heartfelt reunion, but Kang had seen enough. With a snap of his fingers, he froze everyone in place, their movements coming to an abrupt halt. Panic and frustration swept through the group as they struggled to move, finding Kang's power unyielding.

"Congratulations, Janet. You've finally reuniting with your family..." Kang spoke, his voice laced with a sinister satisfaction. Then, his gaze turned toward the newcomers, curiosity gleaming in his eyes as he addressed the group.

"How did you manage to come here?" Kang inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "And more importantly, how did you open that portal? Is there a sorcerer among you? It's been a while since I've killed a Master of the Mystic Arts."

As Kang questioned their arrival, Peter, who had easily overpowered Kang's hold on him, strolled around casually, examining the technologically advanced equipment within the chamber. He couldn't help but praise Kang.

"You've got quite the lair here," Peter commented nonchalantly. "It's been a while since I've seen one like this. Lately, it's been pretty lacking as far as evil bases go, but this is impressive. I'll give you that."

Kang raised a single brow, surprised that someone could so easily slip out of his hold. "You are...?" He asked.

"Spider-Man." Peter answered as he turned back to Kang. "Anyway, where's the bathroom? You might want to be quick because I've been holding it for a while." He warns as he gestures to some nearby equipment. "Though I could relieve myself here, but I wouldn't want to hose down your tech. After all, it'll be mine soon so I want to keep it in good condition."

A/N: 2000 words :)
