64.2 Monologue of A Certain Marquis 6

Honestly speaking, I couldn’t bear to continue speaking since I’m afraid of speaking about the outcome of the worst situation in case it becomes the truth. I could only conjure up the worst outcome possible when I tried to imagine what would happen to Theodore once he lost Miss Muriel.

“I’ll return to the duke’s mansion. That way, I’ll be able to know the latest progress of the case post haste. Meanwhile, you, keep a watch on Theodore. Make sure that he has a good rest. And report to me immediately if something happens.”

“Yes! —— And if Young Master want to g—”

“I’ll leave that to your judgment.”

“My Lord?”

“In case Theodore keeps being absentminded like that, then you tie him up on the bed. However, if you think he’s in his right mind, then you may bring him to me. You, who have been by his side for years, should know best what you have to do.”

“I understand. Then I’ll act in accordance to my judgment.”


Hearing my confirmation, Kevin silently bowed toward me, accepting my direction.

After I arrived at the duke’s mansion, I met several people aside from Viscount Amber and his wife in the room that housed Miss Muriel’s prone form. They were Zachariah-dono and his siblings. Of the three children Viscount Amber had, two of them were girls, and all of them were now gathered in this place.


No one was speaking a word, and their expression was gloomy. I understood and was about to leave, but suddenly, my line of sight overlapped with Viscount Amber’s one. I nodded at him, offering a simple greeting. The Viscount then moved away from Miss Muriel’s side and went to meet me.

“My deepest apologies for my previous action to that boy. Uhm, how’s his condition right now?”

“Thank you very much for your concern. He’s still depressed, so I have to force him to sleep for now.”

“… I see. May I have a bit of your time?”

Since he wanted to talk with me in private, the maid prepared another room for us to talk in.

“I heard the situation from Duke Lilac, who said that this incident happened because of the demon race’s action. And Muriel happens to be one of the victims of their evil plan. As well as the matter about Miss Katrina being a saint.”

Viscount Amber began in a low voice, tone vexed.

“―― Why? Why does it have to be that child?! Why was it not me who became their target?! I’m willing to give my life for the kingdom and for His Majesty if he ever asks me for it. I’ll fight the demon race if we have to fight them. That’s my duty and obligation as the noble of this kingdom. And yet, why, of all people, why do they actually target her? She’s just a child who has just turned ten years old! Fighting back aside, children can’t even resist; not even Saint-sama and her companion, when they’re just children, can. And yet…”

He continued, covering his face with both hands as he vented all the grief he couldn’t say in front of his family.

“My daughter was protecting Saint-sama with her life. Yet, that isn’t something that I… that we, her family, wish to see from her! We only want to see her smiling happily. We only want her to be safe and sound! And yet…! If only I prevent her from befrie—-”

“AMBER-DONO!” I called out with a loud voice, stopping him from saying something that he shouldn’t say. “You must not say that. Please, please calm yourself first.”

“… My apologies. I am just….”

I knew that he was emotionally unstable right now, but still. We were in the duke’s mansion right now. It was possible that there were ears and eyes of the duke in the ceilings and walls.

“I sympathize with your situation, but please consider your position. You know that you can’t overstep your boundary. I don’t mind if you’re angry with this unreasonable situation. That is understandable, but please be careful with your remark in this place.”

From the very beginning, Viscount Amber was a frank person, who can get along with just anyone. However, while that was a good thing, he also had a tendency to slip up on some occasions. When his mind was in an extremely disordered state, he tended to spit out his real feelings in conduct and speech.

If it was joy, it would brighten his surrounding. However, if it was negative emotion, then he tended to make others feel uncomfortable. Though he had apologized to the people who got hurt by his rash remarks after becoming the head of the family, many people still couldn’t forgive him.

Anyway, the viscount was, in essence, an overly emotional person who acted based on his emotion. Therefore, he sometimes caused problems. Naturally, the person himself was aware of this matter, but he didn’t change.

Then again, perhaps it was cause he had yet to find a solution to this problem.

“That’s a sound argument.”

“Well, I’m a marquis, after all. I have to have a clear grasp of the situation and set my personal emotion aside when required. Otherwise, you know what may happen to the kingdom if someone of my position cannot control their emotion, right?”

“… I know what you mean. However, just for now, I wish I don’t understand all of it.”

“Unfortunately, you have to understand that and act that way the moment you become the head of the family,” I said, staring into his eyes.

Viscount Amber then heaved a sigh as if he had given up from letting his emotion run wild for now.

“―― I know that my daughter has… protected Saint-sama. She put her life on the line and wore a dangerous magic tool, and managed to save, Saint-sama. She’s… my, pride… and joy.”

Viscount Amber said that line haltingly while covering his face, clearly not wanting to say it in the slightest. Seeing this, my mood soured as well.

Dammit. I felt bitter since I was the one who forced him to do this. However much I didn’t want to force him to do this, I had to. I had to play the villain here for his family’s safety.

“My apologies…”

“Don’t mind it. I should be the one apologizing for being unreasonable. Moreover, Miss Muriel is still alive. Don’t give up till the bitter end.” I patted the viscount, who was still sobbing, on his back. And somehow, I managed to calm him down.

“―― I hope a miracle will happen.”

“There’s already the demon race and the saint. It’ll be strange if a miracle doesn’t happen.”

After I told him that, Viscount Amber finally truly calmed down.


Alas, Miss Muriel’s condition didn’t improve even after midnight passed. Rather than getting better, her condition even worsened.

At this rate, she might not be able to hold on until morning… Perhaps I should call Theodore to come over. Just as I thought about it, I received a notice that Theodore had come.