33  My Father is Strict

I was too naive… To hell with memories from my previous life AKA (what I thought to be my) cheat. What use was it when it couldn’t even give me an advantage against those gifted noble children?

At most, the advantage I could get from having my past life’s memories was having a life experience until I was a high-school freshman. However, this so-called advantage didn’t actually give me any edge against the noble children since much of my previous life’s knowledge was useless in this life.

Besides, in this lifetime, whether I wanted to acknowledge it or not, simply being born as I was already placed me close to the political center of this kingdom and the power it entailed. Yet, for all that closeness, I had never even once tried to get close to it or attempt to understand it and wield the power it gave me.

Relly, I had to change this. From now onwards, I needed to learn more about how to use this weapon called ‘political power’ I was given since I was born. Of course, I also had to remember to wield it properly and not misused it in any way.

But from whom? I mean, my previous life’s knowledge was useless since I was a normal citizen before. I had zero experience with this matter. Still, owing to my duty, I had to ask someone to teach me how to use it properly…

On top of that, there was the matter of war information.

Luke was right. I had never heard anyone else’s opinion aside from that big silver ranger from a different mother’s opinion; AKA Frederick’s opinion. Properly speaking, I should try to look from the perspective of the entourages of the little silver ranger (Elliot) as well as the little silver ranger himself before forming a stance.

Really, I was… even though Luke was always trying to warn me every single time we met during the party – well, albeit with a little bit of sarcasm – I had never paid heed to it.

I had forgotten that this place isn’t the peaceful Japan of my past life.

I had also forgotten that I wasn’t the son of a commoner anymore. I was the eldest son of the marquis house, Theodore Goldberg. And as part of nobility, I was born with the duty to protect the citizens of our family’s territory. Not to forget I was also born with the duty to serve the kingdom and protected it from threat.

And yet.

Despite all those complicated situations revolving around those royal silver siblings… I couldn’t just sever my relationship with Frederick. Or to be more precise, I should say that I didn’t wish to do that.

Geez. Sure enough, he was using me. I thought, finally realizing it in its whole scope. Or as whole as I could see right now. I withheld my urge to sigh as I thought about this.

Because of my friendship with him, my father or rather the Goldberg House was thought to have taken the side of the big silver ranger, AKA Frederick’s side.

Even so… he was also the one who gave me various advice all these while. He had even warned me about my careless act when I first struck conversation with him two years ago. This showed how kind Frederick was. Even though that fella was an idiot who hated to be left alone, he wasn’t a heartless idiot who would manipulate another idiot who approached him carelessly.

I resisted another urge to sigh, wondering what I should do with all this newfound knowledge and realization.

“Kevin. Have my father asked you about something really important about me?”

“Nope. He just asked me about what you want to do.”

I see.

So, that’s what he meant when he told me that time, two years ago. My father did tell me before… that he was glad that I could befriend Frederick. But, when Frederick and I got isolated and became the loner duo in every party, he kept looking at us with indecipherable expression in his eyes.

“――It seems I have no choice but to act as the mediator.”

While it was true that cutting off my friendship with Frederick was a simple solution to resolve all this, it was just a stop-gap measure that wouldn’t solve the problem in the long run.

Anyhow, if I did that, then later on he might be seen as someone who hated his little brother. I meant, his little brother’s status was literally above him, so it was normal for people to think that way.

Therefore, the only method to prevent that was to show that the big silver ranger (Frederick) was willing to pledge his allegiance to the little silver ranger (Elliot), who also happened to be the crown prince himself.

Then again, Frederick might have realized that solution long ago. However, there was a deep and huge trench between him and Elliot. I meant, Elliot always used every chance he got to turn Frederick into loner-kun after all. [TL : This is part of the otome game plot, so I won’t give more explanation.]

And since I got close to Frederick, Elliot had also raised his vigilance against me and didn’t try to approach.

Still, we needed to break this situation and completely freed Frederick from his loneliness. And to do so, a third party had to mediate between the two royal children.

I supposed that was what my father had expected from me. I meant, I was Frederick’s first friend after all. And I was also in the position to interact with the other side, so I was in the best position to mediate between them.

And yet, I had betrayed my father’s expectation since I got too careless when I befriended Frederick. As a result, the other nobles now saw our house as a part of Frederick’s faction.

After all, those nobles would never even stop to consider the option that we were actually just playing together as friends like normal children. That must be one of the reasons why Viscount Amber (Muriel’s father) gave up on me. Now, realizing all these facts… I had to agree with his decision… my relationship with Muriel must have caused him so much pressure…

In short, all of this happened because of my carelessness.

AAH, geez, ain’t even growing at all! I’m such a fool!!!

“My apologies, Theodore-sama.”

Richard was apologizing to me even though it wasn’t his fault to begin with, confusing me briefly. However, I then realized that since he was apologizing, it could only mean one thing.

“Did my father stop you from telling me about this matter?”

“Yes. He reminded me not to say anything since you have to notice this problem on your own. He said this is a necessary lesson for you to start being aware of your own status as the next head of the house.”

I had thought that my father was a really kind and gentle person, but hearing Richard’s confession, I realized another side of him. He was quite a strict teacher.

Sorry, dad. It took me so long to notice this fact.

“I see. Sorry for always making you worry about me. He must be angry toward me since I’m such an idiot.”

“He’s not angry at all. You’ve finally noticed after all. He always believes that you’ll realize this fact for sure.”

Really, you’re overestimating me, Papa. But still… This has opened my eyes.

“I have to thank Luke for this. But it’ll have to wait until we meet again. It’ll be better if I said this face-to-face after all.” I mused before slapping my cheeks lightly to pump up my spirit.

“Yosh, let’s ask about magic tools first. I mean, there’s no way we’re going back empty-handed with such a rare opportunity before us. I know that the Court Mage Department is doing something that I can’t understand at my current situation, and it might be easier to find out what the Magic Tool Research Institute did, so I’ll just do what I can now. Well, not that I care about the result of both of them though.”

Kevin and Richard nodded their heads together when they heard my declaration. It seemed they agreed with me.

That’s right. I won’t give up. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

“Well then, let’s have a meal first―― Excuse me Aunty, three of your recommended set- meals for us, please!”


For some reason, my two attendants reacted to my order and they couldn’t be more different. Richard was actually shouting incredulously at me while Kevin was laughing heartily. He was even holding his stomach as he laughed.

Looking at them, I shrugged. It couldn’t be helped. After all, at this time, I was incredibly famished.

The recommended set meal of chicken nanvan was delicious.

“――Aunty, can you tell us some information about magic tools?”

This diner looked old, yet it managed to be kept open for a long time. Since she had been in this business for a long time, she might have heard a thing or two about magic tools from her guests. With this in mind, I figured I could ask for some information from her.

Alas, the plump aunty of this dinner was laughing heartily when she heard my question.

“Of course not, young lad. Look at my working place, there’s no way I know the details of what you want to know. Still, can you tell me what kind of magic tools you’re looking for? Perhaps, if you’re looking for magic tools that’s currently booming, I might be able to recommend some good stores for you.”

“Uhm, that’s a tricky question… I mean, the magic tool I’m looking for isn’t one that’s used for daily life. That’s why I don’t know how to classify tha―― Ah, three refills for our beverage please.”

“‘Kay, please wait a minute―― Ah, so you’re looking for unconventional magic tools, huh. Well, this place happens to be the gathering of such things… How about you try Bates’ shop? He’s an eccentric who is always tinkering with something whenever we see him. Me aside, even others of the same profession as him have no idea what he’s doing. As for the others… Well, they’re pretty much the same as Bates. All are eccentrics. And since each of their shops is rather unique, I think you’ll find what you’re looking for pretty easily.”

“I see. Thanks, aunty. I’m gonna take a look at their shop―― Oh, what’s the pastry written over there? It’s too far for me to see.”

“It’s doughnut. Hole-less doughnut.―― Oh, right. That man called Bates accidentally let it slip that he used to work in the research of the old magic department… this is off the record, okay?”

“Thank you. One bag of doughnuts, please. Wrap it in the bag, too.”

After thanking the aunty for the information, as well as receiving the bag of doughnuts I ordered, we headed towards Bates’ shop. And in case his shop wasn’t the one I’m looking for, I’m gonna come back to this diner again for more information.

Yup, this was the easiest and most popular way to get information after all, certified by all those anime and rpg games. Information gathering, as expected, had to be gathered from the owner of the bar or diner.

“Do you remember the way…?”

Kevin asked with a dumbfounded expression on his face. However, his eyes told me that he was enjoying this. On the other hand, Richard was holding his head for some reason unknown to me.

Anyhow, that matters not, let’s get going~ I decided in mind.