2 Status Does Not Exist

TN : 2/15


After that rocky beginning, I realized that I had reincarnated as a baby.

And I only realized that fact when my eyes could finally see and my ears could hear the conversation around me. Fortunately for me, I was not born ugly. In all honesty, it was the exact opposite, surprising me when I finally saw my appearance in this life.

The face that was reflected in the mirror was an extremely adorable baby boy with silky blonde hair and big round amber-colored eyes. Seeing this, I was one hundred percent sure that the adorable baby boy who waved to himself in the mirror would grow into an undisputed chad.

YAHOO, thanks a lot, God above!

I thanked God for giving me this handsome appearance even though I didn’t meet him before I got reincarnated. After all, this handsome visage alone was enough to make me a winner in life when I was older. So, offering gratitude was a must!

Moreover, even though I used to believe that reincarnation in another world from web novels was nothing more than fiction, I had never expected that I would have experienced it first hand.

Hmm? Why do I know this is another world, you ask?

Well, the answer was pretty simple, Akechi-kun. I just felt it was the case.

Hmm? Why am I so sure about it, you ask?

Fuh… not even I could give you a correct answer for that. I mean… it’s A GUT FEELING, ya know.

I meant, wouldn’t you also think the same as me? After all, normally speaking, you would always treat reincarnation and stuff like that as a product of fantasy. However, the story about reincarnation or being transported to another world was still selling like a hot cake these days.

Because even though they knew it was just a mere fantasy, people still couldn’t help but have some sort of expectation to experience it themselves!

No one was gonna blame someone for wishing to be reincarnated in another world!

Naturally, with this trope, you must not forget about the most important thing. A STRONK CHEAT!

And though there was no evidence that the world I was in right now was another world…


Well, nevermind my current look. Considering the fact that I was starting over as a baby, despite only being able to sleep and eat at the moment, the chance of me being reincarnated into another world is high!

However, I did not have a chance to confirm this fact yet, because… I had been spending every single day of my new life as a baby sleeping and eating! I hadn’t even left my room, yet!

Incidentally, the one who visited me the most was the wet nurse and several other maids!

My dad and mom also visited me once every few days for two hours, though. However, after that, they always left again in a hurry! But I didn’t know the reason.

And even if I want to try to find out, considering the fact that I had way too much free time in my hands, the wet nurse and the maids’ defensive formation was perfect. As such, I was unable to since they wouldn’t even let a fly enter my room!

Aah, how I wish I could crawl at this moment so I could get out of this boring room.

I tried to roll around to find out any cheat ability I might have.

… AH!

That’s right! Let’s try THAT!

Ugh, I’m such an idiot to forget about such an important matter. Anyway, ahem.

TARARARA, it’s time to confirm my STATUS.

The most important skill which would allow me to see the most notable part of myself, the Status-san! It’s indispensable to isekai-trope!

Fufufu, no need to waste time, here we go…

“UE~AO~UuN!(read : Status OPEN!)”

… Eh, seriously? Nothing happened. But why? Was it no good without proper pronunciation?

Seriously, it was like Status-san’s pride wouldn’t allow a baby like me to order it!

Alas, it still didn’t work even when I silently prayed for it or changed my language. In the end, I could only give up in tears.

Dammit!!! Let’s challenge it again once I can speak properly. Wait for me, Status-san!

I vowed to myself. After all, another world was simply incomplete without it.

Anyway, if summoning status was useless, then my only other choice was THAT.

The Magic-sama.

Now, let’s see if I could use magic. Hehehe, I mean, magic was like the staple of every story! Isekai or not!

I’ll put my trust in you, Magic-sama! Please don’t fail me!

However, the only problem here was this. I had no fu*cking idea about the kind of spell they use in this world, nor do I know about what kind of magic system this world has.

And the only thing that came to my mind was THAT.

Yes, I was talking about magical power-up. Or in other words, let’s train from now on to increase the amount of magical power I had. That way, it would be far bigger than the magical power of the normal inhabitant of this world.

Now, let’s see… according to the web novel I read before, the source of magical power would be placed below my navel… wait a minute, where in the world was that ‘below the navel’ part was located?

… Eh, nevermind, focus, focus, you mind!

Let’s fixed an image of magical power circulating in my body…

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. Ok, let’s do this!




……………………………………. ZZZZZZZZ………..

“Oh my, is the young master sleeping already? That’s faster than usual.”