Gu Haoyu has studied Taekwondo. He has a good understanding. After three years, he is already eight stages.

He thought that in front of Leng peiran, he would never lose much, but he never thought that Leng peiran just used five seconds to easily put him down.

Gu Haoyu, who was wearing Taekwondo clothes, felt that his performance was just out of order. He was unwilling to say, "come again."

Gu Lianxin couldn't look down and told the truth: "Gu Haoyu, don't try to be brave. Even if you have been practicing for five years, you may not be able to compete with your brother-in-law."

The implication, like invisible, tells him, don't over measure.

Gu Haoyu refuses to accept: "Bibi just knows."

Gu Lianxin stroked his forehead 1; 148471591054062, speechless.

Leng peiran smile: "good."

Next, I only heard the wailing in the Taekwondo pipe.

In the evening, Gu Lianxin lay on his arm, stretched out his hand and pinched him: "what's the name of you and my brother this afternoon? He has just been discharged from the hospital. What if you hurt him?"

Leng peiran meaningfully swept her nose with her fingertips: "you are so helpful to other men, and you are not afraid of my injury to your husband?"

Gu Lianxin sneered at him: "Oh, even if there are five vast universes, they are not necessarily your opponents."

Leng peiran's eyes bent, suddenly thought of something: "Haoyu is too impatient, need to sharpen his edge."

"Well, I also know that the boy is too young for the Spring Festival, and he doesn't know the height of heaven and earth. After that, I hope he will come to school and know how to be restrained."

"Don't worry about me."

Another meaning of Leng peiran's interpretation is that no one dares to do anything to him with his brother-in-law.

Gu Lianxin pinched him on his thin waist: "you are used to him. If you make trouble, you can clean up the mess for him."

"I'd like to let him be my brother-in-law, but I'll never let him have the chance to do anything wrong. I've reached a consensus with him."

Gu Lianxin asked: "what consensus?"

"The secret."

He knows that Gu Haoyu is a piece of her heart, in order to let him not continue to provoke any moths out to let her worry, Leng peiran put forward the attractive conditions.

He knows that Gu Haoyu likes a car with only five limited edition super cars in the world. He promises that if he honestly completes the rest of his studies in school, he will give him a 20 million sports car as a reward after graduation.

Gu Haoyu had to compromise in front of his true love.

But on the one hand, he and Leng peiran want to be together. They just don't want to add any trouble to their mother and sister.

After some things, people's mind can not help growing up a lot, even if there is no Leng peiran out of the attractive conditions, he will learn to convergence.

Gu Lianxin thought of Leng peiran. Everything was considering for himself. He felt soft in his heart and held his hand tightly: "it's good to have you."

What is happiness, happiness is a simple look, the other side can quickly figure out your mind, and then with action, to give you relief.

With the rapid development of the entertainment industry, Gu Lianxin's career has just begun to look better because the children's affairs have faded out of the fans' eyes.

Now a lot of fans, are a hot head, a little good for you, but you do not appear for a long time, the heat of you will slowly cold cut.

Life, the real iron powder, is really less and less.

Yang Lu wanted to strike while the iron was hot to find a good movie role for her, but she was pregnant, and the scenes she chose for her were all high-intensity and difficult. Not only was time not allowed, but even if time was sufficient, she could not bear it.

She's from the past. Since she was pregnant, she has become sleepy and easily distracted.

although she feels that it's a pity to have a chance, Yang Lu doesn't complain about her. Instead, she sees her anxiety and calms her down: "heart to heart, don't worry. After you have a baby, if you still want to enter this circle, I will help you continue to pave the way."

After all, Leng peiran's care for her and her children is far beyond Yang Lu's imagination. Looking at these days, Yang Lu feels that career is important for a woman's life, but if she sacrifices her family for her career, it's not worth the loss.

In a woman's life, the most enviable and long-term thing is not to have a smooth career, but to be able to find a man who really treats you well and thinks for you.

"Sister, I will be your cash cow again when the baby is safe."

Sitting opposite her drinking coffee, Yang Lu smiles: "I've found a fighter in a local tyrant. How can I still be such a money addict?"

"In this world, there should be no one who dislikes his own money."

In fact, at the beginning, she chose to enter this circle, and her goal was very clear. Maybe she would like to be a actress. As time went by, she began to like acting.

It's very precious to understand from different characters and live the role they play, which is recognized by the public.Since Gu Lianxin became pregnant, Leng peiran has strictly controlled her whereabouts. Only when she goes out, can he let her go.

Recently, he has been busy with the company. His brothers haven't been together for a long time. Xiao Yan calls to ask him if he wants to come out for a drink and play a few shots to relieve his boredom. At first, he doesn't plan to go there and wants to stay at home with his wife.

However, Gu Lianxin recently watched a sub program, boasting a few words about the men who play table tennis, who are very charismatic.

Leng peiran became interested and asked her, "if you have a ball appointment in the evening, will you go?"

Gu Lianxin has been staying at home recently. He's almost hairy. Now he has the chance to go out for a stroll, so he's happy.

In the clubhouse, Leng peiran leaned over and held Gu Lianxin's palm in both hands to teach her how to set up a pole and how to easily aim at the cue ball and shoot down other colored balls.

For the first time, Gu Lianxin, who holds the club in person, has the heart and joy of a beginner.

After a few strokes, she caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan's bad smile on the sofa not far away. Then she realized that her posture with Leng peiran was so ambiguous, so ambiguous.

If you look at it from behind, it will definitely remind people of...

It's easy for people to pollute because they have been with the old driver Leng peiran for a long time.

Leng peiran felt that she was distracted, and the temperature on her body rose a little, whispering in her ear: "what's the matter?"

Gu Lianxin embarrassed, red face, don't don't sideburns hair: "tired, don't want to play."

Leng peiran realized Xiaoyan's unkind smile and looked at him: "let's play."

Xiao Yangang wants to say yes.

I saw Leng peiran pause, not anxious to add a sentence: "a game of ten million."

Xiao Yangang sipped the imported red wine, choking his face slightly red: "brother, this is not good?"

Leng peiran's skill is obvious to all. In his three or two attacks, there is no residue left to be abused by him.

It's not good to keep that money for girls? Why contribute to him?

Just when receiving someone's cold light, he held the club on one side under pressure and said, "brother, why don't you let me go first."

"Yes." Leng peiran casually put the chocolate powder on the top of the club, and raised an imperceptible sneer at the corner of his lips.

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