Starlight entertainment, Chang Li's office.

Ning Xue dropped a newspaper in her hand and threw it on Chang Li's face, "waste

The headline on the front page of the newspaper said: "in depth disclosure: Hu Hongda's own cheating gate, the biggest winner is Ning xueluo! ]

the incident of Hu Hongda's infidelity started the previous night is still fermenting, but the public opinion has unconsciously turned to another direction.

In addition to keyboard man and brain powder, there are still a large number of rational fans and smart people behind the scenes.

After the incident was a little flat, he began to have an analysis. The emperor sorted out the whole thing.

I don't know, but I find that It doesn't seem easy?

On the surface, it was because Fang Ya and Ning Xi had a conflict in the crew that they chose Ning Xi to plant. However, once Ning Xi's reputation was destroyed, the biggest and most direct beneficiary of this matter was another person, Ning xueluo.

In particular, Ning Xi was very popular at that time. Even Ning xueluo, the female owner, was suppressed. Ning xueluo's fans went to make trouble, but they didn't win Jiang Muye's fans.

Immediately following the Internet, there began to be rumors that Ning Xi was taken care of by Hu Hongda, and finally went to Hu Hongda to send a micro blog in person

This series of events, is it really just a coincidence, is Ning Xi's own bad luck?

Can there be a possibility that Fang Ya was instructed by Ning xueluo? It is said that the usual relationship between the two people is said to be very good!

Conspiracy theory is the most popular on the Internet. Naturally, many people think of it.

Not only that, even before Ning xueluo kept a low profile for so long, the stain of her wronging Ningxi was turned over again and said again. She suspected that her assistant was actually instructed by her

"What on earth do you eat? It's even published in the newspapers It's better to get angry when the snow falls.

"This I can't be blamed! You said that you were so sure that there would be no problem. Therefore, I didn't pay much attention to it later. Who knows that overnight, things will become like this! "

"I'm sure I won't get caught! If they have evidence, do you think I can stand here and scold you? The point is, there's no evidence for this kind of talk! "

"Or I'll sue those newspapers for slander? No way The wording of the newspaper is too strict, and the full text is ambiguous. As for those on the Internet, it is impossible to tell... "

"Try to delete the relevant posts on the Internet, even if the newspaper can't withdraw, and other newspapers don't hurry to do it!"


At the same time, Ning Xi came to the company with a large bunch of beautiful Platycodon grandiflorum.

Lin Zhizhi was immersed in her work. When she heard a knock at the door, she did not raise her head and said, "come in."

Then, a bunch of bright green Platycodon grandiflorum with a fresh fragrance came into view. Lin Zhizhi was stunned, "this..."

Ning Xi looked at her with a smile, "sister Zhizhi, send you da ~"

Lin Zhizhi took it with a smile, "thank you."

She can't remember how long she hasn't received the flowers. Looking at the fresh flowers and the smiling face of the girl, she can't even remember the exhaustion of sleepless day and night.

"By the way, sister Zhizhi, I saw many people doubting that Hu Hongda's incident had something to do with Ning xueluo, and several mainstream media also published it This, should also have your credit? In fact, I thought about it at that time, but there was no evidence! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!