Lu Jing and Lu Chen come to the car shop. The man under control is about 30 years old, bald and thin. He was pale, like a junkie.

His eyes twinkled as if he were afraid of something.

He may have been beaten and his face is bruised.

"Chen elder brother, no matter how to ask, this grandson is not willing to answer!" Lu Chen's young man in his twenties came and said.

"I see. You have nothing to do with you." Lu Chen lights a cigarette.

The young man took people out and left Lu Jing and Lu Chen in this room. Lu Chen said, "I'll give it to you."

"Thank you. I'll take it." Lu Jing went back.

Lu Chen chuckled and said, "I'm also the children's uncle. Anyway, the children must be rescued. "

Lu Jing's throat was tight, and when he looked at the man who was tied up, he showed a fierce look. Lu Chen gets up and goes out, leaving the space for Lu Jing.

In fact, Lu Jing's external image has always been cold and calm. But only Lu Chen knows that the blood of wolves is flowing in the blood of Lu family.

Once provoked, anything can be done.

If you don't give me another chance, Lu Jing asked

"I I really don't know where the boss is taking people, what kind of deal. I'm just a valet. It's a pity to see this car thrown away. I want to get some money. I'll tell you what I know. Will you let me go The man implored.

After getting the information, Lu Jing said hello to Lu Chen and left.

"Brother, what should I do with this man?"

"Watch first. When you catch someone, send them to the police station." Lu Chen throws the butt into the ashtray and is about to leave when his mobile phone rings. He looked down. It was Xu Jiao calling. The anger between the eyebrows and eyes has gone, and the tone has softened unconsciously. "Hello."

"I'm following them now."

"What's going on?" Lu Chen looks dignified.

"I wanted to apologize to Lin AI, but when I saw her tied up, I secretly followed her. I'm leaving the city right now, on the way to the western suburbs, ah! "

Lu Chen heard a burst of bad miscellaneous voice, he anxiously asked: "what's the matter?"

On the other side of the phone, two cars collided. As the driver passed out, Xu Jiao's mobile phone fell under the back seat. She was just about to grab it. Another person in the car has come over, first she took up the mobile phone and smashed it on the ground and stepped on it.

The signal is interrupted, Lu Chen's whole heart is pulled up. Call again, it can't be connected.

Xu Jiao was taken to another car and the driver was also thrown up. Lin AI frowned when she heard someone being brought up again.

"Lin AI, are you ok?"

The voice was a little familiar. Lin AI replied, "Xu Jiao, how can you..."

"I saw you taken away by them, so..." Xu Jiao's arm is injured and her voice is a little weak.

"Don't talk!" The man in charge of guarding them threatened loudly.

The valet was more seriously injured and lay down all the time. Xu Jiao felt sorry and asked, "elder brother, is this person seriously injured?"

"I can't die." The man replied perfunctorily.

The two people in front of me started to mutter.

"The other party asked us to bring the three women, but there were two more. How can we account for this?"

"Whatever it is, these two people are following. We can't let them follow."


After Lu Chen finds Lu Jing and tells him about the situation, the two people begin to take the monitoring of the road section in the western suburbs, hoping to find useful clues.

But this section, because Haicheng has another Expressway planned. Here has been forgotten, more coincidentally, the monitoring was damaged as early as yesterday, and there was no time to repair it.

"It's no coincidence." "If they had planned to do it, they should have stepped on it," Lu said

"Split up." Lu Chen only thinks that things are not so simple. Generally, the kidnappers are trying to get money, but the kidnappers have not called. It's either prudent or otherwise. "This may not be a simple kidnapping."

"I understand." Lu Jing took a deep breath. "No matter what the other side has, if you dare to do harm to them, I will never let them go."

Lu Chen nods.


Lin AI and they were taken to a dilapidated warehouse. Someone came in and tied them with ropes.

"My children are still a little young. Can't you tie them up?" Lin AI holds recitation and music in her arms.

"Be honest, I don't like you rich people most. It's so delicate that I can't stand it at all. " One of them was very hostile to the rich.

"All right, all right. You can see that these three are our cash cow! And two three or four year olds are no threat. ""MD, this woman has brought her cell phone." A person from Xu Jiao found the broken mobile phone, can not help kicking her a few feet.

"Well, don't hit her!" Lin AI said anxiously. Douzi Bookstore

"Don't worry, don't worry, the phone is broken." Another person checked and dropped the phone again. "Let's go and have a drink."

Niannian and LeLe were not tied and stayed by Lin AI's side.

Lin AI worried and said, "do you have anything?"

"It's OK. It's just two kicks. I called Lu Chen before I was found out. Unfortunately, I was found later and didn't make it clear. But you don't have to worry. He should be able to find you soon. " Xu Jiao said comfortingly.

Lin Ai saw that she also comforted herself in turn, and her heart was full of doubts, "why do you want to follow me? In fact, you just need to make a phone call. "

"In fact, I've been very sorry that you lost your child." Xu Jiao said apologetically. "But anyone who sees this kind of thing will follow."

"This matter has been investigated clearly. It was done by Koryo, and it has nothing to do with you." Lin AI talks about things and doesn't want to generalize. Besides, last time, Lu Jing has made it very clear that she will not harm the innocent.

"I owe you anyway." Xu Jiao helplessly said, "it's a pity that I didn't help anything, and I got myself in."

"You've passed on useful information. Don't worry about it." Lin AI said.

"It's a pity that they broke the cell phone." Xu Jiao said helplessly.

Lu Nian walks over and picks up the mobile phone. He took a small tool box out of his body.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"I'll see if I can fix it." Lu nianchong Lu Le makes a gesture of "Shhh" and asks her to be quiet.

Lu Nian and Lu le are children, and they don't take them seriously, let alone search their bodies or anything. This tool box is a small tool that Lu Nian asked Lu Jing to make. He usually likes these things and is good at repairing mobile phones.

Listening to the two children's words, Xu Jiao didn't think that Lu nianzhen would fix the mobile phone. She said with a smile, "your two children's mentality is very good, and they are not affected at all."

"It's really possible to fix the phone." Lin AI replied. "How about reading?"

"The screen is completely broken, but I can try to fix it." Lu Niang is a little adult. It needs a little time.

"Take your time, Lele. Go to the door and watch. Let us know if anyone comes, you know? " Lin AI told me.

"Oh." Lu Le went to the door and looked out through the gap.


Lu Jing and Lu Chen searched for a long time, but they couldn't find out any useful clues. It was as if the car had disappeared out of thin air. There was no trace of it. Now we can only use the most stupid method, carpet search.

There are a lot of abandoned factories in the western suburbs, and they are also afraid of scaring the snake.

As time went by, Lu Jing deeply realized what degree seconds were like years, and could not calm down completely.

Lu Chen is no better than him, sitting on the sofa waiting for news.

Lu Lin poured a cup of tea for each of them and comforted them: "elder brother, second brother, you need to sleep for a while. I'm here on the phone. If there's something I can tell you as soon as possible, OK

"In this case, where can I sleep. You don't have to worry about us. Go to bed first. You'll stay with mom tomorrow. Don't let her think Lu Jing told me.

Just at this time, Lu Chen's phone rang suddenly. All of a sudden, all three people's hearts were raised in the throat.

Look straight at the screen.

The words "Xu Jiao" are shown above. Lu Chen's hands are shaking. He is just about to take it. Lu Jing motioned to the police on the other side to monitor.

"Uncle, I'm Lu Nian."

It was Lu Nian's voice that came from inside. Lu Jing was excited immediately. He asked, "son, how are your mother and sister now? Have you been with them? "

"Mr. Lu, calm down and let's make sure." The police rushed him back.

Lu Jing also knew to calm down at the moment. He restrained his excited heart and listened to Lu Nian's reply: "Daddy, mummy and sister are with me. We have nothing to do now. Aunt Xu Jiao is also here, and there is another driver. The valet is injured. Please come and help us

"Well, daddy's going to save you right away!" Lu Jing said excitedly. "Did you find the location?"

"Yes, it's here. We'll send someone over now." The words of the police were encouraging.

"Daddy, I hung up my cell phone first. It should be out of power." Lu Nian said.

"Good." Lu Jing was so excited that she didn't know what to say. Then she turned around and said, "I beg you to bring them back safely. The rest is not important."Every time these policemen see Lu Jing, they are full of high spirits. They are all flattered and stressed when they see him like this.

"Mr. Lu, we will try our best." Said the police.

Everything is ready. The police are ready to move and set out for the target.

Over there, a few people who are trading don't know their positions have been exposed. Three people sat around eating bentos and bottles of beer.

It's hard to avoid some complaints.

"Don't complain. You'll have a good meal after you finish this vote."

"Do you think that old woman will play tricks on us! Let's just lock people in here and wait for the phone to leave. "

"She has paid a hundred thousand down payment anyway, and we have nothing to lose."

"So it is."