Lin AIAN scolded. She is now an intern and has only worked in the company for half a month. The salary is so low that manager Huang doesn't want to give it!

According to the law, such a cooperative project, no matter what, will not be her turn.

"I see." Lin AI's discrimination with him will not change anything, and she will not waste her saliva with him. She sat back in her seat and began to look at the projects she had worked on.

Huang Youcai came over and said with a smile, "Xiao Lin AI, please me! Maybe I can help you to say something nice to my uncle

Huang Youcai, the nephew of manager Huang, is an authoritative speaker here. Ever since Lin AI came to work, he has intentionally or unintentionally courted her. Later Lin AI knew that the girls who came to work here were harassed by him.

Lin AI gave him a smile and said, "no, thank you."

Huang Youcai once again closed the door and said angrily, "girls must be smart outside. You will suffer sooner or later."

Lin AI didn't pay any more attention to him and looked at it attentively.

One side of Jiang Xiaoshan came over and whispered, "you don't give Huang Youcai face so clearly. I don't think you can stay in this company for long."

"As long as I finish this project, no?" Lin AI said with disapproval.

"Do you think everyone can get jingsen's project? Although you have worked in jingsen before, you must have offended someone! Otherwise, who will put such a potential company to this small company? " Jiang Xiaoshan thinks she knows the truth.

Lin Ai Fu sighed and said, "what can I do?"

Before work in the afternoon, when Lin AI passed the corridor, she saw herself in the mirror. My hair is longer and my head is black.

It suddenly occurred to her that Lu Jing had said that she liked her black hair.

Lin AI went to the barber's, washed out the color of her hair and cut it to the length of her clavicle. She looked at herself like this, and felt much better.

It was eight o'clock in the evening when she got home by subway.

Seeing Lu Jing standing at the bottom of the building from a distance, Lin AI went over and asked, "Why are you here again?"

Lu Jing looks at her, and her long hair makes her look younger, which makes her feel good. He couldn't help reaching out and patting, laughing and saying, "no welcome?"

"Have you eaten yet?" Lin AI asked.

"Not yet." Lu Jing looked at her bitterly, "I've been waiting for you."

"Sorry, I didn't know you were coming." Lin AI said apologetically.

Lu Jing grabs her shoulder and walks up the building.

Lin AI is not used to being so close to him outside. There is always a kind of state of being secretly afraid of being discovered when she is in love for the first time.

Out of the elevator, Lin AI suddenly received a phone call from Han xuanmo.

"Brother Xuan Mo, can I help you?" Lin AI asked.

"I haven't seen each other for a long time. Can you come out and meet me?" Han xuanmo asked.

Lin AI looked at Lu Jing subconsciously and asked, "is tomorrow OK?"

"OK, I'll pick you up at your office tomorrow afternoon." Han xuanmo said.

Lin AI hangs up and opens the door.

Lu Jing followed her. Seeing that she didn't mean to explain, Lu Jing couldn't hold her breath and asked, "do you still have contact with Han xuanmo?"

"Well, he's my friend. It's impossible for me to have no contact with Han Shaoming because of him. " Lin AI explained.

Lu Jing suddenly hugged him from behind and asked, "what if it's for me?"

"Well?" Lin AI is puzzled.

"If I were to be jealous." Lu Jing said in a deep voice.

"Will you?" Lin AI asked.

"Of course not. He's not a threat yet." Lu Jing said conceited.

Lin AI knows that he is always confident, but she still wants to hear him say that he is jealous. That means he cares about her, doesn't she?

"Is it? In fact, brother Xuan Mo is very good... "

Lu Jing's arm tightened her waist and asked discontentedly, "how good is it? Is there anything I can do? "

Lin AI raised her mouth and said with a smile, "you and Xuan Mo brother are totally two types. He is gentle. You are..."

Before Lin AI's words were finished, Lu Jing turned around and his dark peach blossom eyes were staring at her face. "What kind of am I?"

"You You're overbearing. " Lin AI was frightened by him.

"What kind do you like?" Asked Lu Jing.

Lin AI simply did not know how to answer, but did not dare to look at his ink like eyes. She closed her eyes and the corners of her mouth rose uncontrollably: "I don't know."

Lu Jing's lips stick up, loosen her, and then ask, "do you know now?"

Lin AI shook her head and said, "how can you be like that?"

Lu Jing kisses her lips again and again. Her deep, hoarse voice is accompanied by a smile: "how am I?"

"You bully me!" A red cloud flew up on Lin AI's face.

"Call brother Jing to listen to me, and I won't bully you." Lu Jing said."Are you childish or not?" Lin AI just reacts, he is to this appellation had an opinion.

"If you don't cry, you like me bullying?" Lu Jing put her arm around her waist, her face enlarged infinitely.

"Jing, brother Jing!" Lin AI called out in great fright. Her heart beat out of control. Chinese website of little snail

"Call me like that! Do you remember that? " Lu Jing said with satisfaction.

Lin AI asked shyly, "can you stop shouting outside?"

"Give me a kiss and you'll be spared." Lu Jing nods her lips.

"No!" Lin AI has a sense of luring wolves into the house. She shakes her head like a rattle.

"I'll do the same." Lu Jing approaches with a bad smile.

Lin AI suddenly hid and slipped out of his arms. "If you are not honest again, you will be driven out."

"What a pity!" Lu Jing fell on the sofa like.

Lin AI smiles and opens the refrigerator. There is only a little vegetable left.

"Would you like instant noodles?"

"Instant noodles?" Lu Jing frowned, some of these convenience foods are not very cold.

"Why don't you order a takeaway?" Lin AI knew he didn't like the taste of instant noodles.

"Do you like it?" Asked Lu Jing.

"Well, it's convenient, and it tastes good." Lin Aihui, actually because it's cheap.

"You can try it." Lu Jing, though somewhat disgusted, decided to give it a try.

Lin AI looked at him and said, "don't force me!"

"Not at all!" Lu Jinghui.

Lin AI began to cook instant noodles for him, adding a poached egg and a handful of vegetables. When it comes to Lu Jing, Lu Jing may be too hungry to feel that the instant noodles are still fragrant.

Lin AI watched him eat instant noodles and said with a smile, "you are a man who is easy to feed."

"So you've found the treasure." Lu Jing said with a smile and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"It's more than nine o'clock, you Are you going back? " Lin AI is not sure.

"Molly said," I'm your medicine. " Lu Jing thought of a very suitable reason for herself.

"What do you mean?" Lin AI asked.

"Do you sleep better when I hold you Lu Jing said complacently.

"It seems." Lin AI does not deny it.

"If you take sleeping pills for a long time, you will have side effects. But I'm different. I'm natural and pollution-free. " Lu Jing said half jokingly.

"Unreasonable!" Lin AI was amused by his statement, but did not want him to succeed. "I can try to sleep without taking medicine."

"Well, I'll sleep in the living room. You can call me if you need to!" Lu Jing winked at her.

Lin AI thinks that Lu Jing is just like a devil, specially to temper her will. She got up and went to the bedroom. She lay on the bed and began to count the sheep.

But Lu Jing's face unconsciously appears in front of her, he is guarding outside, she is very safe now! Maybe it's psychological. She really fell asleep.


The next day, Lin AI wakes up and the sun shines on her face through the curtains.

She opened her eyes and saw Lu Jing's smiling eyes. He held his face in his hands and said, "good morning."

Lin AI sat up and asked, "Why are you in my bed?"

"I heard you call me, and I came." Lu Jing's face is not red and his heart is not jumping.

"Why don't I remember?" Lin AI said perplexedly, can she still sleepwalk now? "Did I really call you?"

"Yes." Lu Jing said with a smile, "I heard it in my dream."

Lin AI sighed helplessly and looked up at the time. It was already half past seven. At this sight, she was almost out of her wits. If you are late again, manager Huang will probably kill her!

"Ah, I'm going to be late!" Lin AI got up in a hurry, ran to the bathroom to wash, picked up the bag and said anxiously, "I don't care about you! I'm going to work. "

Lin AI caught up with the subway and finally arrived at the company at the last minute. Manager Huang handed her a meaningful smile, which made her hair stand on end.

Huang Youcai came over and said with a smile, "Xiao Lin AI, your hairstyle is very beautiful. Let's have lunch together."

"I'm sorry, but I have an appointment at noon?" Lin AI refused.

"Boyfriends?" Huang Youcai tries to ask, but Lin AI doesn't answer, which is equivalent to acquiescence in Huang Youcai's opinion.

"What's your boyfriend for? We've known each other for so long. Why didn't we come to pick you up from work? Such a man is not very considerate Huang Youcai said that he didn't like it.

"He's busy." Lin Aihui.

"In fact, when men say they are busy, the most important thing is that they don't care!" Huang Youcai said, half sarcastically, "don't let people cheat you."

"No, thank you for your concern." Lin AI politely replied.

Huang Youcai saw that the provocation was not successful and walked away indignantly. There are only five people in the company, and there are about ten people who are engaged in business and don't often stay in the company. Originally at noon after work, everyone tacitly left. Today, under Huang Youcai's propaganda, they all stayed to see what Lin AI's "boyfriend" looked like.Lin AI didn't explain at first, but also wanted to let Huang Youcai back. How could he think that he would do so much. After a while, Xuan Mo brother came, I hope not to cause him trouble!

The elevator "Ding" opened, Han xuanmo came out, harvested a vote of people's favor.

But not including Huang Youcai. He came up with hostility and asked, "are you Xiao Lin AI's boyfriend?"

Lin AI looks at Han xuanmo and hopes that he can cooperate with him in a play. Han xuanmo immediately understood and said with a smile, "I am..."

"When a sound, one side of the safety channel door was suddenly pushed open, Lu Jing seemed to fall from the sky, staring at Han xuanmo coldly.