"Why?" The little rabbit blinked and looked at Cheng Zhiyan. The expression on his face was momentarily worried. Then he said excitedly, "I left?? Then you can have three months of summer vacation like me

"Well." Cheng Zhiyan smiles and leans down in her ear and whispers, "I have nearly three months to test your learning achievements..."


The smile on the rabbit's face froze instantly.

How did she forget about it!!?

She just patronized, excited Cheng Zhiyan came back!! She even forgot that her orange juice brother came back to test her school effect on what kind of books!!

The little rabbit immediately shook off Cheng Zhiyan's hand, looked at him with a defensive expression and said, "what In fact, those two books, it, it, it It is more obscure and difficult to understand. There are many contents in it. I, I, I I can't understand... "

"Oh?? What is it that I can't understand? " Cheng Zhiyan raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a funny look.

"This That... " The little rabbit blushed and stammered for a long time, but could not explain clearly. Seeing Cheng Zhiyan's words, the narrow expression of her eyes became more and more obvious. She bit her teeth and her heart became horizontal and said casually: "page 24, 35, 37, 38, 39 of Volume I have been back I don't know much about it! "

"Oh That is to say, after learning, there is no achievement at all? " Cheng's words frowned slightly and asked her in a low voice.

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't learn anything!" The little rabbit quickly connected his head like pounding garlic.

"It doesn't matter." Seeing her nodding in a hurry, Cheng Zhiyan's smile on the corner of his lips became more and more obvious. He reached over the rabbit's shoulder and whispered to her with a hint of bewitchment in his voice: "anyway, there are still three months left. We can study it together slowly. I can teach you where we don't understand..."


The rabbit is petrified.

Two people together Study slowly??

This, this, this Is this the rhythm of changing posture every day!!

The rabbit's face turned red.

Cheng Zhiyan looks at her instant red face, the smile of the corner of the lip is more obvious.

"Let's go. To celebrate our departure, we'll go out for dinner tonight." Cheng Zhiyan looked at the little rabbit on the body of the white off shoulder home skirt, urged: "hurry back to change clothes."

"Oh Good... " The little rabbit nodded and pressed down the thought of blushing and heartbeat in his mind for a while, and quickly went back to change clothes.

The dinner was in a western restaurant in the center of the city. During the whole meal, the rabbit was absent-minded. I don't know why. I can't help but think of what will happen tonight.


For the first time

How nervous

Cheng Zhiyan watched her take a knife and fork to cut the napkin in front of him for a long time. Finally, he could not help but ask her, "what are you thinking?"?? What kind of blood feud does this napkin have with you? You have to cut it to pieces? "


The rabbit regained consciousness and looked down at her plate. Sure enough, the white napkin was almost cut into pieces by her.

"That Nothing. I Well I wonder why my steak hasn't come up yet... "


After hearing this sentence, Cheng Zhiyan was silent for five seconds.

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