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- I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years
I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years
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UpdateTime:2025-02-16 01:02
Wu Chen traveled to a new world, but he is trapped on July 7, 2020! He indulged himself,... Read more Wu Chen traveled to a new world, but he is trapped on July 7, 2020!He indulged himself, did all ki... more>>Wu Chen traveled to a new world, but he is trapped on July 7, 2020! He indulged himself,... Read more Wu Chen traveled to a new world, but he is trapped on July 7, 2020!He indulged himself, did all kinds of evil things, ran away in despair, and even committed suicide hundreds of times in all kinds of ways. But when the day ends, everything goes back to the beginning.While getting stuck in the repetitive days, he spent countless days learning and studying. And so, he has mastered hundreds of languages and can communicate with 99,9% of the world’s population. He is also proficient in all mainstream musical instruments, arts, dancing, performances, shooting and martial arts… In fact, he is comparable to a master in any and every one of them.In this way, he lived for a thousand years.However, when a new day dawns and the sun rises as usual, the date is… July 8, 2020! Collapse Adapted to Manhua, Appearance Changes, Beautiful Female Lead, Business Management, Calm Protagonist, Cheats, College or University, Hackers, Handsome Male Lead, Hidden Abilities, Hiding True Identity, Low-key Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Nationalism, Overpowered Protagonist, Playboys, Polygamy, Poor to Rich, Romantic Subplot, Special Abilities, Sudden Strength Gain, Sudden Wealth365,000 repetitions and you didn't even get Corona once? Madness. I came here because translator sites have that black sticky header thing that appears at the top when you scroll down, which is annoying because it hinders my vision. and apparently people like that.Trash translation that only gets worse over time. I finally couldn't take it anymore in chapter 25 when half the pronouns were wrong. Also has a genius character written by an author who is definitely NOT a genius, leading to said genius doing all sorts of idiotic things, like having a ridiculous, 5-chapter poker game between "expert" poker players. Just garbage.A pretty standard CN novel.-Event happen fast for no reason-It takes a whole chapter to explain stuff-Many times things are repeated differently in a few chapterIn the end the story is not bad but as we all know CN novels don't usually end and I don't think this will be different.Good Luck guysPremise reminds me of Everyone Else is a Returnee.I do not know why this novel has such a low score. The plot smoothly immerses us in the story of a dude who has been experiencing the same day for 1000 years. Of course, this "golden finger" looks rather out of place, but, in principle, if we assume a single convention, then the plot looks amazing. The actions of the main character are difficult to predict without knowing all the details. Of course, it's still Chinese lore with their "give me a face", but on the other hand, where else will you find such a style of storytelling? I like this shit. All the characters have motivation, especially the harem, which is perfectly worked out. I finished reading all the available chapters in English on another site. The only thing that really pissed me off was the translation. Fu#k itIs this good?And how much chapter it has?The pirate site displays ≈325, but when you read the chapter, there is probably a separation from the author himself. In short, for 3 chapters from the site, you can read 5 chapters of the work. I hope I explained it clearlyTo be completely honest. No, you did not. I'm confused as hell...Pirate chinese site is 325 chaptersBut the translator probably increased the amount of chapters for some reason so...5 chapters here means 3 chapters on the pirated site.And thereforth the amount of chapters here might be about 500.I believe this is what he's trying to tell you.Why did trl quality drop by 10 fold after chapter 31without internet or money 1 day loop is the wrose since you can only accomplish very limited things. like here mc supposedly can communicate to 99.9% of the world but how? Not all languages are translated and taught on the interent. I can name 10 local language from india that you cant learn online. How far can he travel in 1 day? how many people can he communicated with?idk but if after 12 am he will reset to his previous position then it's impossible but if its 1000 years time stop then it's possible as he was the only who can moveYou cannot travel someplace and hope to accomplish something if your location gets reset agfter 24 hrs. You have to be stationery and do shit else you are simply wasting your time.It is a good novel. MC is kinda overpowered, the story is okey plotwise (I have very high standars, so it can also be translated as good, this is only within the genre), there is harem but the mc is really trying to win over the females insted of just lusting, he is searching for love... kinda (he already has f#cked more than 10.000 women in his 1000 years so he doesn't just want to f#ck). The mc is ruthless, he doesn't give a shit usually, he is multitalented, very calm and a bit logical but you can also say he doesn't give a f#ck even for his life. Not that he wants to die, it just that he has experienced so much..... This novel is to read it and have fun with it, what I mean is, do not try to overthink situations, turn off your brain and speed read it. At the start, the pacing is very fast (one situation after another), but it slows down later on. I really reccomend to read it. I will put it into the list to read via MTL, hopefully it is not royally f#cked. All this till chapter 29. if so then why not go for soulmate? harem is just cheap compared to true love he claimed to be looking for.What you mean by soul mate is, giving loyalty to a girl, not loving her. Loyalty and love isn't same.Also what if the guy is extremely competent? Won't their be multiple girls giving their heart to him? He should give up all other girls to settle on one? Everything he attained was because of his hard work, now he should leave behind everything to become loyal to one girl?Would've his soul mate taken fancy to him if he was less attractive and accomplished?It's impossible to have a harem without also treating women like they are second class citizens. The man might respect them and love them, but ultimately he and the society that accepts his practice treats those woman as being inferior to men. You will never see a harem written in fiction that doesn't have at least one of the following tropes going along with it:1) Men literally kill each other for the right to be with a woman.2) Woman can be sold/traded by their fathers for political reasons.3) The man sleeps around without the consent of his woman/women, and she/they just put up a token resistance to his philandering before passively accepting it.4) Being a lesbian or bisexual female is a-okay but the existence of gay or even slightly effeminate men is absolutely not (and if gay men do exist, they're almost always evil abominations who end up dying horrible deaths)5) Every woman the MC meets is more beautiful than the last, and every one of them desperately wants to f#ck the MC (or they haven't yet realized they desperately want to f#ck the MC, but they will in the future).The existence of harems is just sexual fantasy escapism. It's either portrayed in an unrealistic way, or it's only possible because women are, in that setting, inferior to men. Most real women are not going to be okay with you openly declaring that they're not good enough for you.If real world is a cultivation world, your points would still be valid. Not only women are second class, everyone is. Everyone is a commodity. An incompetent man may be third class compared to any random girl. The world of cultivation, even reality, don't value incompetent people. But of course there's racism, sexism exist in every person, every country. Some may hate Germany, some may hate white. Girls being looked down on in a world of warriors is nothing illogical. And you points are probably the reason girls hate harem. But don't they know, these points also exist in real world? A father trading his daughter for business exist. A girl attracted to a rich man (alternative to mc) also exist. So what exactly is illogical?The mc getting looked down when he is weak, gets his arrange marriage revoked. Does this look like a happy situation? Where is escapism? He gets stronger in someway, suddenly he becomes top of the hierarchy. And a girl be trying to sleep with a competent man is illogical?Harem is not escapism rather a sad truth. But what harem-haters want is a utopia/illogical world where your points don't exist. A place, where sexism doesn't exist, can't exist. Because then either the word 'men' or 'women' will have no value. Men are different, women are different. That's reality. If you think it's sexism then you're delusional. Which all harem-haters are. On a different note, in non-harem novels sometimes, mc worships his wife as one truth of the world. If his wife tells him to shut up he will shut up. He'll also disregard/trample on all other girl's feelings to chose one. Doesn't the heroine seem like a self insert for a girl reader? Isn't it escapism/fantasy? And the irony is, the same girl reader hates harem while liking self-serving, utopia like, illogical novels.I never said harems or sexism don't exist in the real world. I said that for harems to exist, sexism must also exist. This is not just true in the real world, but is also true in novels. In other words, those harem novels you love so much are sexist hyper masculine escapist fantasies. It's escapism because the reader fantasizes about living in a society like that, where they get to treat women like that, and where the women will be totally okay with it. It may happen in reality, but it almost never happens in areas of the world where women actually have the same rights as men.And no, "harem haters" aren't looking for a feminist utopia. Most tend to hate harems because they ruin novels. Those novels tend to focus on vapid, poorly written women with one-dimensional personalities and who only exist as an excuse for the reader to get a hardon. The psudo-relationship the MC has with these girls almost always leads to obnoxious and unrealistic drama that drags down the pacing of the story. There's nothing delusional about being a "harem hater." But there is something inherently delusional about being a harem lover. It requires that you either ignore and/or deny that the trope is sexist, or that you openly embrace that sexism. If your rant is anything to go by, you seem to openly embrace that sexism.From your words, for harem to exist sexism must exist, in other words, if both gender is equal then monogamy(50-50) will be normal. If there's polygamy then either men or women is being discriminated against. But here's the thing, no one is equal. Either the guy or the girl is more competent. Let's say in cultivation world, someone's in higher realm, he would be worth more than a guy who's in the lower realms. A rich guy having multiple mistress should be common in similar way, although real world deems it immoral. It does exist.Polygamy is not a matter of sexism but competency. How many girl do you know would go for a low value man? Sexism is valid when both men and women are equal and there's nothing called competence, everyone has same value. But in reality, everyone is different. Strength in cultivation world is vital for the survival of a clan. But can you preach equal rights when survival is in question? Therefore, sexism is supposed normal in a cultivation world than a technological world. Are the harem authors deliberately making the girls weak? No, if the authors writes a girl with masculine trait, she will stop being feminine. If girls stop being feminine, masculine traits will also cease to exist. There won't be any hero saving beauty or overbearing CEO husband. Am I sexist. No I am a realist. In a world where emotions have less value than cold hard cash. There are male traits and there are female traits. Sexism(social perception) does not decide the value of a person rather their competency. How well someone can fight, make money, take risk, take care of their beauty wins in life.Sexism is not about equality of ability, it's about equality of treatment. The modern world is built around a moral philosophy that all people, regardless of their gender, race, religion, etc, should be given the same basic rights. Some people are very resistant to this philosophy (racists, sexists, homophobes, religious zealots, etc), and might happily regress society back to a time where power and wealth dictate morality. A cultivation world is an extreme example of that kind of regressive amoral society. In such a world, power dictates everything. It's natural that harems will exist in such a world, just as it's natural that murdering people can happen almost without consequence as long as the murderer comes from a powerful-enough background. These types of worlds are dystopias for all but the most powerful people. In general, almost any setting where harems are a common practice are amoral distopias. (It's not just women who tend to suffer in those societies.) If your own sense of morality is built upon the belief that such social structures should be normal, I hope you can re-evaluate it. Because, if nothing else, what you're idolizing is a world where your likely fate is not to be the person with power, but rather to be a poor commoner, or serf, or slave, or a cannon fodder soldier, or heretic, or criminal. The fate of a normal person is to suffer in a society where power and "competence" dictates a person's rights.Where do treatment towards someone come from? Do people behave without any motive? A girl who has a friendly personality is more sought out, a guy wearing expensive clothes is the same, familial relationship, emotional buddy and playmate. The way we treat and behave towards someone is because of their worth to us.Historically women stayed at home more, were safe from the dangers of hunting. A man might not come back from his hunt. The dangers a man took was far greater and subsequenttially the man was revered/valued more. This treatment isn't sexism.In the modern work-life, a man doesn't need several types of leaves and can overwork till late. A women can't/doesn't provide the same. Therefore, a man is more valued as a workforce in certain fields. This isn't sexism but truth.Likewise sexism, the way we treat others didn't come from malice but the historical environment. Currently women are being integrated in intellectual workforce. When women become competent enough, they would be valued just as men. Therefore, in real world or in a cultivation world, if women can provide more value, they'd be treated better.Modern law may have solved murder, robbery to some extent. But the truth of the society is still there. You can lobby for the decision of the court to be in your favor. Also, people die from various 'natural' reasons all the time. Business is just a scamming technique. This is modern world. The only good thing of modern world is, you are less likely to die. And the slim chance of me being rich and powerful, is true. But just because I'll be a cannon fodder doesn't mean I want die in ignorance and delusion. I'd rather know the unpleasant truth and face it head on. After all, not knowing unpleasant truths won't make it disappear.If you seriously think modern society is anything like feudal society, you are delusional. You have access to the internet and libraries. You rely on regulations that dictate how streets are maintained, how cars are manufactured, how buildings are constructed, on how your job may treat you, on whether the supermarket can sell you unsafe food, etc. You are guaranteed some level of medical care, some level of sustenance, some level of police protection, regardless of your wealth and social standing. You can be safe and comfortable, with most of your basic needs met because of the post-Enlightenment philosophy that all people should have basic rights. If you truly believe that your life is anything like those of people living in ancient times, that is delusional. Sure, society is not perfect. And people can still suffer and die. But it is far from as bad as it has been throughout history. And the modern life you live goes hand-in-hand with the modern philosophy it was built around -- including the philosophy that women should have the same rights as men.You do not live in a society where you can have a harem, unless you happen to live in a part of the world where basic civil rights are not guaranteed for all people.Discussion cannot happen against faith. And you either don't know the dark side of the world or pretending that it doesn't exist. Honestly if the world was such an utopia I would love to live there.Do not let the comments discourage you, although this novel is not excellent, it is not bad either, it has its parts entertaining and the interaction of the characters does not feel forced back<<
《I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years》The Newest Chapter
《I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years》All Section Catalog
Chapter 1: I was stuck on the same day for a thousand years
Chapter 2: Ruthless character! Wu Chen, who everyone knows
Chapter 3: Do you understand the rules?
Chapter 4: A new day! July 8th!
Chapter 5: Get out of trouble! world! I’m coming!
Chapter 6: They came here!
Chapter 7: Actively reset for the first time, take the road and run!
Chapter 8: The woman with a cold voice and domineering personality
Chapter 9: Li Ruobing’s order
Chapter 10: I Know Everything about You
Chapter 11: I can be your fourth fake boyfriend, think about it?
Chapter 12: Your brother is going to have a major incident
Chapter 13: I want to crush him to death with my own hands!
Chapter 14: Sister…Brother-in-law? !
Chapter 15: This little boy must have lied to my elder sister
Chapter 16: Apologize to me, I will teach you!
Chapter 17: Yes, yes, brother-in-law is right!
Chapter 18: What’s going on? Brother-in-law knows how to gamble?
Chapter 19: Stud!
Chapter 20: This kid is
Chapter 21: Deadly 9 of Spades
Chapter 22: Get cheated, chop your hands!
Chapter 23: Do you also know art?
Chapter 24: Are you flirting with me?
Chapter 25: Aren’t you contradictory?
Chapter 26: Me! Wu Chen! From an ordinary family!
Chapter 27: You and that liar?
Chapter 28: Mr. Wu is really a talent!
Chapter 29: Why do I suddenly feel that you look familiar
Chapter 30: What did Wu Chen tell Lu Guangnian?
Chapter 31: The Bureau of Murder and Money
Chapter 32: The slap that slapped everyone dumbfounded.
Chapter 33: Do you still remember Ma Huifang?
Chapter 34: I don’t want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day as you.
Chapter 35: Do I Have a Shady Secret?
Chapter 36: No Privacy! No secrets!
Chapter 37: Dear! Come here!
Chapter 38: Give Liars a Lesson That Will Never Be Forgotten
Chapter 39: You should care more about yourself.
Chapter 40: Is it over?
Chapter 41: Wind and Cloud in the East China Sea
Chapter 42: Something went wrong
Chapter 43: The Deadly Kind!
Chapter 44: Bet You Don’t Be Jealous
Chapter 45: Conquering Wu Chen! (1)
Chapter 46: 6: Conquering Wu Chen! (2)
Chapter 47: 7: I’m really not me bragging with you!
Chapter 48: 8: Coincidence? No! We are destined!
Chapter 49: 9: Are you so careful?
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51: 1: If you are a man, you can’t be cowardly, so fuck Ding Ruilong!
Chapter 52: The car accident ten years ago
Chapter 53: Making friends with me is the most correct decision in your life!
Chapter 54: Brother Wu, brother owes you this time!
Chapter 55: There is another 'brother”!
Chapter 56: 6: What a coincidence!
Chapter 57: 7: When is the bright moon?
Chapter 58: 8: The network established by relying on others is unreliable after all
Chapter 59: 9: A 100 million villa, give it away as soon as you say it!
Chapter 60:
Chapter 61: 1: Who? Who are you talking about?!
Chapter 62: 2: Don’t Compare With Li Ruobing
Chapter 63: 3: Li Ruobing is so Shocked!
Chapter 64: 4: You Can Really Brag!
Chapter 65: 5: This kneeling…
Chapter 66: 6: Do you want to make another bet?
Chapter 67: 7: The Legend of the First Beauty of the Eastern Sea
Chapter 68: 8: Don’t Think I’m Dirty!
Chapter 69: 9: Cheating on the old scumbag
Chapter 70:
Chapter 71: 1 The rich woman and the white boy
Chapter 72: 2: Wu Chen, as terrifying as an abyss!
Chapter 73: 3: Mr. Wu, right? I’m Su Qingying!
Chapter 74: 4: Bastards who do not take advantage of a bargain
Chapter 75: 5: Just go straight to it
Chapter 76: 6: What are you looking at me for? Play ball!
Chapter 77: 7: Do you want to run with me?
Chapter 78: Ma’am, Miss ran away with that kid!
Chapter 79: 9: The rebound after extreme depression is really scary!
Chapter 80:
Chapter 81: 1: Achilles’ heel
Chapter 82: 2: Come, say something!
Chapter 83: 3: Friends?
Chapter 84: 4: Fake! It’s fake again!
Chapter 85: 5: Mental Explosion Li Ruobing
Chapter 86: 6: The atmosphere suddenly became weird
Chapter 87: 7: Provocation and Counterattack
Chapter 88: 8: What’s wrong with you?
Chapter 89: 9: Dead end? It can’t be a dead end!
Chapter 90:
Chapter 91: 1: These two highly intelligent women
Chapter 92: 2: Madam Su, nice to meet you!
Chapter 93: 3: We are all women, you don’t have to lie to me.
Chapter 94: 4: No need to thank me
Chapter 95: 5: You are teaching my lady how to play golf
Chapter 96: 6: I don’t know how it developed into this situation
Chapter 97: 7: Husband, am I really stupid?
Chapter 98: 8: Wu Chen! What are you doing? Don’t mess around!
Chapter 99: 9: The Second Option
Chapter 100:
Chapter 101: 1: Wu Chen who was coerced and lured
Chapter 102: 2: Two hundred million, no! Three hundred million!
Chapter 103: 3: Is it that simple? !
Chapter 104: 4: And then? that’s all?
Chapter 105: 5: Are you a half-immortal?
Chapter 106: 6: Just go to the theater tomorrow
Chapter 107: 7: Li Ruobing Feels a Sense of Crisis
Chapter 108: No choice!
Chapter 109: Wu Chen! I want him to die immediately!
Chapter 110: Do you really know how to draw sketches?
Chapter 111: Consequences of showing off skills
Chapter 112: Witnesses of Deadly Black Materials
Chapter 113: Su Qingying’s rebellion made
Chapter 114: For the benefit of the company!
Chapter 115: Are you really an intelligence merchant?!
Chapter 116: Brother! You have to help me, brother please!
Chapter 117: I was wrong at the beginning.
Chapter 118: How long are you going to make trouble? Get out!
Chapter 119: Interim Board Meeting
Chapter 120: Not only must win, but must win thoroughly!
Chapter 121: Vote!
Chapter 122: Extremely Serious Betrayal!
Chapter 123: Mom! Are You Sure You Want to Do this?!
Chapter 124: Jinfu Changes!
Chapter 125: The world is turned upside down, causing a sensation in the East China Sea!
Chapter 126: She’s Terrifying!
Chapter 127: If you have the ability, you kill me!
Chapter 128: Apologize to me, maybe I can give you another chance
Chapter 129: I’ll Send You On The Way
Chapter 130: You are my uncle!
Chapter 131: No matter what you do, you will die.
Chapter 132: No Choice
Chapter 133: Mu Qianqian cried loudly,
Chapter 134: Do siblings know about this?
Chapter 135: Are you friends with Wu Chen?
Chapter 136: The fire of gossip is burning
Chapter 137: Disruption
Chapter 138: My dad has come to Donghai
Chapter 139: Afraid of you?
Chapter 140: Is this the force behind him? Do you believe it?
Chapter 141: Daughter’s boyfriend must be fake!
Chapter 142: Fake! Too fake!
Chapter 143: There are six bullets in the gun
Chapter 144: Self-destruct! Destroy yourself again! There is a big problem!
Chapter 145: Who are you? Why did you appear next to my daughter?
Chapter 146: Unreasonable, but always talk about benefits!
Chapter 147: I have already contacted He Shiqin
Chapter 148: Can be changed, right?
Chapter 149: Ding Ruilong Must Die!
Chapter 150: Li Ruobing! Are you kidding me?
Chapter 151: Are you a drama star?
Chapter 152: She? who?
Chapter 153: Student Song
Chapter 154: Legend of the Black Widow
Chapter 155: Hairs Exploding
Chapter 156: East University School Girl
Chapter 157: Do you think I look like a fool?
Chapter 158: Let her understand what she missed!
Chapter 159: Release a song! Data Explosion!
Chapter 160: They are going to attack you! be careful!
Chapter 161: An Easier Way! Second reset!
Chapter 162: Friends! Take a trip?
Chapter 163: The whole army was annihilated
Chapter 164: The seven people
Chapter 165: It’s Too Late
Chapter 166: Elevator
Chapter 167: Are you going to kill Ding Ruilong?!
Chapter 168: This is impossible! This is impossible! This is impossible!
Chapter 169: He is taking a bath!
Chapter 170: You are really versatile!
Chapter 171: Can Wu Chen know the future?
Chapter 172: Brother-in-law, reveal first?
Chapter 173: Framed
Chapter 174: Senior, have you been…
Chapter 175: If It Does Not Become Popular, I’ll Give You Your Money Back!
Chapter 176: Boss, he knows…
Chapter 177: Daughter born by surrogate, do you care so much?
Chapter 178: I have thoughts about you
Chapter 179: I did it!
Chapter 180: Yes! I did it!
Chapter 181: Why is he?
Chapter 182: Drunk
Chapter 183: Mr. Wu, did you do it on purpose?
Chapter 184: Offended! Very offensive!
Chapter 185: Aren’t you afraid that Miss Li will be sad if she finds out?
Chapter 186: Wu Yurong, are you shameless? He is only twenty-two years old!
Chapter 187: Mr. Wu, is there still time in the evening?
Chapter 188: Boss, are you sure?
Chapter 189: Can’t see anything
Chapter 190: It’s embarrassing
Chapter 191: Dare to have such an attitude?!
Chapter 192Kneel down and apologize to me!
Chapter 193Kneeling is Impossible
Chapter 194: Wu Chen! Can you find someone normal in the future?
Chapter 195: Where did so many emergencies come from?
Chapter 196: Scalp numb
Chapter 197: Are you coming? Still not here?
Chapter 198: Why bother?
Chapter 199: I’ll Give You a Chance
Chapter 200
Chapter 201: I Need You To Tell A Lie
Chapter 202: I wish you good luck.
Chapter 203A ransom of 100 million dollars, think about it?
Chapter 204: After going around and around, what is this situation in the end?
Chapter 205: What are you doing?
Chapter 2066 : You will have a bloodbath tonight.
Chapter 2077 : What a 'younger brother”!
Chapter 208: What are we talking about?
Chapter 209: You can’t find him?
Chapter 210: Are you done yet?
Chapter 211: Isn’t that too exaggerated? What about filming?
Chapter 212: World’s First
Chapter 213: Well done!
Chapter 214: How big of a grudge is this?
Chapter 215 : It's my brother-in-law, please be polite.
Chapter 216: Is the ramen restaurant the code name of some organization?
Chapter 217 I want to ask for advice
Chapter 218 : Come prepared?
Chapter 219: She can’t be Wu Chen’s woman!
Chapter 220: Close cooperative relationship?
Chapter 221: Why?!
Chapter 2222 : So awesome!
Chapter 223: Huge Concession!
Chapter 224: He is coming to Eastern Sea to apologize to me in person!
Chapter 225 : Don't you remember me?
Chapter 226: I need to teach him a lesson before driving him away!
Chapter 227: You are really a talent.
Chapter 228 : The Demon Tutor
Chapter 229: Brings hope!
Chapter 230 : More than a hundred people
Chapter 231: Do your family members know that you are so awesome outside?
Chapter 232: Why did I give birth to such a loser like you!
Chapter 233: Uncle!!! Sorry!!!
Chapter 234: Ultra Behaved, Ultra Obedient
Chapter 235: No matter how much money you pay!
Chapter 236: The girl
Chapter 237: Sudden showdown!
Chapter 238: Chilling
Chapter 239: Not a husband and wife, but a couple
Chapter 240: Why are you hugging me?
Chapter 241: Wouldn’t it be better if he actually wears a hat and becomes a turtle?
Chapter 242 : I agree, but I have a request!
Chapter 243 : You can do whatever you want.
Chapter 244 : The Noble Man in Destiny
Chapter 245 : I'm not sure whether he can leave Donghai intact.
Chapter 246 : I don't want to lose face?
Chapter 247 : Cold Queen Li Ruobing!
Chapter 248 : Give me enough face!
Chapter 249 : You're on the right track, Miss Su!
Chapter 250 : Extremely shocked!
Chapter 251 : Is this such a mess?
Chapter 252 : Senior has returned to Donghai?
Chapter 253: Maybe this is the so-called genius!
Chapter 2533 : Maybe this is the so-called genius!
Chapter 2544 : My dear, where are you going to stay tonight?
Chapter 2555 : I have low self-esteem!
Chapter 2566 : The Great Harmony of Life
Chapter 257: Revealing his whereabouts
Chapter 258: Disgusted! Even angry!
Chapter 2599 : Carefully Being Seen
Chapter 260: I’ll ask him,
Chapter 2611 : Don't waste this day
Chapter 2622 : Sameness and Change,
Chapter 2633 : Super Excited Super Excited
Chapter 2644 : Let me go!
Chapter 2655 : Give Me the Knife
Chapter 2666 : 4:39:21 PM
Chapter 2677 : Underground Lover's Bar
Chapter 268If Miss Li knew this, would she be jealous?
Chapter 2699 : Brother, I'm so impressed with you!
Chapter 27070 : Video taken in advance
Chapter 270: Video taken in advance
Chapter 271: Not Clean
Chapter 272: The Art of Language
Chapter 273: Because of my brother
Chapter 274: You don’t understand the situation
Chapter 275: No matter whether you say thank you or not, they are all brothers!
Chapter 276: There is something, but it’s a pity…
Chapter 277: 'Nosy” Wu Chen
Chapter 278: The peerless master’s strong
Chapter 279: There will be a big fuss!
Chapter 280: Brother, do you know me?
Chapter 281: Tang Xinbao and Guo Qiqi
Chapter 282: Overbearing and Domineering
Chapter 283: They all regard Wu Chen as their benefactor.
Chapter 284: Is it so intimate?
Chapter 285: What the hell is going on here?
Chapter 487An Unbelievable Person
Chapter 286: Eh? Sister! Stop!
Chapter 287: Shooting in the Street
Chapter 288: I want to give him a child.
Chapter 289: Psychological Tactics
Chapter 290: Brother, can you teach me martial arts?
Chapter 291: He is here!
Chapter 292: Go directly to Ding Ruilong
Chapter 293: Donghai Yi Hotel
Chapter 294: Sneaking into Room 616
Chapter 295: What did you do to him?
Chapter 296: Four hundred million has arrived!
Chapter 297: Desperate Impulse
Chapter 298: What do you think?
Chapter 299: Final Instructions
Chapter 300
Chapter 301 Guaranteed Satisfaction!
Chapter 302: We Are Not Friends
Chapter 303: It turns out they are a family!
Chapter 304: The Big Shot of the Sun Family
Chapter 305: A person is a network of people with great hands and eyes!
Chapter 306: That’s really hard work for you.
Chapter 307: Tang Jingbin
Chapter 308: Don’t follow the routine,
Chapter 309: The mediocre abnormal behavior
Chapter 310
Chapter 311: Mr. Sun, let’s talk first?
Chapter 312: I’m not afraid that he will think too much, but I’m afraid that he won’t think about it.
Chapter 313: Taking advantage of the situation!
Chapter 314: Don’t you feel uncomfortable?
Chapter 315: All Actors
Chapter 316: Getting emotional.
Chapter 317: Whose money do you dare to take? Do you want your life?
Chapter 318: Room 1029
Chapter 319: Ding Ruilong, you are really cuckolded!
Chapter 320: I am quite white, not as green as you!
Chapter 321: Three shots! Blow up the chamber!
Chapter 322: It’s on fire!
Chapter 323: Why are you falsely accusing someone of innocence?
Chapter 324: Extreme fear!
Chapter 325It could kill him no matter what!
Chapter 326: An explanation must be given!
Chapter 327: Excuse me, I’m An Menglan!