Chapter 166: Breaking (5)

Chapter 166: Breaking (5)

While Choi Sung-gun was away taking a call, only Kang Woojin, Director Ahn Ga-bok, and the film company's CEO remained in the CEO's office. The atmosphere was somewhat heavy. Director Ahn Ga-bok and the film company's CEO were just intently watching Woojin across them.

Kang Woojin was silently looking down at the first chapter of Leech,' which would be Director Ahn Ga-bok's 100th movie. However, Director Ahn Ga-bok noticed a slight change in Woojin in a fleeting moment.

Did he just hesitate for a moment?

Hence, the question was asked.

Why. Is there a part you dont like?

However, Kang Woojin did not answer immediately. He was still looking down at the Leech' script, but he was actually recalling the situation he had entered in the void space a little while ago.

It was an addition to the scenario after a while.

When Woojin entered the endlessly dark void space, his first words were brief.

Is the movie title Leech'? Thats very simple.

A simple impression of the title. The title seemed rough and it was hard to guess the content. Well, he could read more about it later. Kang Woojin checked the floating white rectangle. Among the listed, the one at the very end was Leech.'

As soon as he saw it, Kang Woojin's eyes widened slightly.nove(l)bi(n.)com

-[8/Scenario (Title: Leech), S-grade]

-[*This is a complete movie scenario. 100% reading is possible.]

S-grade. The movie Leech' was S-grade from the start. Woojin was purely amazed.

Wow- truly a masterpiece.

Indeed, Director Ahn Ga-bok deserved to be called a legend in the Korean film industry. However, a question arose. It was clear that it was great, but.

But this movie, he said it was for challenging Cannes, right?

What kind of result would this Leech' achieve? If it was just releasing in cinemas like Drug Dealer,' it would be judged by the number of audiences. But since it was challenging Cannes, would it only explode in that aspect?

No. It could also release after going to Cannes.

Exorcism' was a short film, so there wasnt even a thought of releasing, but Leech' was a feature film. There was a high possibility of releasing in domestic cinemas after challenging Cannes. According to Woojin's research, after being invited to the Academy Awards ceremony, with some well-placed public relations, the movie could also release.

In other words, it was somewhat ambiguous to predict.

Then, Kang Woojin put aside his complicated thoughts. Whichever way it went, if it hit big, that was all that mattered, right? Maybe it could do well in both aspects. At this point, Kang Woojin, who had stopped thinking about the void space, was again addressed by Director Ahn Ga-bok from across him, slightly tilting his head.

Whats wrong. Is there a problem?

With an low voice and a poker face, Kang Woojin silently shook his head.

No. I was just reading.

Is that so? It was brief, but what do you think?

I dont know yet. I havent read it properly, so it was natural. Simply saying This is precious, its S-grade. was not something he could do. Well, other top actors might say its good because its Director Ahn Ga-boks script, but Kang Woojin, with his deep concept and honesty, decided to speak frankly.

I'm not sure yet.

As if understanding Woojin's character, a smile spread across Director Ahn Ga-boks wrinkled mouth.

Thats okay. Asking directly might be a bit premature.

Director Ahn Ga-bok, brushing back his white-haired head, changed the subject.

Hmm- then, shall we talk about something else? Things were a bit hasty in Da Nang. You can just think of it as being very interested in you.

Thank you.

What for, no need to thank me.

At this point, a sense of gravity came into the leisurely eyes of Director Ahn Ga-bok.

I formally request it, I would like Woojin to appear in my movie. Im very eager.

The baton was then passed to the film company's CEO seated next to Director Ahn Ga-bok.

As you said in Da Nang, I understand that youre not particularly interested in the Cannes Film Festival. I also understand where your focus is. However, with Kang Woojins current filmography, winning an Academy Award is impossible, I assure you.

Of course, the pace of your growth is unprecedented and insane. Even so, if we go by the book, it would lightly take over 5 years. After all, even top actors with 10, 15 years of experience cant even cross the threshold.

As Woojin listened to the explanation, his gaze shifted to Director Ahn Ga-bok, who had his arms crossed. Soon, the corners of the veteran's mouth slightly rose.

Ah, only you and I know that Woojin is only interested in the Academy Awards. In that regard, CEO Jang is more of an expert than I am.

So, Grandpa? Where did that Academy Award come from? Woojin sighed inwardly. Misunderstandings were overflowing right in front of him. Indeed, this veteran was the main culprit. However, questioning the old master now would be foolish.

He just forced a calm and composed demeanor.

I'm listening.

Woojin murmured in a low tone, and the film company's CEO continued the explanation.

However, the situation changes 180 degrees if you make a mark at Cannes. It's somewhat of a shortcut.

Director Ahn Ga-bok chimed in.

It's like using my movie as a stepping stone. I also want to see how quickly Woojin can reach his goal.

As the misunderstanding deepened, Director Ahn Ga-bok leaned forward.

The Cannes Film Festival usually takes place around June. But next year, due to internal circumstances at Cannes, it's pushed to September. It's an opportunity for me, as it could have been pushed to the year after next.

That's fortunate.

Then the film company's CEO added at the end of his speech.

But time is tight. Even if it's pushed back, we need to start cranking in by January next year at the latest, finish cranking up by June, and complete editing before September for submission. However, we already have an offer from Cannes. Director Ahn has had good results at Cannes in the past. Of course, it will go through the selection process, but advancing to the main competition shouldn't be a problem.

Detailed explanations followed. Woojin just absorbed the information with an indifferent face.

That's incredibly tight.'

There wasn't much time. At that moment, Director Ahn Ga-bok's aged voice was heard.

Don't worry about what others think about this being my 100th work. Just decide based on what you think is best for your future.

Understood, Director~nim.



Director Ahn Ga-bok stood up, and the film company's CEO followed. It meant all had been said. Now, it was up to Kang Woojin's decision. At that moment, Choi Sung-gun, who had gone out to take a call, returned to the CEO's office.

Ah! Have you finished?!

Director Ahn Ga-bok, who had been smiling softly, nodded.

Yes, we're done. You must be busy. Let us know once Woojin makes his decision.


What do you think?

Seems good.

Choi Sung-gun smiled slightly.

If the guest cant cook, it might not go as planned. You can only give instructions to the guest, after all.

In essence, the key was the image of Kang Woojin getting frustrated behind the guest.

It's going to be a variety content, essentially.

As a result, the Kang Woojin's Alter Ego' channel was divided into two main categories: covers and cooking. Even within these broad categories, the content branched out into subcategories. Just the cover and cooking content alone amounted to over ten different types.

So, Woojin, who do you think should be the first guest for the cooking segment?

I think Hwalin ssi would be good.

Hmm- right. It would be meaningful since its the first song of the Kang Woojin's Alter Ego' channel. Alright, Ill send out a request to invite Hwalin ssi right away. And for the avatar?

Im not sure.

Okay, Ill decide on that part then?

Yes, CEO~nim.

After the meeting concluded, Kang Woojin entered the recording booth. It was for the purpose of filming a cover video, and as the preparation for shooting began, the main PD of the Kang Woojin's Alter Ego' channel sneakily asked Choi Sung-gun.

Excuse me CEO~nim. Woojin~ssi, he saw the article. Is he really transferring at the beginning of next year?

Choi Sung-gun, who had been watching Woojin inside the booth with his arms crossed, answered briefly.

You dont need to worry about it.

Ah- yes, I was just a bit worried. Haha, so its just an abusing article, right?

At that moment.

-Vvvvv, vvvvv.

Choi Sung-guns phone inside his jacket pocket began to vibrate long. The caller was Hong Hye-yeon. Soon, Choi Sung-gun stepped out into the corridor outside the studio and answered the phone.


Hong Hye-yeon's excited voice came through immediately.

Oppa!! Did you release Woojin~ssis article??!

Have I gone mad?

But, why did it come out then?

Ha- I dont know.

What do you mean you dont know?

Hong Hye-yeon was an investor in bw Entertainment. Not only was she concerned about Woojin, but she also had the perspective of a company investor.

What the why. What does Woojin~ssi say?!

You know what Woojin is like. He hasnt said anything about it.

It is Woojin~ssi and how decisive he is, he would have decided long ago, right?

Thats right.

But that was not the case at all. Kang Woojin had no particular thoughts regarding his current contract.

Oppa, what were the terms of Woojin~ssis 1-year contract?

A signing bonus of forty million with a 9:1 ratio, a 1-year contract so he could first experience what our bw Entertainment is like. We said we would decide whether to extend it afterwards.

During that 1-year. No, to be precise, in less than a year, Kang Woojins stature had truly become monstrous. Hence, Hong Hye-yeons voice over the phone sounded slightly urgent.

But, if theres still no word, does that mean were not to his liking?

Who knows. Who can know whats in Woojins mind? Now that its come to this, we just have to move quicker than originally planned. Ill do my best. But as you know, Woojins schedule is insane, so other entertainments cant easily approach him.

But still, a war is going to break out, right? This article is practically a public announcement. You know, right? We have to secure Woojin~ssi at all costs.

Yeah, I know. His value has jumped more than a hundredfold.

Mainly as an actor and with his YouTube channel, SNS, surrounded by heavyweights, not to mention his expansion into Japan and even aiming for the Academy Awards. His skills in vocals, cooking, and languages, what about them? Choi Sung-gun, who had observed all this from close by, could not be unaware.

I'm gathering as much ammunition as I can.

Two days later, in the morning, at Nonhyeon-dong GGO Entertainment.

In the office of the mega GGO Entertainment, several people were gathered from the morning. Not only the executive-level employees but also the bulldog, or rather, the CEO Seo Gu-seob, who had been embarrassed by Kang in the past.

All of them were looking down at their tablets.


Director Kim, have you checked this article?

At the question from CEO Seo Gu-seob, seated at the head of the 5-person sofa, an executive next to him nodded.

Yes, CEO~nim. The media seems almost certain of it.

Is that so? Then it's not a lie-

The movements of other entertainments are also unusual.

They've been preparing to pounce for a while.

Then, CEO Seo Gu-seob, with a smirk, thought of Choi Sung-gun.

1 year? He had that monster tied down for just a year? Did Choi Sung-gun, that fucking moron, have his brain malfunction?

With a somewhat sly smile, he mused to himself.

It's not my business why. Now's the chance to swallow up Kang Woojin.'

He pondered internally.

200 million. No, would at least 300 million be enough?'


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