Chapter 129: Departure (3)

Chapter 129: Departure (3)

Both ‘Male Friend' and ‘Drug Dealer' releasing simultaneously? Woojin, looking calmly at Choi Sung-gun, asked for clarification.

“At the same time?”

Choi Sung-gun nodded his head with a small smile.

“Yeah, well- it's not confirmed yet. It's just my guess.”

Woojin, based on what he heard here and there, did some calculations.

“I heard that ‘Male Friend' is scheduled for October.”

“That's right, we're in late August now, so it's about a month and a bit away. But yesterday, when you were doing the script reading for ‘Freezing Love', Director Kim Do-hee personally called. She suggested holding a blind preview next week.”

Blind what? Woojin, with a serious face, was confused by the term ‘blind preview'. It sounded familiar but strangely new. Where had he heard it? Then, it struck him.

‘Ah- right, was it during ‘Exorcism'?'

Indeed, a blind preview had also been conducted when the editing of ‘Exorcism' was completed. The general idea was that only the people involved in the movie gathered to watch the finished product. Does that mean the editing of ‘Drug Dealer' was completed? Wasn't that a bit fast? Well, he didn’t know much yet, but that was his feeling.

“Isn’t it a bit early?”

“Yeah. For a commercial movie’s post-production, it's quite early. However, it doesn’t seem like ‘the editing is completely finished'. More like, about 90% of the work is done. But it’s still fast. It happens, directors get hooked on editing and pour their life into it.”

“They must have had a hard time.”

“Anyway, it seems like the blind preview was originally scheduled for mid-September, but it was moved up due to the actors' schedules. So, if we have the blind preview at the end of August, editing completed before mid-September, then distribution companies jump in for promotion, and if everything moves quickly, the film could be released in October or November.”

At this point, although Woojin's expression was indifferent, a sense of tension rose within him. It was just a cameo role, but a film he appeared in would be shown in theaters? Of course, he had seen ‘Exorcism' in the cinema. But this felt strangely different.

‘Is this the difference between a short film and a commercial movie?'

Not a movie shown at festivals as an event, but one where the general public pays to see Kang Woojin or ‘Lee Sang-man' in theaters. Unlike ‘Exorcism', the number of viewers and revenue would be counted. Indeed, this must be the pressure related to performance.

As Woojin's heart secretly fluttered,

“It wasn't intentional, but this means there's a high possibility that ‘Male Friend' and ‘Drug Dealer' will overlap.”

That made sense. It was unlikely that both works would open exactly at the same time, but whichever came first, they would be around the same time.

“But that would be much more impactful. From the audience's perspective, there's the fun of choosing. And most importantly, you can showcase your versatile masks.”

Choi Sung-gun's smile deepened as he explained.

“In both works, you're involved, and naturally, you'll be at the center of the promotions. Then, the public will be curious, since two works featuring you, who's become a hot topic, are being released almost simultaneously.”

Pointing at Woojin with his index finger, he said,

“‘Lee Sang-man' and ‘Han In-ho'. Two characters who are different in genre, presence, and aura.”The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

He mused, imagining the future.

“Wonder how the audience will react to that?”


Having wrapped up the discussion about ‘Male Friend' and ‘Drug Dealer', Choi Sung-gun shifted the topic to the upcoming schedule in Japan. Although others talked about him having international experiences or having studied abroad, the real Kang Woojin had never been overseas.

‘This is the first time I'm flying as an actor.'

It would be a lie to say he wasn't excited. Even though Japan was nearby, overseas was still overseas. However, Kang Woojin's anticipation crumbled as he listened to Choi Sung-gun's briefing.


“Woojin, unfortunately, you won’t have any time to rest even in Japan.”

No time for leisure, not even a bit. In fact, the schedule in Japan was even packed than it had been in Korea.

“Firstly, we arrive in Japan on the 26th, late in the morning. We'll head straight to ‘Netflix Japan', then have a quick meal, attend a briefing about the event, and have the event in the afternoon. The next day...”

Even this was just the anticipated itinerary.

“The actual confirmed schedule will probably be even more packed.”

Kang Woojin let out a sigh, but it was common for celebrities’ overseas schedules to be tighter than usual. Well, what can you do? It wasn't a leisure trip anyway, so Woojin doused the excitement that had been rising in him. Seeing this, Choi Sung-gun, observing Woojin, showed a hint of concern.

“Will you be alright? How's your condition these days? It's hard to tell with your expression.”

Woojin, deep in his role-playing, answered solemnly.

“No problems.”

If things got too tough, he could always retreat to the void space. Anyway, having finished briefing about the Japan schedule with only about four days left before departure, Choi Sung-gun and Woojin,


left the company for the next schedule.

At this time, the two projects Kang Woojin was involved in were immersed in intense editing.

“This cut is good for the two characters, but the cherry blossoms in the background seem a bit sparse. What about the next one?”

The recently wrapped-up ‘Male Friend', which had a production announcement that shook the nation, was now in post-production. Director Shin Dong-chun had immediately started editing after the announcement.

‘Male Friend' had more work than a typical short drama series.

It was longer, with four parts, and had more aspects to manage, from the OST to launching on Netflix Japan. Naturally, as the scale increased, so did the work involved. In short, Director Shin Dong-chun and the production team had to pour their souls into it.

And then,

“Music Director, I've been thinking, for the cut where ‘Lee Sang-man' dies, I’d like to change the BGM.”


It was for ‘Drug Dealer', with the blind preview just around the corner.

“Currently, it evokes a sense of sadness, right? But I really want ‘Lee Sang-man' to be a proper villain until the end.”

“You mean something more grandiose and shocking?”

“Exactly. I want him to be a bastard till the end.”

“Where? Oh- right. What's going on?”

“Must be a celebrity coming!”

Groups of journalists with cameras were noticeably abundant. Whether in pairs, groups, or alone, journalists seemed to be waiting for something, attracting attention from the crowd in the airport.

But it wasn’t just journalists.

“But, look – aren't people heading that way too?”

“Yeah. This is definitely about a celebrity! Look, even the airport guards are heading there.”

“Should we check it out? We still have time before our bus.”

Passersby and airport staff alike were moving in the direction the journalists were rushing towards.

At that moment,

‘Oh- arrived in Japan. That was really quick from Korea, huh?'

Kang Woojin was also at Haneda Airport. In fact, he had just arrived. His hair was styled without excess, and his makeup neatly done. Naturally, the entourage with him was substantial too. It included Choi Sung-gun and Kim Dae-young from bw Entertainment, the Netflix Korea team, and,

“Woojin, we need to move together.”

Hwalin, who had just joined Woojin, and her team. A considerable number of people were gathering their luggage. The reason was simple: starting today, Woojin and Hwalin were scheduled to fulfill their commitments in Japan.

Soon, Woojin thought,

‘Ah, I need to manage my expression.'

It was his first flight and his first time in Japan, but he suppressed his excitement upon seeing Hwalin so close.

“Yes. Are we moving together from here?”

“That’s the plan. But it's better for the press if we're seen together rather than individual ones. It makes it easier for articles, both in Korea and Japan.”

It was new information for Woojin, but he pretended to understand.

“I see.”

As Woojin spoke indifferently, Hwalin, brushing her long hair, internally expressed her regret.

‘Such a shame, if only the schedule was a bit more relaxed, I could have shown Woojin some good restaurants.'

Hwalin, who had already performed numerous concerts in Japan, knew all the best places to eat. However, there was little time to spend with Woojin. It was her favorite artist’s first overseas schedule, and it felt too lukewarm. This caused Hwalin’s disappointment to grow, though it didn’t show on her face.

At that moment,

“If everyone's ready, let's move!”

All teams, including Kang Woojin and Hwalin, began disembarking from the plane. At the entrance to the airport, staff awaited the ‘Male Friend' team, including people from Netflix Japan and airport officials. As Woojin moved alongside Hwalin, he felt a bit puzzled.

‘Aren’t there too many people??'

The number of people gathering seemed excessive. There were already dozens of them, but upon arriving at Haneda Airport in Japan, that number seemed to double. And then,

“Kim Dae-young and Jang Su-hwan! Stand on both sides, both sides.”

As they moved towards the immigration area, Choi Sung-gun positioned Jang Su-hwan and Kim Dae-young, who had come to support, on either side of Woojin and Hwalin. They were then surrounded by half a dozen robust guards. What’s this? Before Woojin realized, he was encircled by nearly ten burly men, and behind them, a crowd of dozens followed.

Woojin felt oddly enclosed.

‘Feels like I’m surrounded by walls – won’t this draw more attention?'

For Woojin, who was experiencing all this for the first time, glanced at Hwalin next to him. She seemed nonchalant, busy with her phone. That's when it happened.

“Ah, they're here.”

Hwalin suddenly looked up. Following her gaze, Woojin's eyes also shifted forward. The doors to the immigration hall were slowly opening.

But then,

‘Uh? What's that?'

Woojin noticed something stirring beyond the doors of the immigration hall. Was that a crowd of people? Just as he realized this, the doors swung open.




A barrage of flashes started like lightning. Blinding. Suddenly, what's going on? What is this??

The source of the flashes was soon apparent.

‘Whoa! What the? Are those, journalists??'

A horde of about a hundred Japanese journalists had gathered.

The flashes continued relentlessly as they snapped photos.


But it wasn't just journalists taking photos of Woojin. Behind the journalists, packed tightly together, were hundreds of people shouting in Japanese, recording Woojin on their phones.

“They're here!!”

“They’ve arrived!!!”

“Over there, over there!!”

All combined, there seemed to be well over 500 people.


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