763 761 Western Cooperative Port of Arrival

"Is that the Goldician continent?

"Whoa! Give me this distance and you'll see clearly what the junction looks like, too?

"Mmm. Wow."


I can't help but admire the Frans.

The continent of Goldicia, viewed from aboard, looks covered in a translucent dome, as we had heard. But when I saw it directly, the emotion was more than I imagined.

A huge translucent dome of mountain ranges and mysteries rises beyond the white mist that smokes at sea.

It is said to be the work of God and compelling that I cannot help but be convinced.

It also made me feel like an SF somewhere. A view of the submarine city of ultra-civilized Atlantis surfaced to sea. That's what it looks like.

Our ship is approaching the giant dome - the Goldician continent.

"From here, the fog gets thicker. Follow the guide lights."

There is always fog around the continent of Goldicia, and if the ship comes and goes on its own, it is likely that there will be an accident.

So, they have something like a lighthouse installed in the harbor that reduces the ship's accidents a little by going along that light.

The blue light that's illuminating us indicates a course for the shore, and the red light that can be seen in the distance is a sign of a course for the shore. You think a lot.

After Brunen returned to the cabin for instructions, Fran looked at the continent of Goldicia without ever getting tired of it at the tip of the ship.

On its face, there are various emotions. He seemed to feel anxiety and anxiety at the same time, not just curiosity and anticipation.

"The fog, it's clearing up"

"If we approach the continent, the fog will almost disappear."

When the ship breaks the fog and proceeds, the fog suddenly fades and disappears.

And a huge harbor, far beyond imagination, greeted us.

The port of Barbora also felt quite large, but it doesn't seem like a big deal compared to here. Even there, we talked about being one of the best ports on the continent where more than 100 ships can dock.

Whatever you look at it, it's more than 10 times the size of Barbora's harbour. I can't even count the ships I'm staying on, pah.

Plus, half the ships are supermassive like the ones we're on right now. The sight of a giant ship lined up was just spectacular.

"The Goldesian continent, the western cooperative port of call. Well, as you can see, it's one of the biggest ports in the world."

"Are there other ports as big as yours?

"I do. All in Goldicia."

"East-West, North-South, everything on the Goldician continent has an equivalent port."

Huge ports funded and created by countries all over the world. They treat it as a joint property to protect the world, under the joint control of all nations.

Although there are organizations to manage Goldician facilities, they are not supposed to be shouldered in any country before construction.

"Pre-built? So, what's the truth?

"Nothing, it's not like there's a country ruling behind it, is it? It's just that the will of the smaller countries with less money will not be reflected in them."

While we say joint, I guess the opinions of the big countries are often reflected. However, there is no country that would be significantly detrimental to other countries or privatize such things as the facilities of the Gordician continent.

Because if we do that, we will be condemned by countries all over the world and, in some cases, used as a pretext for war.

In the end, all that could be done was that every country would provide some funding and force and solemnly carry out its Gordisian responsibilities.

The harbor keeper then directs us, and the ship we ride slowly enters the harbor.

Oh, I haven't gotten through the junction yet. God's kingdom is slightly smaller in diameter than the Goldician continent. As a result, certain coastal areas, such as ports, are out of boundaries.

From us to the junction, maybe 300 meters. It is a sight as if a supermassive glass wall were placed.

"But you have ships from different countries."


Observing the ship, it was found that various flags were flying.

It seems unusual for a country to have only one ship, like the Kingdom of Verios. Some of them have come in dozens of large convoys.

While observing ships from other countries, the port of entry had been successfully completed. Brunen comes and speaks to Fran.

"We're disembarking. Travel to the garrison, other than the ship's management personnel"

"Ship, aren't you going to treat me?

"Not on the Goldician continent. You're not gonna complain about leaving this ship in the harbor, and you're gonna need to unload the supplies, are you? I didn't bring the storage bin in the first place."

The Kingdom of Verios is a country without sea. There are huge lakes, so there are sailors, but not many people can sail far.

The Admiral of the Navy, too, has only three people, including Brunen, and only in the first place will he be active when he travels between continents due to Goldician responsibilities.

Because it is such a country, there are not so many ships for the sea, nor can they be left floating in the sea from time to time in the first place.

Therefore, they use special magic items to store huge ships and take the form of renting a port in another country to sail when needed.

I was wondering if I would do that again this time, but if it's a huge port on the continent of Goldicia, it seems fine to keep a large ship afloat.

The unloading was left to the soldiers, and Fran disembarked the ship with Brunen. Rendezvous with the Hilts who had already disembarked.

"Lord Hiltoria, let the load be carried by soldiers. In the meantime, I'm going to head to the quarters, okay?

"I'll leave it to you. Because he's hired."

"Appreciate it"

Brunen's short words, but I felt weird and heavy. That wasn't just me, I guess Hilt felt it too. Doubtful face.

"Ha, the strong ones are my strong ones, accordingly. I don't know, Lord High Elf..."

Is it compared to Weena Lane? Well, the hilt will look well behaved compared to the array.

"I hear adventurers basically move freely though?

"In our country, adventurers who hire a few elites are often above rank B. It's more effective to let them do it freely than to incorporate it poorly here."

"Is that what you mean"

"Besides, I usually have Lord Weena Lane. Sometimes we don't need manpower over here."

If it were meant to be, Weena Lane would work for thousands of soldiers. I was looking for Demitris instead.

"... are you okay this time?

"It could be tough. In terms of consequences, you rely on me."

"Really...... Then let us accompany the main unit. I can't say I'm replacing Master Weena Lane, but you'd better have more hands, wouldn't you?

"Are you sure?

"Yeah. That said, we're not used to the Goldician continent either. I'd like some instructions."

"Do you mind if I give you instructions?

"I don't mind."

"Right! It's been a long time since any high-ranking adventurer has normally listened to this instruction. Nice to meet you!

Hey, why are you looking at me there? Fran's listening to what I'm saying, right?

I knew you'd think about this jerk, Fran, in a freak frame?

Fine. I'll let you know by the end of the request that Fran is an honest, pure good boy!