411 409 Bermelia and Corberto

To disable the mysterious raiders, Bermelia and Frederick, he decided to use thunderbolt magic.



The thunderbolt magic thunderchain that we activate is a technique that deprives our opponents of their liberty by tying them up and paralyzing them by chains of thunder. The range was not that wide, but it compensated for its weakness by multiplying it and releasing it to surround the opponent.

If it is less than intermediate sorcery, now Fran has 2 shots and I have 3 shots that are instantaneously activatable. If you're serious, I could release five shots.



The seven thunder chains storm around like snakes, surely entangling the Bermelians. Having been subjected to one thunderchain after another to electric shock, Bermelia slowly stopped moving on the spot.

But Frederick's in trouble. He is slashing the chains of thunder against himself with a magical sword. It would be an application of magic release skills.

'Don't do it. I'm gonna have to push it a little too!

"... cum! Unchanted magic! Besides, I can do this in a row...!

Plus the 10 thunder chains we unleashed. We cut them off till the seventh one, so that's great. But no matter how much Frederick, they couldn't prevent this number. Thunderchain was wrapping around its body, depriving Frederick of consciousness.

Even magic focuses on paralyzing them more than power. They ate it in a series that couldn't have been normal. From what I've seen, it would have been difficult to fight the Bermelians, who are not so highly resistant to paralysis. I was right on target.

To two people who fall on the ground side by side, we unleash the magic of no push. Restrain your body with earth magic. The ground, which has changed like a bamboo, wraps around his feet and body.

Still, I'm not relieved. Frederick in particular has dark magic. There is no zero chance you can escape in the shadows.

"Ursi, prepare for dark magic."


If you are Ursi, the user of dark magic, your opponent can attack even in the shadows.

"Well, shall we interrogate?"


Let's start with Bermelia. I don't think Frederick will be able to talk to me about the information very much. Pull Bermelia and Frederick apart with thoughtfulness.

Fran gently slapped that cheek on his knees beside Bermelia where he would usually kick a few shots in the belly to wake him up. All right, all right, you're cautious of proper, rough imitation.

Leaving him paralyzed by thunderbolt magic. Even now, he's under a different impression of fighting in self-defense and waving violence after capture. Aristocrat's warrant for a possible acquaintance with Corberto. You can't imitate just like it hurts, can you?


"Wake up?

"Damn... what..."

As soon as I woke up, I had a Black Cat girl in front of me, and I'm being held captive for some reason. Naturally, you're confused.

But you must have immediately remembered the last minute situation. I stare at Fran and scream.

"What did you do? Shh!

"Question is this way"

"Even though my men are safe!

"Don't talk extra and answer questions"

Fran activated Wang Wei Skill. I guess I went to break Bermelia's heart. Swallow by Fran's intimidation, Bikun and tremor ran on her body. Obviously there is a fright in that face.

"Knock... who..."

But with the look of Bermelia's readiness, she came right back to me. After this, he imagined a disaster that was supposed to hit him himself, and he accepted it. There is some immaturity, but there seems to be some insistence on being a soldier in service.

It's just that the tragic future that Bermelia imagined would never come to her.

"Fran. You realize that?


There were signs of slowly approaching from behind. I seem to be wary of this one, but I can't feel any hostility or malice.

"Hey. Long time no see. Can you let that lady go? Miss Fran."

It was Corberto who showed up. He was still one of the raiders. Well, given that timing, I thought it would be.

I guess it's meant to be a testament to the lack of hostility. Lift your hands gently up and slowly approach Fran. There's no sign of a sudden attack for now.

"Lord Colbert! Do you know him!

"I don't know. We're not friends."

"So this daughter is not a secret detective at the Marquis Ashtoner family?

"Is that Fran? It won't be possible."

"Why can you say that?"

"The daughter is Princess Black Thunder. You know what I mean when I say that?

Having heard Corberto's words, Bermelia opens her eyes and raises her voice of surprise.

"Ho, really? Speaking of Princess Black Thunder, aren't you the adventurer who caused Serdio Receps' death!

Is it so well known?

"I'm sorry, Miss Fran. You'll hear from me when you find someone to tail me. I left it to you because I said I would restrain you... I didn't know you were a lady."

The Corbelts are equipped with a range of magic items called Wind Talk Jewels. It seems to be an item that allows you to pick up the voice of an opponent in a remote location via the wind. It just seems to be a disposable item and the Corbelt jewels are in a damaged condition. I must have gotten in touch with you now.

"So why were you tailing Lord Corberto!

"Because I was dressed suspiciously. I was so fucked up."


Bermelia flaunts her face. You'll admit Corbelt was dressed suspiciously and acting suspiciously. Besides, Fran didn't lie, did he? If I was dressed like a normal person, I would have called without tailing you.

"Who are these guys?

"Uh, somehow subordinate to my employer? You're my current colleague for now."

Given Bermelia's surname, is it the Earl of Baileys who says that employer?

"Even so, I didn't expect Miss Fran to be in the King's Capital. I asked Gumd's old man, he was going to the Beast Nation, wasn't he? What brings you to Wang Du? Is that an auction?


"All sorts of things. Even so, Miss Fran, you're getting stronger again"


"Honestly, I can't win right now."


It was Bermelia who was surprised by Corberto's declaration of defeat. From her point of view, it seems incredible that Corberto, a strong man, admitted to losing without fighting.

"Those two weren't trying to kill your lady either. Can't you just let me go?

"Why are you attacking me? What does that have to do with the fact that you were monitoring the Marquis Ashtoner house?

"Huh. Were you seen that far? If this happened, it wouldn't have happened."

Sigh the way Corberto gave up. Fran is overwhelmingly advantageous on this occasion. In the first place, we have hostages. You also know that Ursi is lurking somewhere. That, on the contrary, also puts pressure on it. Because we don't even know when the hostages will be attacked by Ursi.

And if it's Fran and Colbert, Fran wins. Corbelt is growing from that martial arts tournament, but we're a few steps stronger. Well, still, it won't be an easy win.

They honestly chose to reveal the facts rather than make a bad rush. Corberto talks about their circumstances.

"I did keep an eye on the Ashtoner Marquis. The purpose is to bring out the secret detectives who serve the Marquis of Ashtoner."

So you're saying Corberto was acting suspiciously? Bermelia and the others will follow that Corbelt further. That's the kind of operation it was. But Fran got caught up in that operation, not some Marquis Ashtoner spy.

Yeah, that was a lot of unfortunate accidents. Let's do that.

"So you're hostile to the Ashtoner Marquis?

"Oh, yeah"

I'm not lying. Could it be that the Corbelts don't have any information on Garth? We decided to reveal some of this situation to Colbert.

"An acquaintance of mine may be caught by the Marquis Ashtoner family. I've been looking for a place for him."

"What? Is that why you were around?

"Mm-hmm. It's a coincidence I found Corbelt"

"Ha... more than that... But, yeah."

Corbelt thinks for a few seconds.

"Don't you have any information?

"... let's just get out of here. If we do all that flashy, people will be here soon. I want to hear more about it."


Corberto was right, so I decided to follow him for now. Unbind the land magic of the Bermelians. Frederick will do something about it.

"So, where are you going?

"That's... Miss Fran. Why don't you meet my employer?