After talking about Chiara, Fran was now listening to Diaz. Orrell and Lumina have already left.

"I want to hear about a man named Sergio."

"The way you put it, you don't seem to remember."

I'm sorry, Diaz, but Fran really doesn't remember. I had a way of remembering a annoying nobleman who died trying to take me away from me, but I completely forgot his name, face, etc. Well, I guess that means it was to that extent for Fran.

"Maybe even contact from Marquis Ashtoner is warm?


"But if we leave Urmut, we're going to King's Capital next."

"I see. Auction."


Fran told us that the blacksmith Garth had not been able to locate him since shortly after he received a confidential request from the Marquis Ashtoner family.

"Well, I heard he went to Barbora, but I don't know where he is."

"I hear the Marquis Ashtoner family is collecting materials for the blacksmith."

"Ho? Garth, the Marquis Ashtoner family that took you? It stinks."

"For once, I'm promising to meet Garth in King's Capital. According to the case, the Marquis could tease you there. So I want to know how you handled Sergio's case and how the information about Fran is passed on to them '

"You know what?"

After we rubbed Sergio, Diaz interrogated Sergio's squire a little harder first, so he pulled the information.

"No, I was able to get almost as much information out of this one as I hoped."

It's a pretty scary word to get the information you want. Fran hasn't noticed, but I'm guessing he just made me say some convenient information in the induction interrogation. Diaz must have something for you.

"In front of me, it wouldn't have worked out like this."

"What do you mean?

"I have a nobleman named Count Olmes under the umbrella of the Marquis Ashtoner family, but his son is really in the way. He had the skills to spot lies, and he was very heavily used."

Is that it? That's a story I've heard somewhere. Skills to spot lies?

"I was a man named Viscount Alsando, you know? I'm sure he was in Aretha, so I don't think it's weird if he's face-to-face."

I knew it! I took away the reason for the lies, that stupid Viscount! Augusto Alsando. My parents are certainly Count Olmes. Definitely.

"This Viscount's skills are really troublesome. The logic of falsehood, not only does it spot lies, but it even has the effect of making them believe in lies. What do you think would happen if he used that skill in a biased way?

"I guess you can perjure yourself all you want."

"It is. For example, if Sergio's squire tells you that the Viscount is a liar, whatever information he pulls out, he'll be held to be a liar."

In fact, Augusto used it in a similar way, trying to fit Fran in.

"Just lose that Viscount Alsando's ability to suddenly spot lies one day. Without skills, the Viscount would only have been an incompetent problem child. The Count Olmes family faded. And because of that, they never put a cross spear in the Marquis Ashtoner house for the authenticity of their testimony."

It was my intention to take the logic of falsehood away from Viscount Alsando to the extent of my interest in trying to fit Fran in. I didn't know that story would be involved here......

"There was physical evidence of the magic potion, and there's no escape. Well, Serdio has his status as a Viscount, so the sin will be borne by his House of Viscounts of Receps. I don't incriminate the Marquis itself, except for the officials of the Alliance. All the abominable guild masters who gave Sergio this."

Diaz slaps herself in the neck with a ton of tricks. It wouldn't just mean I fired him. They must have physically dropped their necks.

Diaz is a good guy when he talks like this, or he's a sneer smart dandy grandpa, but he's also the one who's kept the guild together for years. There will be no forgiveness for the political opponents who take power from each other.

"As far as Sergio's death is concerned, Fran, I try to stay as low as I can about you. And to those who were there, Elsa said strongly from you. Well, it's gonna be hard to hide at all."

"That's no choice."

"So instead, I let all the rumors circulate."

"Various rumors?

"Oh, it sounds like the owner of the cursed demon sword that inspired Sergio to die is a woman of human adventurers, or actually me, or you, Falund. There are some real rumors that you died because of Princess Black Thunder's sword, but you are a celebrity in this city. Rather, it's natural for the name to be rumored, and few would think it's true."

In the woods if you want to hide the trees. Is that what you mean?

"Besides, subsequent interrogations and pursuits are more prominent than Sergio's death itself. I think you and I have a lot more visibility here, Fauld.

'Is that okay with Diaz or Falund?

"Hahaha, I'm fine. It's still rank A, isn't it? Speaking of adventurers, you have a strong influence on your country, and if you become a battle, turn the entire guild against your enemies. Even the Marquis don't do stupid imitations."

'I hope so...'

"Well, still, it's hard to say that I could totally hide Mr. Fran's involvement. Be careful when you're involved with the Marquis Ashtoner."

"Mm-hmm. Okay."

After we talk to Diaz, it's the last information we'll gather in Ulmut. Well, we're just going to Lumina's back to the dungeon. As soon as metastases are used. He told me that he would visit later when he broke up at the guild, so he was ready to welcome me.

The first to speak is about the backdrop of Murreria. We spoke scatterly about Chiara, but we should tell Lumina about the other Black Cat tribe.

But Lumina's reaction wasn't as intense as we thought. He's leaning down with a bitter look, mixed with nostalgia and remorse. It must have been the perception of someone who was already gone.

Murreria was a figure 500 years ago for Lumina. Besides, he is a former mainstay, and he also knows his face as a victim of life being driven mad by evil gods.

"Well... Murreria, my lord..."

I don't know what thoughts are swirling in that heart, but Lumina has been crying quietly for a while.

Later, while Fran and Ursi were having tea and steak, I moved to a separate room with Lumina, where I regained my composure. I can't just sit in the chair across from Lumina, so excuse me on the table.

'I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask you something. "

"Is that something the Frans can't tell you?

'Hmm, that's not why...'

I gave Lumina a conversation about the dungeon I had with Murreria. And he also tells me that I myself am a family member of the Goddess of Chaos and that there is no effect of the bondage imposed on the Dungeon Master.

Lumina couldn't tell Fran about the evolution before, could she? Maybe if it was just me, we could have talked normally. '

"I see."

'So it's possible that Lumina is easier to talk information without Fran. Can you just let me and Lumina talk for now?

"Fine. So, what do you want to hear?

"The family of the goddess of chaos, what is it?

The goddess herself, Murreria told me, doesn't really know what it means. I know you're related to the goddess of chaos...

"I don't care what they say about family... A family member of God is a word that refers to a being created by that God from his hand or something that has received power from that God."

'What about in my case?

"Hmm...... I don't know, but I think the family of the goddess of chaos is likely to have something to do with the dungeon."


"Unlike other gods, the goddess of chaos only engages with this world through dungeons. Because the magic of chaos attributes is a technique for dungeon masters to manipulate dungeons, and goddesses of chaos don't hear stories about creating creatures in the past. To the best of my knowledge, the only family members of the Goddess of Chaos are the Dungeon Master or the monsters and creatures under his command"

I mean, does that mean I'm either of them? I wouldn't be a dungeon master. Does that mean the power of the dungeon was used to create me? Or the mysterious soul that's sealed inside me, the family of the goddess of chaos?

After all, I'm not sure.