Chapter 786: Enter the void

Chapter 786: Entering the Nether Realm

Half a month passed, and everyone was well prepared to enter the void.

Ye Lingchen and others followed Zhou Jian to the meeting place.

Looking away, Ye Lingchen was dumbfounded.

"So many people, everyone is going?"

Zhou Jian nodded, "Yes, all the players in this competition are going."

Ye Lingchen pouted his lips. "What, I thought this was the only benefit for the first place."

"Hahaha, Zhou Jian, this little guy in your country is really interesting." The king of ancient Greece came to me with a smile and looked at Ye Lingchen: "You are blessed this time, the **** of Buff Island. After so long as the door has been settled, it has become extremely solid, and it can be said to be the most solid battlefield, so you have the opportunity to visit it. "

What a rare opportunity to visit in the void.

"That is also thanks to the efforts of your predecessors." Ye Lingchen really said.

Tuos nodded. "Well, I love your words. My name is Tuos. I have been friends with Zhou Jian for many years."

At this time, Anina came over and whispered to Ye Lingchen: "Thank you."

Ye Lingchen took a moment's notice, thinking that she was referring to something on the ring.

The Sun Country intervened in the middle of the game, and its behavior was shameless. Ye Lingchen's deadly attack on the Sun Country was an outrage for Anina.

He smiled and said, "I can't talk about thanks. I always saw them unhappy."

After chatting, Zhou Jian's expression was stern and dignified.

"When you enter the void, you must not leave me. Whatever you see or hear, you must never act without permission, you know?"

Ye Lingchen and others nodded.

"The Void Realm is completely different from the earth. It is huge. We said that we have established a stronghold, but in fact, the so-called stronghold is just the size of an ordinary town on the earth, and there are also creatures in the Void Realm. "

After a pause, Zhou Jian continued: "There is also a lot of common sense on the earth will be invalid in the void world. The simplest example is that if you walk around, it is easy to get lost!"

Ye Lingchen touched his nose, slightly disappointed.

Obviously, the enthusiasm of Jingshan et al.

I heard that the void is full of treasures. He originally expected that he could get a sum of money when he entered the void, and picked up some treasures, but now it seems impossible.

They can only move around, the baby must have been taken away long ago, and they can't leave the team. This time, it's just a round trip to the void.

"Don't think about getting rich!"

Zhou Jian directly saw through the minds of everyone, and said coldly: "There is no free lunch in the world. If the baby is so easy to get, are we so poor? Even me, there are not many spirit stones!"

Ye Lingchen quickly asked: "How much is not much? How about letting me refer to it?"

"You shut up." Zhou Jian was anxious and continued: "Anyway, you do n’t need to know, but every baby has something to guard. Depending on your strength, the first reaction to see the baby is not to grab it, but to Escape! Otherwise you don't know how to die. "

After some explanation, Zhou Jian led the crowd towards the entrance of Hell's Gate.

As he approached the gates of hell, the aura became more intense, but the atmosphere became extra dignified, almost suffocating.

Most intuitively, there are more warriors on the road.

Ye Lingchen's eyes glanced over them, and his heart was shocked.

These warriors are the warriors guarding the gate of Hell on Baff Island. After knowing how many killings, using the look-ahead skills, almost the whole world has turned red, and no one is less murderous than the iron army.

In this atmosphere, everyone was consciously silent.

Continued to move forward shortly, everyone's pupils shrunk, shocked.

"So big!"

Ye Lingchen took a sigh of coolness. The gate of **** in front of him was several times larger than that of Beijing!

If there is a space vortex similar to the nature of a black hole, then this is the real door!

A door with a height of tens of meters!

Such a large vortex of space is extremely deep. At first glance, it almost **** people in, which makes people dizzy.

"The gate of **** was just a small vortex at the beginning, and as it grew larger, it expanded from a vortex into such a gate." Sun Hongtao said.

Ye Lingchen wondered, "There are few guards outside."

"These guards are aimed at the outside world, and the backbone is in the void." Sun Hongtao smiled.

Zhou Jianning said: "Let's go."

At the moment of entering, Ye Lingchen felt a bit of mysterious and mysterious feeling. It seemed to be a simple step, but he felt a slight obstruction, his body was shaking slightly, and there was a feeling of crossing space.

The next moment, the scene in front of me has changed.

They appeared in a group of wooden buildings.

The architectural style is very simple and somewhat similar to the ancient times. The houses one by one have a feeling of crossing ancient towns.

On the street, many warriors were walking with their weapons on their backs.

Everyone's attention was quickly attracted by a sign not far away.

"There are actually shops."

"Most of the world's most advanced warriors are gathered here, and transactions will naturally occur with each other. Spirit stones, cheats, elixir, etc. can be traded." Sun Hongtao smiled.

Everyone, including those of foreign warriors, looked around curiously. "This is our first stronghold in the void world."

The town is not large. Soon after a lap, this place gathers more than half of the high-end combat power of the earth. The warriors of the innate realm are here at the lowest level and act as store waiters.

Beyond a gate of hell, it has completely become another world.

Along the way, everyone amazed again and again, there was a feeling of Liu Ye entering the Grand View Garden.

Around the town, there are city walls, guarded by warriors on top of the walls. In addition, several towers are also built, and warriors pay special attention to the surroundings.

"Except that the aura is rich and abnormal, everything feels very different from the earth."

Ye Lingchen murmured, looking up at the sky.

This look made his pupils shrink sharply.

There is no sun in the sky of the void!

It's like a blank piece of paper, no clouds, no sun, nothing.

This is totally contrary to common sense. Without the sun, how can there be day and night.

Zhou Jian looked at Ye Lingchen, "You have also discovered that there is no sun here."

"How can this be? Is there night here?"

"Yes." Zhou Jian nodded, and then said, "When we first entered the void, we were also shocked, and until now it was unclear why.

Later, someone made a guess. Do you know the bug under the fluorescent lamp? "

"A bug under a fluorescent lamp?"

Ye Lingchen's heart fluttered. For a worm, a fluorescent lamp is the sun, and a fluorescent lamp is the sky!

The lights are turned on during the day and turned off at night.

Now to Ye Lingchen, the sky in the void world is like a fluorescent lamp, and they are bugs under the lamp.

(End of this chapter)