Chapter 230: Those who insult me ​​the Chinese, even if far away!

Chapter 230 Insult Me, Although Far Away!

The audience is silent!

It took a long time for everyone to wake up like a dream.

"Okay ... awesome!"

"Yes, it is so strong!"


"ThisisChinesekongfu ?!"

"Is this a Chinese superhero? OHmygod! Why did God create such a powerful person?"

Both Chinese and foreigners are stunned. What they can do is just amazing!

"He is Y, we are Chinese!" The little boy stared at Ye Lingchen blankly, and then shouted in excitement, "I know, we are not sick in East Asia!"

Southeast Asians are still kneeling on the ground, but their eyes have been staring at Ye Lingchen, with unwillingness and fear in them.

He is too strong, so strong that he looks like an ant, and will be crushed to death at any time, without even the power of resistance.

"Chinese Kung Fu is very strong! It is stronger than you think! Therefore, do not try to challenge Chinese Kung Fu!" Ye Lingchen's voice was faint, but the calm voice made a huge wave in everyone's heart. "Last time, Chinese Kung Fu He will lose, just because our man was injured, his legs can only move easily, did you not notice? "

In his speech, he had reached the plaque brought by the Southeast Asians.

"If I see this plaque next time, it won't be as simple as kneeling down!"

After that, he raised his hand and threw the plaque into the air, rolled over, and kicked it out!

The entire plaque directly shattered into dregs, and the crumbs flew, leaving everyone a little lost, leaving only a straight back and a faint discourse, "Those who insult me, will be embarrassed!"

It wasn't until Ye Lingchen's back disappeared that everyone returned.

"Ah, ah, it's so handsome, no more, I'm going to faint."

"I'm so happy, I can meet Y so close."

"I knew that our country never lacked heroes, and I was moved to cry."

"Woohoo, no, I want to call my mother, I'm in love ..."


All Chinese people boiled instantly, so shocking, they really let them know what is famous pride!

The onlookers of the foreigners were equally shocked. After a short absence, they were all heart-wrenched.

Tonight, the image left by Chinese Kung Fu is too big. It can be said that it has penetrated into the bone marrow, especially the overbearing words left by Ye Lingchen, as if it were still in the ear and it was difficult to dissipate for a long time.

Whenever they think of China, they can't help thinking of that overbearing voice, and they dare not have the slightest thought.

East Asian sick men have become a thing of the past. They seem to be seeing a lion and are slowly waking up!

China, there is a dragon!

Back at the hotel, Ye Lingchen took off his mask, wiped away the dirt on the mask, and carefully looked at this Y mask. This was the first time he saw his mask.

Afterwards, I could not help laughing.

This mask ... is too ugly!

Who designed it? Are you hate me?

I knew it would be better to design a handsome one myself. If you wear it out, others will not think that you are a hero. It is estimated that you will call the police directly when the robber is arrested.

No matter what, it can be regarded as a symbol of his own identity.

Ye Lingchen put the mask away and fell asleep.

However, at this time, the entire network was like half of an earthquake, bursting into pieces!

This group of Chinese people was originally for the influence of Douyin, naturally they are Douyin fans, and of course, Douyin is the norm!

How could something that was just so big not be filmed?

At the beginning, there was a video of a middle-aged man defeated.

The middle-aged man is vibrating but is a net red, and his kung fu is naturally convincing. However, when everyone saw that he was defeated, his face was very ugly, especially when he heard the sound of the East Asian sick man. Hot blood surged, his hands fisted hard.

[Look! I am! You fools, so many Chinese, why don't you rush to fight with him? !! ]

[No wonder being scolded? If I were present, death wouldn't make him look down! ]

[Ahhh, I'm so angry! ]

[Upstairs, are you all keyboard fighters? I bet you guys were expecting to urinate directly! ]

[That is, it is easy to say, it is estimated that you will be hit to death! ]

[Do we Chinese Kung Fu like this? No, it's not true! ]

This video's playback quickly exceeded tens of millions, and it is growing rapidly.

However, it didn't take long for the second video to come out.

The title is: "Huge counterattack, our hero will soon appear, Chinese Kung Fu, very strong! Very strong!"

In the middle of this video, foreigners mocked Wu Yan.

[Voge! Ashamed to go abroad! ]

[Ahhhhh, what kind of thing is Wu Yan, I can fight five for one! We Chinese worship him? Silly! ]

[This gun is not our idol! Absolutely not! Why am I so angry! ]

[The signs of the sick men in East Asia were picked up by these mother guns, oh! ]

[Brain remnants are satisfied now? East Asian sick men continue to like mother guns! ]

[What are you doing, shake up, hurry up and drop a video! Who is the hero? ]

[The main shaker is hurried, is there someone out to find his place, begging! I have to wait tonight! ]

[Will Chinese Kung Fu fight back? Shake the Lord, please tell. ]

After a short while, the third screen appears.

When they saw Y wearing a mask, they threw Southeast Asians on their knees on the ground three or two times, and everyone felt that the depression in their hearts was instantly vented.

[Fuck, I finally watched the whole process. It really looks like a movie. What a pity, I watched Lao Tzu ...]

[Upstairs, me too, tears can't stop falling down, and when I'm older, I'm easily moved by what I see. ]

[IMHO, I still thought Y's mask was ugly, but in the video, I think it's really handsome, handsome is breaking the sky! Wu Yan is shit! ]

[So many things have happened recently, Y is always so timely and has contributed too much, I never chase the stars, but from now on, you are the only idol in my life! ]

[Degassing, why is it so special! Just to let the Southeast Asian kneel and ask him to apologize to us! ]

[Those who insult me ​​the Chinese, though far away they will be stunned! What a great word to say, love Y! ]

[Foreign guys, you stare with wide eyes, this is our Chinese Kung Fu! This is our superhero! ]


Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Countless people are repeatedly brushing this video. Over and over again, they have seen the strength of Chinese Kung Fu, the rise of China, and the awe of foreigners.

Especially when seeing the plaque of the East Asian sick man being kicked, countless people can no longer control themselves and wet their eyes ...

(End of this chapter)