416 Reading Episode 416 gives you more experience!


Jong-seok, who opened his eyes with light, hurriedly looked around.

Around him was a huge pattern of experience books. In both left and right latitude and land, there were only experienced books.

"What the hell is this?"

Jong-seok's face hardened as he looked around with astonished eyes. Now that I see the situation.... this wasn't Kayla Temple.

"Where are we!"

There was no answer to Jong-seok's cry. Jong-seok shouted as he looked around hurriedly.

"Where am I?"

Jong-seok boosted his strength with abusive language.


Along with the spread of the history of the Danjeon, Jongseok kicked the ground.


In an instant, Jong-seok, standing where the sentence was, shook his fist with all his might.


Jong-seok, who bounced back with a heavy binge, boosted his strength again.

Argh! Argh!

Along with raising the internal strength, Jong-seok grasped both hands strongly and took a posture.


Geon-gon-gugong is the best martial art that Jong-seok knows. However, the most powerful military power was the Geumgang River area of Shaolin.

The stronger the history, the greater the power, the greater the power.

Boom boom! Boom boom!

With the gathering of the fist strength, Jong-seok began to suck up the energy around him like crazy.

Argh! Argh!

Then the light began to shake strongly from the rock of Jong-seok. And... ...

"I Han-kwon!"

With a cry, Jong-seok kicked the ground.


In an instant, Jong-seok's fist in front of the pattern swung strongly.



A man appeared in front of Jong-seok at a moment. Then he grabbed Jong-seok's fist and twisted it.



Boom! Boom boom!

With the falling of the stalactites, a huge explosion occurred from the ground. The energy contained in the hand of the stone was emitted and the explosion occurred.

Quack, boom!

With a huge explosion, Jong-seok rushed back, kicking the ground.

What is it?

It happened so suddenly that I don't know what it is, but someone just turned himself over.

That's why I opened the streets.


At the same time as he put his foot on the ground, Jong-seok's hand gently made a circle and spread a dry ball.

Argh! Argh!

Jong-seok's face, which was looking ahead, was surprised as he gently spread his ball.


It was Eugene in front of Jong-seok. Yu-jin, who had her gray hair tied neatly, was looking at Jong-seok with her hands on her back.

"I stopped it because I thought I was going to get hurt."

With Eugene's gentle voice, Jong-seok relaxed while looking at him.

"Are you Master Yu-jin?”

Eugene shook his head at the question of Jong-seok.

"Experience book."

"Experience book?"


While talking, Eugene, or Experience Book, spoke looking at the pattern.

"This space will not be destroyed. The blow just now could hurt the writer, so I've blocked one of my writers who can stop this attack."

"That means..."

Jong-seok, who was about to ask something, shook his head hurriedly.

"Where are we?"

When asked by Jong-seok, the book of experience looked at him and said,

"The writer's reasoning was correct."

"My reasoning was right?"

"As the writer has guessed, this is the body of the book of experience. And I was uploaded here."

"Then, do you know the experience book here?"


Jong-seok hurriedly asked at the words of the Experience Book.

"Then can we get out of here? Can you go back to Sumi?”

At Jong-seok's question, the experience book nodded with a kind smile.

"You can go back."

Jong-seok breathed a sigh of relief at the answer to his experience book.


'That's a relief.'

Jong-seok, who was relieved inside, finally came around.

"Here's the body of the Experience Book?"


Jong-seok said while looking at him in the answer to his experience book.

"And... ..how does it look?"

"As I said earlier, the writer's attack could have hurt himself. That's why he's the best writer to stop it."

Yujin is good enough to overpower herself.

"Then can you reproduce all the images of my cursors in your experience book?"

"It's possible here. If you want something, please tell me. I'm going to be that way."

"It's okay if it's the look of Master Yu-jin.

Then Jong-seok looked around.

"But this is the body?"


"But why aren't there anything?”

"Everything is in here."


"It's the same as the experience book. If you ask, they'll answer."

Jong-seok looked at the pattern in the answer to the experience book.

'Well, is that a book of experience?'

Jong-seok, who thought so, approached Moon. Then he pretended to write on the pattern.

Jong-seok shook his head at the answer to the room of experience. I don't intend to stay here long.

Lee Soo-mi will be worried, and Jong-seok only needed to solve his own questions.


The writing began to appear among the patterns with light.

It was successful. Finally, we succeeded in creating a storage device, an experience book where we can see and record our memories and experiences at any time.

Also, because of this device, our civilization will not disappear, but will take root in this star.

Reading the article that began with , Jong-seok could see the person who left it.

'There are three eyes.

The writer had three eyes. And all the people around him had three eyes, too.

Moreover, as I read, the technology that came out was not Earth's.

That means... ...

Are you saying that he was an alien?’

Large spaceships and airships that travel around L building, which is the largest in Korea, seem to lie down....it was the astronaut who made the Experience Book.

If you think about it, the conclusion of being an astronaut may be a more scientific and rational result.

It is more reasonable that there is life on the outside than there is God.

The alien who made the experience book made the body of the experience book just like a library.

Collect all the experiences, experience them, and carry on with civilization.

Aliens who have stayed on Earth for so long find meteorites.

Aliens left the Earth knowing that the meteorite would hit the Earth directly.

He left behind his experience book in case he would come back someday.

To know what happens to the Earth after they leave. It ended the story of the person who created the Experience Book, or its descendants.

Jong-seok, who read the article, sighed small.

"It's a good thing that you made an experience book not to conquer the Earth, but to use it as research material."

Apparently, these aliens had no intention of conquering anything with their experience books.

For them, the experience book was just like a diary. Of course, it's different that the diary is not just about looking at yourself, but about watching it with others.

"By the way, if aliens left for meteorites, I think it's the Ice Age......that I haven't returned even after that much time is no longer interested in the earth?"

It was about 60 million years ago that the ice age came when meteorites fell on Earth.

If a species that had this kind of science 60 million years ago still remains...I have no idea what civilization... ...has been achieved.

Though it appears to be a peace-loving race, given what remains in the book of experience......it was a good culture not to come to earth anyway.

"If I hadn't come for 60 million years, I wouldn't come back at least as long as I'm alive."

Small muttered Jong-seok looked around and wrote.

I was going to write people, but I changed them to earth people because I thought aliens would interpret them as people.

You mean Shiva and I were the only ones left?’

Jong-seok, who thought so, wrote.

Jong-seok's appetite was stimulated by the word of 17 years.

'The disciples are great. I waited 17 years for my teacher who might have died.….’

Jong-seok wrote to him.

Shiva's writings began to appear in Jong-seok's writings.

Through the room of experience I realized all the truths in the world. It was a series of truths that even I called God couldn't understand.

And it made me realize how useless the human world is.

I have too many experiences to enjoy the joys and sorrows. I would like to talk to anyone who collects experience books in the future.

Don't get experience in the room of experience. Knowing all the truths in the world......that everything I do is like what I've already done.

Jong-seok nodded at Shiva's writing.

I've never seen a child of the sun before. Is that the same thing?’

When it comes to really interesting dramas or comic books, they joke around and say, 'I'm going to live without seeing them.'

But when you get all the experience in the room of experience, you realize the truth of life history.

Therefore, no matter what he does, he knows it and it's not fun.

There was a fear of him in Shiva's writings. Like what you're going to do and what you're going to do.

"Then how did Shiva live out of the room of experience? Did you just hide?"

Jong-seok shook his head when he was thinking about it. It was thousands of years ago anyway.

I'd be dead unless I was a real god, and even if I'm wondering now......the conclusion is 'dead'.

Jong-seok turned his head and looked at the book of experiences standing in Eugene.

"What happens to you?”

"If you leave the room of experience, I and my colleagues will also go outside."

"And is it reset?"

"Only what's relevant to the current writer's experience will disappear."

"Then do I have to start over with you?"

Experience shook his head at Jong-seok's words.

"You can't be registered as my current writer."


When Jong-seok was surprised and asked, the book of experience opened its mouth.

"You've already written down a lot of experiences. Experience books want a writer who can give you a new experience rather than the one you're going to get."

"So I'm no longer qualified?"


"Then what about the distant bird and us outside?"

"They can't register as cursors either."

"He's already been around once?”


At Jong-seok's question, the book of experience opened its mouth while looking at him.

"Give me to Lee Soo-mi."

Jong-seok shook his head while looking at him at the words of the Experience Book.

"I have no intention of giving you to Sumina or my child.”

As much as the experience book is good, there are disadvantages to it. I don't know if Jong-seok would say this, but......that ability builds up without effort.

After a while, Jong-seok opened his mouth.

"So...... goodbye."

Jong-seok laughed at the words of his experience book.

"That's nice, though. I'm wearing Master Eugene's face, but I was able to talk to you face to face.”

"It's a shame your experience is gone."

It is to say goodbye to Jong-seok in his own way.

For experienced books, experience is the same as the purpose of existence.

Jong-seok, who nodded to him, reached out his hand.

"You were the best friend of my life. You don't remember me, but...... I hope you will have many good experiences you want in the future."

Jong-seok's words were accompanied by an empirical book that looked at him and held his hand.

"Thank you."

At the words of the Experience Book, Jong-seok, who was looking at him, put his hand on the pattern.


The pattern radiated light and the body of the stalactites.


Gauri and the bird that looked far away were looking at the cliff with worried eyes.

Jong-seok, who disappeared during the day, did not show up even though it was late at night.

"Maybe he's not coming back?"

"Hmm...... eh?"

The distant bird's eyes, which were stroking its chin, could see the light shining from the cliff.

And in an instant the pattern unfolded and the light shot out.


Then Jong-seok appeared.



The two men hurried to Jong-seok and looked at his hand and stopped. Jong-seok had a book of experience in his hand.

Jong-seok told them that they had stopped as they approached.

"How long has it been?”

"It's been about 12 hours since you disappeared.”

Jong-seok, who nodded at the distant bird's words, offered his experience book.

"I don't know which of these is a lack of heaven. Just pick one."

"Don't you know what our tribe is?"

When Jong-seok shook his head, a bird looking far away picked up an experience book after a while.

"From now on I can write."

"Distant birds and us don't register as cursors for our experience books of experience books.


Jong-seok explained to me, looking at the birds and gauri that looked as if they were surprised.

The two men saw a book of experiences with some strange eyes. And when the bird looking far away put the experience book in its pocket, Jong-seok saw Gauri.


When Jong-seok presented his experience book, we shook our heads.

"If it's not for me, it's fine."

"Give it to your child?"

"Never mind. It's just a headache."

Jong-seok nodded at Ga-ri's words and put his experience book in his pocket.

"Let's go."

When Jong-seok ran on the ground, Gauri and a bird watching from afar followed him.

Jong-seok, who was carrying the two men behind him, grabbed the book of experience in his pocket by hand-hand.

I'm going to have to get you guys to a good place now.’



Jong-seok was climbing the mountain.

Whig! Whig! Whick!

The stalactites were climbing over the snow-covered snowy mountains, where strong winds blew wildly.

"Ha! Ha!"

He was breathing hard, protecting his whole body with his internal organs, but Jong-seok was breathing hard.

Now Jong-seok was climbing Mount Everest.

The mountaineers are amazing. Climbing all these mountains without any work...….’

It's so hard to feel the cold from the inside, and Jong-seok was moving slowly up the mountain, thinking about how to climb the mountain.

Jong-seok, who was climbing the mountain with such a heavy breath, soon found no place to climb any more.


Jong-seok, who gave up his long breath, looked around. All I could see around was the blue sky and the mountains.

Jong-seok, who was staring blankly around, took out his experience book from his pocket.

"Now you have one left."

Until now, Jong-seok has been hiding his experience books by traveling around the world whenever he has time.

He went to Egypt and hid it in the head of the Sphinx, and in the eaves of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

In that way, Jong-seok, who hid four experience books around the world, was the last to climb Mount Everest.

Jong-seok laughed while reading the experience book for a while.

"Don't hate it too much for hiding where people can't find it. If it's fate to find...Can't I find you anywhere? So don't be in a hurry and wait.”

Jong-seok, who smiled and stroked the experience book with his hands, boosted his strength.

Argh! Argh!

Jong-seok, who has gained a lot of strength, grabbed the experience book and threw it high into the sky.

Paw! Shoot!

The experience book, which was soaring high into the sky like a rocket, began to fly in the wind a moment later.

Jong-seok smiled while watching it.

"Have a good experience."