397 If you read the 397th episode, you'll gain more experience!

"Does it bother you?"


At Jerome's words, Jong-seok was puzzled.

"You've been left alone?"


Looking at Jerome hesitating, Jong-seok said.

"Tell me."

"They don't show up in front of us."


"I couldn't catch them because they threw stones at their homes and shops, interrupted their business, and ran away."

At Jerome's words, Jong-seok smiled unconsciously.

"The gangsters throw stones?’

It's funny that you don't shoot and you throw a stone. However, from the perspective of the victims, they had to be afraid.

It means the gangsters are watching them.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I've been looking for them every time that happens...... I didn't see where he was hiding."

"I'm sure they have a place to live, too?"

"I've been to clubs and bars they run, and they haven't been there."

"And the gangsters who work there?"

"It seems like there are only ordinary people......you can hit anyone."


"When I went to Kumkang Sorim Temple, the gangsters did harm, so the number of students decreased."

When Jerome said, Jong-seok looked at him and said,

"Do you know Paul?"

Paul, who is in China, knew about now. Jerome nodded to him.

"It happened when Paul was there."

At Jerome's words, Jong-seok thought for a moment and opened his mouth.

"So what are the measures?"


When Jerome couldn't speak, Jong-seok nodded.

'You can break rocks, but you can't break water.’

The disciples of Geumgang Shaolin Temple are never weak. In Jong-seok's view, it is the disciples of the Geumgang Shaolin Temple who can be overpowered if they do not let their guard down.

However, he couldn't fight because his opponent was playing hard to get.

Students at Geumgang Shaolin Temple have families and places to work. However, the gangsters should run away before the masters of Geumgangsorimsa Temple come, so there is nothing to protect.

Besides, even if you go to the base, you leave the place empty...….

You can't fight even if you want to.

"Then what about the kids down there?"

"I kick him out every time he comes...….”

"You mean he's still coming?”

Lee Soo-mi kicked her tongue at Jong-seok's horse.

"Bad guys. If there are such guys, I'm afraid of the people who come to learn, so I can't come in."


At Jerome's answer Jong-seok saw him.

"Why don't you catch them and find out where the others are?"

"I did, but...….”

"You did?"

"I called the police."


"Well, they were just smoking. So Tommy just entered the police station and came out."

"Huh! The gangster uses the police? They're great."

Lee Soo-mi kicked Jong-seok's tongue when she said something that seemed absurd.

"They've been... ...spent a lot of brains."

"Why didn't you sue for obstruction of business?"

Jerome shook his head at Lee Soo-mi's words.

"I did, but they said it was hard to prove."

"I was just smoking at the entrance, so...….”

When Jerome nodded at Jong-seok's words, the voices of the students were heard outside.


When Jerome rose to the students' voices and went outside, Jong-seok followed him.

The students were standing changing their clothes after taking a shower.

"Thank you for your hard work today. I'll see you next time.

When Jerome joined the group, the students bowed their heads as they joined the group.

Then when the students went outside, Jong-seok saw Jerome.

"Don't the gangsters hurt them?”

"People who don't live in Chinatown don't touch."

"So the rest of the students now aren't living in Chinatown?”


"How many are there?"


Jong-seok looked around the school and said, "There are 12 people."

"You're using all three floors here, aren't you?"


"Can you pay the rent for 12 people?”

Jerome shook his head at the question of Jong-seok. Jong-seok sighed at the sight.

"They used their brains."


Looking at Jerome as if he was wondering what he meant, Jong-seok said.

"The reason they don't touch the students coming from outside Chinatown is not because they don't live here, but because they're bait to keep you grounded.”

"The bait?"

"If there were no students at all, you or the dead would have given up here. And he would have folded his seal and started somewhere else. But there are only a few students, so I keep running it with hope. That's why students coming from outside Chinatown don't touch it. I want you to keep this place running.”

"But from their point of view, it would be better for us to fold up here.”

"You don't want to make it easy to leave. Maybe we'll just watch until this place goes bankrupt."

"The cowardly children......I'd rather fight openly."

When Jerome got angry, Jong-seok looked at him and said,

"When will the dead come?"

"He'll be here in an hour or two."

"Two hours...….”

At Jerome's words Jong-seok said after a moment and said,

"Then me and Sumi will be looking around Chinatown, so call me when the dead and dead get together."


Jerome nodded and Jong-seok took Lee Soo-mi out of the door.

Jong-seok was watching Chinatown with Lee Soo-mi and was eating dim sum at the dim sum store.

"Well... ...this is delicious."

Watching Lee Soo-mi eating dim sum with transparent blood, Jong-seok picked up a piece and said,

"I think I can make it. Should I let Jeonju's mother know?"

"Can you make it?”

"It's like... ...porky, chives, and a little bit of pepper.”

Lee Soo-mi smiled at Jong-seok and said,

"But what are you going to do with Geumgang Shaolin? You don't mean to leave it like this, do you?"

"I'm thinking.”

"What do you think? Shouldn't you be helping? They're alumni death penalty.”

"Do you know that?"

"There are three martial arts dramas I've filmed."

Jong-seok nodded at Lee Soo-mi. Since he has been active in China for a long time, he seemed to know better than he does about Chinese history.

Of course, it is a little awkward to discuss the relationship between teachers in this era.

"It's easy for me to help."


"I remember the energy of the guys who were blocking the way before. If we go after them, they'll go to their base or whatever. You can go down there and knock them all down. And I let go of some of them, I chase them back, I knock them down."

I'm going to knock you down because I like your words, and I'm going to get you stuck like a full moon.

I don't know how many Chinatown gangsters there are, but if you're busy walking around for a day, you can wipe them all out.

Besides, there are other ways.

You just have to arrest the gangsters and paralyze them. If I tell you not to interfere with the work of the Geumgang Shaolin Temple......will listen on your own.

The worse the bad guys, the worse the body is. There were many other ways.

You can call Jin Yang-woo. When I heard it before, Jin Yang-woo had influence over Chinese Chinese painting and the Triad.

So if you call Jin Yang-woo, you'll be able to work things out here.

Lee Soo-mi said slightly surprised by what Jong-seok said.

"Normally, this gang problem is nothing to you when people get seriously hurt."

"It's a gangster dealing with terrorists, too...….”

"Then what are you going to do?”

"I'll talk to the dead and decide. This is their problem."

The phone rang when Lee Soo-mi nodded at Jong-seok.

[All grown-ups are here, Uncle Joe.]

"I'm coming soon because I'm near."

After the call, Jong-seok took out the money and put it on the table, and took Lee Soo-mi outside.

Inside the stamp of Geumgangsorimsa Temple, Jongseok was sitting in a circle with his disciples.

"I'm sorry to see you ugly when your uncle is here."

After Paul, Chalson shook his head.

"It's natural that things happen in business."

Then Jong-seok looked at Charleson and said,

"It looks like you're running a deficit now. What are you going to do in the future?"

"Now I and my priests are making money working."

"I know Nike and Aaron are college students. How do you pay for them?"

Two black young men bowed to Jong-seok's words and said,

"I'm attending school because of the help of my seniors."

Jong-seok nodded at the words of the two blacks. In fact, the disciples of Geumgangsorimsa Temple were not very well-off.

Although I learned martial arts, my teacher didn't let me benefit from it.

So I only trained and worked separately. Based on the medicine Paul learned from his teacher, he studied separately and got a bedclothes license, so his living was better.

But Paul wasn't very well off taking care of the death penalty.

There is no blood mixed, but they are all brothers to each other.

Then, we started Geumgangsan Shaolin Temple together, and it was only a deficit......it's all harder.

Paul's income from treating Jin So-pyeong is enough to maintain his family's livelihood.

"Well, then... ...the position of a U.S. military martial arts master would be helpful.”

What the U.S. military has offered is $300,000 a year, which will certainly be of great help.

"What you propose is to see the skills of your master. If you're uncomfortable, we can do it ourselves."

Jong-seok shook his head when Charleson said not to feel pressured.

"It's not difficult, so let's settle it right away. Call them and tell them to come when they have time."

"Is your master all right?"

"Don't feel uncomfortable because alumni help each other. I'm glad I can help my alumni."

"Thank you."

"And what about the gangsters?"

The faces of Charleson and the dead were slightly hardened by Jong-seok's words.

"If you come at me, I'll crush you."

"The problem is not to pounce.”

Small muttered Jong-seok looked at the dead and said,

"No matter how good a master is, bullets are inevitable. And the United States is a country with a lot of guns."

Charlesson nodded at Jong-seok's remark.

"First of all, the shooters got the first button wrong with the gangsters."

When the dead men saw him, Jong-seok opened his mouth.

"When I first bumped into you...... I should have stepped on it completely. That way, he would have saved himself by thinking that it would be over if he touched Geumgangsorimsa Temple. But they broke it in the middle, and other gangsters recognized it as a threat and united."

Dead men nodded their heads at Jong-seok's words with a somber look.

I didn't hit him too hard because he went to break his habit. Of course, the guys with the pistols broke one bone....that much more vindictive than vindulgence.

"Then what should I do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"What we want most is for them to live as they are, and for us to live as we are."

"I don't want to fight."

"I have that in mind, but...... those organizations have been in Chinatown for generations. And we're a stamp, not an organization that wants to have the hegemony of Chinatown."

Charleson was just hoping for the success of the Geumgang Shaolin Temple, and had no intention of winning the hegemony of Chinatown.

That's why they want to live as they are and they want to live as they are.

Jong-seok nodded to him.

'Maybe this is a good idea.’

There's nothing good about ordinary people getting involved with gangsters. Just as Jong-seok worries the most, it doesn't hurt himself, but it can harm his family and people close to him.

At Charleson's words, Jong-seok looked at him for a moment and nodded.

"I'll take care of that."


"Return the wrong button."

"To fight...….”

"Don't worry. Because I'm not trying to fight."

Then Jong-seok rose up.

"It looks like the evening class is coming."

I could feel the signs of people coming up through the stairs.

Charleson and the people raised themselves up by Jong-seok's horse. Watching them prepare, Jong-seok told Lee Soo-mi.

"I'll go out and come back.”

"Come without getting hurt."

"Don't worry."

Jong-seok, who smiled and spoke to Lee Soo-mi, opened the door of the stamp and came out. Jong-seok bowed his head as young people climbed up the stairs.

The young men, too, bowed their heads, passed by it and looked back.

"Isn't that Mr. Lee, just the guy from Amazing Land?"

"I think so."

Jong-seok, who came down to the bottom listening to people whispering, looked around and conducted a "life tracking."


Then a moment later Jong-seok nodded.

"There he is.”

When I felt the vitality of the gangsters I saw during the day, Jong-seok slowly began to move toward it.