346 Reading books gives you more experience! 346

Sweep! Sweep!

As he had no reason to throw away the paper and go to eat, Jong-seok wrote or painted as he wanted.

"That's nice, too."

Writing on bare ground with styrofoam was not very good, but it was good to practice writing.

Water and Styrofoam are the only things consumed.

Besides, if I break it while using Styrofoam, it seems like I'm putting the bottle in the place I bought it.

With that in mind, I began to draw some leaves on the bamboo that Jong-seok was drawing.

It felt a little cold when there was only bamboo, but it felt gentle when I drew some leaves.

Jong-seok, who had been writing with his back bent for so long, rose up.

"Yes! Will the elders be okay?"

I felt a little pain in my back because I kept bending. I'm worried that adults will feel uncomfortable if young people themselves are so uncomfortable.

As I looked around him, I saw people looking at his writings.

When the locals saw Jong-seok's writing, they naturally began to gather one by one.

They are people who used to write in the park because they like to write, so they have a good eye for reading.

So naturally, people are gathering and looking at Jong-seok's writing.

Jong-seok is surrounded by such people. He may be interested in the people who read his writings, but he seems to know that he is a master calligrapher.

Jong-seok was soon able to see some adults gathered on one side and talking.

And other adults were writing around, leaning on the floor.

I approached the people who had checked the location of all the adults.

As I approached the elders, I could hear their conversation.

"Your handwriting is very good."

"I know. It doesn't seem like anything special, but it tastes very delicate."

"Since it's a country that uses Chinese characters, I see a lot of good writing in parks like this."

As the elders said, Jong-seok approached where they were and watched them closely.

There was a faint writing on the floor. The Analects of the Analects were long written, but as if they had been written in a long time, the water was very dry and faded.

But there were traces of it, so I could check my handwriting. And as the elders said, the handwriting was very good.

"Your handwriting is very good."

At Jong-seok's murmur, the principal looked at him and nodded.

"I know. Sometimes having a rough and clumsy hand doesn't seem to be a formal calligraphy, but his handwriting is very beautiful."

"That's it? This side has a very finite feeling, but this side has a very strong feeling. If it's written separately, it's hard to believe it was written by one person."

When Kang Chul-jae pointed at the letters, Jong-seok nodded.

"And I see some very different handwriting here and there."

"I wonder who wrote it."

Jong-seok looked around and said to Kang Chul-jae said, and said,

"I think I'll know if you go to the pet bottle vendor and ask. I'll go ask."

With the horse, Jong-seok approached the merchant who sold the bottle.

"I'd like to ask you a question."

When asked by Jong-seok, the merchant saw him and gave him a styrofoam. If there's a problem with the styrofoam, change it.

Jong-seok smiled and received it, pointing to the gathering of elders in the literary circle.

"There's a good handwriting over there. Do you know who wrote it?"

At Jong-seok's words, the merchant looked at the gathering of elders and said,

"That's Mr. Chang's seat."

"Mr. Chang?"

"I'm an old man who comes every day to write and teach, and we call him Mr. Chang."

"Then where is he?"

"I only come out in the morning, and then I come in for lunch."

"Ah! So you're not coming back today?"

"I don't think so."

"Then when will you come back?"


When the merchant glanced at the items on display, Jong-seok took out the money.

"A box of water, please."

"Okay, it's one box, so I'll give you 24."

As he talked, the merchant started to take water out of the refrigerator, and Jong-seok glanced at the water bottle cap.

It's torn.

The bucket showed signs of opening. He shook his head.

"I'd like an unopened box instead of one in the refrigerator."

"The box isn't cool..."

"Box, please."

At Jong-seok's words, the merchant began to put water back into the refrigerator, smacking his lips.

Then he took out a box of bottled water from behind and put it down.

"Please don't open it."

At Jong-seok's words, the merchant glanced at him and, without saying a word, stuck out the box.

And when he tried to get the money, Jong-seok smiled and said,

"Wait a minute."

Then Jong-seok tore the box and took out a bottle of water from it.


As I turned the lid, I could hear the sound and feel of the new plastic stopper turning. Jong-seok stopped talking and put the water bottle back in the box and saw the merchant.

"Then when will he come?"

"When you come in the morning, you'll be there."

"Thank you."

Jong-seok, who spoke to me, handed me the money, took the box and walked to where the elders were.

The principal wondered at Jong-seok's bringing a water box of water.

"Do you buy water in a box?"

"It's hard to believe that bottled water is sold at street vendors in China."

"Is that so?"

"Not all of them, but there are people who sell tap water or river water in these bottles. So when you open the bottle cap, you can't pick it and just eat it."

"Then what did you buy in the box?"

"At least what's in the box is less likely to play tricks. One moment, please. I'll keep you cool."

"How can I do that?"

When the principal seemed to be wondering, Jong-seok concentrated his career with his hands in the box.

Argh! Argh!

Soon after Jong-seok focused on the history, the bottled water began to cool down to the sound emitted from his hands.

"So who wrote it?"

At the principal's question, Jong-seok raised his finger and gave a signal to wait a moment.

I couldn't cool down the bottled water while talking because it requires concentration.

Jong-seok, who had been cooling the bottled water for a while, nodded and handed out the water.

"Mr. Chang wrote this, but he seems to come only in the morning."

"Only in the morning?"

"Yes, so I think I'll have to come back tomorrow morning to see you."

"Oh, my God, I guess we're a little late."

"Drink some water. I'll go water the other elders."

Jong-seok took the water box and gave it to other adults one by one.

Some Chinese spoke to such Jong-seok.

"That writing, did you write it down?"


"Your writing is very good."

"Thank you."

"No. The writing is really good. I'm sorry, but may I see you writing again?"

As Chinese people said, Jong-seok looked at them awkwardly and saw adults.

The elderly nodded with happy faces.

"They like to write, so it would be nice to share them."

"You can do that."

To the elders of Mun Bang-woo, Jong-seok was like his own grandson. You call me a teacher and treat me with respect, but you think like a grandson.

So now you feel like you're bragging about your grandchild.

Jong-seok nodded, grabbed the bucket, and began to write down on the floor.

Chinese people began to take pictures with their cell phones or express their admiration for the writing of Jongseok.

The adults who spent time writing in the park looked around the Beijing Museum chosen by Won Seung-hwan.

Adults who spent time at the Beijing Museum looking at masterpieces and paintings written by Ming and Qing Dynasties bought food ingredients before sunset and returned to the pension.


In the garden of the pension, the adults and Jong-seok lit a campfire and were drinking glasses.

Flap! Flap!

Won Seung-hwan, who was talking to his friends while looking at the burning firewood, said to his friends.

"Will you go back to the park tomorrow?"

The principal nodded at Won Seung-hwan's words.

"I'd like to see that Mr. Chang or something write himself.

"So am I."

Won Seung-hwan nodded at what the elders said with a nod.

"Then since Mr. Zhang is coming early in the morning, let's stay there in the morning and move to the Great Wall before lunch."

"Is the Great Wall near here?"

"It'll take about two hours here."

"Not so far."

"There are several courses where you can see the Great Wall in Beijing, and I'm thinking of going somewhere close. And I think we can go to the Great Wall and look around at the Ewha Womans University and come in."

"Isn't Lee Hwa-won the villa of Empress Seo?"

"That's right."

When asked by Kang Chul-jae, the principal nodded and opened his mouth.

"The villa of Seo Tae-hoo, one of the three worst women in China, is Ewha-won, and there is also a story that the Qing Dynasty was ruined because of it."

"I've heard the story. I heard your villa is bigger than Yeouido."

Won Seung-hwan nodded at Kang Chul-jae.

"When you open the land and pile up the soil, you become a mountain, which is what I mean by Ihwawon. And it's actually ten times the size of Yeouido."

"Yeouido ten times..."

The steel, muttering in amazement, shook its head.

"Now that you've built such a villa, the country deserves to be ruined."

"There's nothing like excessive civil engineering that cuts the internal affairs of the country and resents the people."

People nodded at the principal's words. There were not one or two kings who made the people suffer from excessive civil engineering work, not going abroad.

Some countries collapsed due to the heavy consumption of national power during the construction of civil engineering.

The Great Wall of the Qin Dynasty, the Canal of the Su Dynasty, and the Ihwawon of the Qing Dynasty.

And so is our country. Korea also had Heungseon Daewongun's Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Heungseon Daewongun even made a new currency for the reconstruction of Gyeongbokgung Palace and forced the common people to work hard.

The people's public sentiment was greatly disturbed by the incident and the national power was greatly reduced.

When we talked about our schedule for tomorrow, two cars began to enter the entrance to the pension.

"Who's coming?"

Cha In-beom shook his head when Kang Chul-jae asked a mysterious question about the car coming straight to the pension.

"People who come to clean up won't be here until we leave tomorrow."

While looking at the car, Cha In-beom stood up and saw a car coming in.

And people got out of the car that stopped where they were.

Tata blame!

The people who got out of the car quickly looked around and began to disperse.

Jong-seok and his elders looked at them in wonder as they were scattered without a word.

"What is it?"

The people who got out of the car were scattered in all directions, and one of them was approaching, with a small murmur of steel.

"You look like soldiers."

"A soldier?"

"You look like you've been trained in the military, looking at your moving form. Besides, you seem to have a pistol."

"Power gun?"

"Your upper chest is slightly convex."

The principal was surprised to see Kang Chul-jae hiding his kitchen knife under his shoes while talking.

"Why do you take the kitchen knife fiercely?"

"Maybe you don't know."

"If you don't know anything, do you think there's any chance you'll be able to step up with Mr. Lee?"

Kang Chul-jae saw the last stone at the principal's words. Then Kang Chul-jae nodded.

The master of martial arts shooting from fingers to earth wind is right next to him.

He said with a big smile at the gaze of the steel.

"Don't worry too much."

Then he picked up the caps of the bottles that fell on the floor and grabbed them in his hand.

Growl! Growl!

When the stalactites tightened, the bottle caps began to press down and turn sharp.

If Kang Chul-jae says anything, these bottle caps will become bullets and be shot out of Jong-seok's hand.

When Jong-seok was holding the bottle cap in his hand, the man who got out of the car approached.

"Your Honor will be arriving shortly."