290 Reading books gives you more experience! 290

Chinese President Jin So-pyeong awarded the People's Hero Medal to Moon Jae-chul, director of Seoul Hospital, and Lee Jong-seok, an oriental medical doctor from Korea. This is the first time that four Koreans have received the People's Hero Medal, which is given to those who have made great contributions for the people.

Director Moon Jae-chul and Lee Jong-seok suffered an earthquake in Honam during their trip to China, and made efforts for those who needed medical care even in difficult situations.

So today I'm returning home...

On the plane bound for Korea, Jong-seok was watching the news on his cell phone.

"We're on the news."

Kang Chul-jae glanced at his cell phone at Jong-seok's horse. The news showed Jong-seok and Moon Jae-chul receiving medals from Jin So-pyeong.

"Pfft! I'll give you everything if you're going to... Some give, some don't give."

Jong-seok smiled awkwardly at Kang Chul-jae's remarks. The Order of the People's Hero was awarded only to Jong-seok and Moon Chul-jae.

Other adults also helped with the restoration work, but failed to reach Jong-seok and Moon Jae-chul, who treated and treated hundreds of patients.

And Jong-seok played a major role in saving hundreds of buried people.

He took something out of his pocket and stuck it out.

"Would you like it?"

Steel glanced at it at Jong-seok's horse. There was an octagonal-shaped medal in the hands of the stalks.

That was the Order of the People's Heroes from Qin So-pyeong.

Unlike the U.S., however, the Chinese medal did not have much benefit. No, there were benefits, but there were no benefits for Korean Jong-seok.

If you receive the People's Hero Medal, you will join the Communist Party. It was a great benefit for the Chinese, as they had to become Communist in order to get ahead in China.

It was an unnecessary benefit for Jong-seok, a Korean. It would be a problem for Koreans to join the Communist Party.

And Jong-seok benefited enough just by meeting Jin So-pyeong.

I was able to pay back a little bit of debt to Shaolin, which was always a burden to me. While meeting with Jin So-pyeong, Jong-seok met many senior Chinese officials.


"You'll have a lot of experience if you write it in the book."

You'll get at least 2,500 just for Qin So-pyeong. If you write down a number of factors...I thought I'd get at least one.

It will be a welcome rain in the drought as Jongseok has been lacking in experience these days.

Kang Chul-jae gently said to Jong-seok, who was thinking of writing in his experience book with a smile.

"But it's not your service."


said Kang Chul-jae when he saw Jong-seok.

"I couldn't ask because I had a genuine review. Can you tell me about that martial arts?"

"You want to learn martial arts?"


said Kang Chul-jae, who hesitated for a while.

"When they learn, they're going to strengthen their power."

Jong-seok shook his head as he was looking at Kang Chul-jae's words. Kang Chul-jae is also a soldier.

Since it's such a steel material, I hope the Korean military will learn the martial arts of Jongseok. It's thinking.

"I know you, and I'll tell you the truth."

"I'll listen."

"When you learn martial arts, you become stronger. But it takes time and it's hard."

"There's no easy way to be strong. Korean special forces children do not rest on bone-sitting training."

I laughed a lot at what Kang Chul-jae said.

"You're a real soldier to the bone."

"I think I've said something too obvious."

"First of all, I'm against giving martial arts to the army."


At Jong-seok's words, Kang Chul-jae stopped talking. Kang Chul-jae knows that he said too much.

But I had no choice but to speak. Now that you've seen Jongseok's martial arts, you've learned that there's more ways for the Korean army to become stronger.

Jong-seok said nothing else. Instead...

"I can give you some exercise that's good for your health."

"Healthy exercise method that is good for your health?"

"You know the exercise I taught you."

"Ah! Gun-gon-gugong?"

"The first ball I learned was the ball."

"It's... it's just like exercise, right?"

Gungongugong was being taught by the adults of Munbangu. Jongseok taught them whenever he had time, so they had been learning them for almost ten years.

I do it because I think it's good for my health, but I didn't think it was a feat.

"It is Geongongugong that juniors in school train to learn their internal skills. If you work hard, you can build up your inner workings and live a long, healthy life without getting sick."

"Is that so?"

"You're an old man, and you don't catch a cold.Yo"

Kang Chul-jae nodded at Jong-seok's remarks. As he said, I didn't suffer from any lingering illness after I learned how to play ball.

And then I feel refreshed and warm.

"But I don't think Gungongugong is fit for the army."

"Is that so?"

"District balls are static, so they are not suitable for soldiers to learn. And for health reasons, other than dry balls, the effects are similar."

"I see what you mean."

Kang Chul-jae no longer asked what Jong-seok said. I don't understand everything Jong-seok says, but I believe what Jong-seok says.

It's a military feat that doesn't fit the military. Moreover, as I learned the Gundonggugong in person, I thought it was not suitable for the military.

Upon arriving at Incheon Airport, Jong-seok and the elderly were coming out to the arrival hall to find their luggage.

And as I left the arrival hall, a loud flash came out.

Click! Click! Click!

The sudden flash covered the faces of adults with surprised eyes.

He didn't do anything wrong, but he was surprised that the cameras were filming him.

But Moon Jae-chul was the opposite.

"Hahahaha! What a bunch of reporters have come?"

He knew from the hospital that the reporters were already camped at the arrival hall.

And Moon Jae-chul welcomed it. As a doctor and businessman, Moon Jae-chul, such public interest was welcome.

It will have a good effect on the image of Seoul Hospital.

Of course, when saving people, I didn't want to do this. But he wasn't a soldier enough to hide his interest.

If I had done a good thing, I should have made it known and received attention.

With a smile on his face, Moon Jae-chul waved to the reporters and walked away.

"Hahaha! What are so many of you out there?"

When Moon Jae-chul went out with a smile, reporters hurried up to him.

"Director Moon, congratulations on your medal in China."

"What's great about the medal for treating sick people? I just did what I could do for people in need as a medical practitioner."

"Mr. Lee Jong-seok, please take a picture with me here."

When Moon Jae-cheol saw Jong-seok with a smile on his face, he stood beside him, smacking his lips.

Click! Click!

"You had an earthquake on your trip to China. Wasn't that scary?"

"I heard that Mr. Lee Jong-seok saved several drama people who fell into the lake. Please tell us more about the situation at that time."

"With her lover Lee Soo-mi, the photo of love in a disaster has become famous. What do you think of him?"

"Didn't your lover Lee Soo-mi come back home with you?"

When I saw the adults of Moon Bang-woo whose Jong-seok was on one side, I whispered to Moon Jae-chul in a small whisper.

"You all look tired. Why don't we move for now?"

Moon Jae-chul nodded at Jong-seok and said,

"It's been a long time, so I and my Jiwoo are very tired. For more information, we'll have a press conference at Seoul Hospital around lunch time tomorrow, so let's talk then."

Then, when Moon Jae-cheol raised his hand looking somewhere, the people on one side rushed to him.

The employees of Seoul Hospital came to meet them.

As the staff approached, Moon Jae-chul held out his luggage and began loading adult luggage into the airport carts they had brought.


Moon Jae-chul decided to take care of the interview with reporters. And Jong-seok came home to rest for the first time in a long time.

I was planning to go to Incheon today and tomorrow because I still have two days to go on vacation.

In his room, Jong-seok was reading a book of experience. In the Experience Book, there were a lot of articles announcing the acquisition of experience.

Jong-seok stroked his chin as he read a series of experiences.

You're giving me more experience than I thought.

Jong-seok, who laughed at his experience book, thought for a moment and wrote an article.

Jong-seok was lost in thought for a moment in the article in the Experience Book.

"You must have ended up as the chief monk of Shaolin."

Jong-seok, who was thinking that way, looked at his experience book.

"By the way, what experience will help the death penalty's Shaolin?"

If you think about it, martial arts will be the most helpful. But he's a fighter. Jangno already knows...

Jong-seok nodded while thinking for a moment.

"Except for the victory and the illegality, let's get two experiences of martial arts and Shaolin Temple."

The experience of the head of Shaolin Temple will help Jangno give advice when he runs Shaolin Temple.

And Mu Gong didn't know Shaolin martial arts except that Jongseok Cheonyeopsu and Jangno taught him.

To help you build Shaolin Temple, you need to know some Shaolin martial arts, so you can teach people or not.

The writing began to appear as the pages of the writing deficit went over.

The military exploits of Shaolin Temple are as high as the sky, as deep as the sea, and as heavy as Mount Tai.

And that meant that it was not easy to learn Shaolin's exploits.

Sorim's training is mixed in every movement. When washing rice and doing laundry, hand tools, intestines when sweeping the floor, and how to walk.

And the most difficult of all was training the lower body.

He rises in time and draws water from the well below the mountain.


It was around dawn when I read all the contents of my experience book. When I finished reading the book, Jong-seok's eyes were dim but gold-like, but disappeared.


Jong-seok twisted his neck with a little moan. I felt heavy, perhaps because I read about martial arts.

A monk's experience of military service changes his muscles as he permeates the stone's body.

I'll have to be diligent.

Now that your body's muscles have changed in the experience of a monk, you'll have to train accordingly to change them back to those that fit your dry bulb balls.

Jong-seok, who rubbed his neck for a while, looked at his experience book.

The experience of Shaolin Temple's martial arts has gained a considerable amount. Although he invested 5,000 won in experience at a time, it seemed that Jongseok was already learning about Cheonyeopsu and Bulyeongseonhabo.

Two already known exploits are to get used to, and the new skill is to give three.

So the new skills were basic martial arts, the joint class president, and all-around training.

However, since basic martial arts include basic training methods and martial arts, it was a little too much to be called a single skill.

And among them, Jong-seok liked the training of everything and the class president.

Everything was an experience that allowed me to do everything like training.

If you sweep the ground with a broom, you will train Jangbib, and if you do the laundry, you will be trained with the method.

It was the training of all things that allowed them to train themselves, including walking and breathing.

And the plywood was unusual. If I use it, it is a defense method, and if others use it, it becomes an attack method.

So I felt like it. Gungongugong was also specialized in defense, but Hapbanjang was more specialized in defense.

It was a perfect defense unless you tried to attack others. And that defense is to attack the enemy and to frighten or intimidate them into backing down.

Jong-seok shook his head and looked at the experience book again.

The experience book had already opened up a new page.

Chief of Shaolin Temple... It would be difficult and difficult for me to take over, but the elders trusted me, so I decided to take care of it.

And handing this difficult position over to the priests is like handing over my burden to the priests.

Jongseok began to spend the night reading the story written by a Buddhist monk who was at the head of Shaolin.
