236 Reading books gives you more experience! 236

Kang Chul-jae, who was on his way home after a meeting with Moon Bang-woo adults, received a phone call.

It was a call to the Secretary of Defense, to meet at the Ministry of National Defense.

He drove to Yongsan, where the Ministry of National Defense is located, with steel materials.

Jong-seok, who arrived at the Defense Ministry in Yongsan, left his ID card and received the pass.

And inside the Pentagon building with Kang Chul-jae, you could see something amazing.

What classes are there?'

Most of the people to and from the Ministry of National Defense were small, medium and large. Diamonds sometimes roamed around, but there seemed to be more permanent-levels than that.

Besides, what kind of paper do you carry around like that?

Jong-seok was able to stand in front of Kang Chul-jae and Hingke's office.

Knock knock knock knock!

When I knocked on the door and went inside, there were soldiers inside.


said Kang Chul-jae, who received it lightly when the lieutenant colonel saluted.

"I have an appointment with the Secretary of State."

He's waiting inside."

Kang Chul-jae, who nodded at the commander's words, took Jong-seok inside.

Tap tap tap!

When I knocked on the door, I was told to come in.

When he opened the door and went inside, he saw a large office. And a half-white old man, sitting at a table as large as the Oval Office, rose up.


An old man came to the salute of the steel with respect.

"I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks to your consideration."

"I asked you to work for me, and I was too negligent."

The old man, who shook his head small, looked at Jong-seok.

"Mr. Lee Jong-seok?"

Jong-seok looked at him and lowered his head as he was wondering about the old man's words that recognized him.

"This is Lee Jong-seok."

"I got a report yesterday. Thank you for saving my senior on behalf of you."

"He's precious to me."

Thank you.

The old man, who nodded his head, smiled and reached out his hand.

"Minister of Defense, Hwang Im-gwan."

"I've seen it on TV a few times."

"I think I've seen Lee Jong-seok on TV a few times. Please sit here."

When Hwang Im-gwan pointed to the sofa, Kang Chul-jae and Jong-seok sat down.

"First of all, I'm so glad you're okay."

"I was lucky."

Jong-seok nodded at Kang Chul-jae. I was literally lucky.

What if Kang Chul-jae didn't come to see him yesterday? What if he didn't come in and get treated and fall asleep? What if he didn't find brake fluid stuck under the car?

The steel material is alive now because several coincidences have been subtly matched.

So I couldn't say anything but that I was lucky.

I was so lucky.

When Jong-seok muttered into his mouth, he picked up the phone next to him and said,

"Tell Commander Ko to come in."

Hwang Im-gwan, who put down the phone, saw the steel.

"There's nothing too easy about MA aviation behavior. I didn't think you'd dare to spy out the Pentagon's audit adviser in Korea..."

"I didn't know it would happen either."


With a sigh, Hwang Im-gwan opened his mouth looking at the steel.

"I'm sure you'll understand that this is difficult to investigate."

"I know."

At Kang Chul-jae's answer, Hwang Im-gwan sighed and opened his mouth.

"It's convenient to command the army... Politics is very hard."

Kang Chul-jae nodded at Hwang Im-gwan's words. Although the defense corruption audit has brought in retired generals like Kang Chul-jae, this is all within the ministry.

It is literally something that needs to be solved and dealt with within the Defense Ministry, not something that can be handled externally.

So I couldn't make this known, and I had to hide it.

It is known that foreign companies involved in the KA project tried to kill an auditor who interfered with the project, but public opinion will immediately boil up.

If that happens, Hwang would have to spend more time at the parliamentary hearing than at the Ministry of National Defense, and all the defense projects that are taking place now could have been suspended.

No, even if it doesn't stop, we'll investigate. No wonder it's going to be a setback. It had to be stopped.

Therefore, a resolution must be made within the Ministry of National Defense Ministry of National Defense.

This was the position of Defense Minister Hwang. The water can't be broken, let the water can't be changed.

And Kang Chul-jae understood it. Kang Chul-jae is also a member of the Defense Ministry.

As we talked, the door opened with a knock, and three men in black suits came in.


Looking at the men saluting, Hwang Im-gwan said to Kang Chul-jae.

"We have agents who will be your bodyguard in the future. I'm the late Lt. Col.

The man, called the late lieutenant colonel, turned his head toward the steel.

"This is Lieutenant Colonel Koh. Please call me Commander-in-Chief."

Kang Chul-jae looked at him in wonder at what the late lieutenant colonel said.

'You don't say your name?'

You say you left the field, but you know who you are, so you want me to call you Lieutenant Colonel Ko, not your name?

It was not a common case. Kang Chul-jae, who was watching the late lieutenant colonel, reached out his hand.

"Kang Chul Jae Neh"

"I've heard a lot."

"But what's your name?"

Commander Ko.

"What I asked was a name... It's not a sex position, is it?"

At the words of Kang Chul-jae, who seemed a little upset, Hwang Im-gwan hurriedly said.


At the call of the imperial officer, Kang Chul-jae saw him.

"They're... classified."


The steel saw the late Lt. Col. with a startled eyes.

There are units in the army that are open and whose existence itself is a secret.

And the late lieutenant colonel and the soldiers in front of us are the secret units.

Kang Chul-jae nodded to him and asked no further questions. The late lieutenant colonel pointed to his men who came with him.

Captain Kim, Captain Wang.

This is Captain Kim.

This is Captain Wang.

Kang Chul-jae nodded and turned to Hwang Im-gwan as they spoke only of their rank.

"May I have people next to me who have to do big things?"

"What you do is a big deal."


When Kang Chul-jae, who bowed his head, rose up, Hwang Im-gwan followed him to the door and saw him off.


Jong-seok, who took Kang Chul-jae home, broke up with a little comfort.

The bodyguards attached by the Ministry of National Defense were strong and professional. So even without confidence, Kang Chul-jae seemed to be safe.

I want to find out about MA.

It was uncomfortable to leave it to others. It's not anyone else's business, it's steel.

"Then what do you do to find out?"

After thinking for a while, Jong-seok reached out his hand to catch a taxi.

"Let's try the U.S. Army PX."

Small muttered Jong-seok climbed inside as the taxi approached, and said,

"Where are you?"

"U.S. military base in Yongsan."


Jong-seok was lost in thought when the car started.

"If it's the U.S. military too, it's better to ask Tom Black, right?""

Jong-seok, who had been thinking about that for a while, took out his cell phone.

Then I called and a moment later Tom with a sleepy voice answered the phone.

Hey... Lee, long time no see.

At the same time, Jong-seok felt both sorry and grateful for Tom's gladly answering the phone.

"How are you?"

I'm doing well because I'm still alive on the phone. So, how's Lee doing?

"I'm doing fine.

By the way, what's going on? As far as I know, Lee doesn't call if he doesn't have business.

I'm a little sorry about that.

If you're sorry, please contact me sometimes. Joseph misses Lee a lot, too.

I spoke to Joseph on the phone before. At that time, I had to listen to the curse of "bug!" from Joseph.

Joseph came to Korea while he was on duty, so he couldn't say goodbye. That's why he was so angry.

I know Jong-seok temporarily works for Blackwood, but Joseph thought he would stay at the company.

He thought there was no reason for Jong-seok to leave Blackwood, which provides the best treatment.

So Joseph was thinking of Jong-seok as his successor, but he was disappointed when he left without even saying hello.

"I'll contact Joseph separately."

Please do so. By the way, what's the matter?

"I was wondering if you knew anyone else in the U.S. Forces Korea."



The Korean People's Army...

said Tom, who had not said a word for a moment, as if lost in thought.

There's almost nothing I don't know in the military, but I think I'll have to look into it because Korea is a place where we have almost no Blackwood work.

"I see."

Is it urgent?

"I'm sorry. It's a little urgent."

Then Lee owes me a debt.


Jong-seok, who finished the call with it, looked out the window. Soon after some time, Jong-seok was able to arrive in front of the U.S. military base.

Jong-seok, who landed in front of the U.S. military base, took out his wallet and headed for the entrance.

As I approached the door that read Gate 11, a man in military uniform saw him.

"How did you get here?"

Looking at his fluent Korean and face, he was a Korean.

"You're Korean, aren't you?""

The military police, who nodded at Jong-seok's words, asked again.

"How did you get here?"

When asked by the military police, Jong-seok extended a certificate from the U.S. Embassy in his wallet.

The idea of coming to the military base was to have a medal certificate from the United States.

Among the benefits of receiving a medal certificate, the U.S. military base could be used.

The police officer who received the ID looked at it and wondered about his face.

A medal?'

The military police, who looked at the stone with astonished eyes, carried it to the guard post and showed it to the U.S. military.

Then the U.S. military looked through the window and hurried out.

Then he saluted and presented his certificate.

Jong-seok, who received the certificate and put it in his pocket, said.

"Can I go inside?"

I'll just go through the identification process."

The military police took Jongseok to the post, wrote down his identification card and resident registration number, and held out a visitor's necklace.

"Please keep your necklace with you when you move in the unit. And there's a limit to where you can move, so please keep that in mind."


"Would you like to have a meeting with the commander?"

"With the commander?"


"Is that going to work?"

"You are the recipient of the Order of Merit, so it is possible."

"I'd like to do it, then.

At Jong-seok's words, the military police nodded and went inside and picked up the phone at the guard post.

Then a moment later the military police came out and said,

"It's hard right now because you're out there.

He'll be back in half an hour. Would that be all right?"

"If you have work, you don't have to."

"No, he said he was coming in now."

"Okay. Can I come in then?"

The military police shook his head at Jong-seok's horse.

"Wait a moment."

A U.S. soldier appeared at the gate after a moment's wait at the words of the military police.

The saluted U.S. military pointed inside.

"I'll guide you."

"Thank you."

When Jong-seok passed through the gate, the U.S. military began to guide him.

"U.S. military base in Yongsan..."

Maj. Gen. Gerald, the guide, was explaining the Yongsan Garrison.

As I heard about the Yongsan Garrison that Gerald gave me, I asked Jong-seok a question."

"But the U.S. has given us a great deal of credit for the medal."

I'm surprised that I can have a meeting with a commander just because I'm the recipient of the medal.

"It is the United States that the President of the United States salutes the recipient first."

"I heard that baby, was it real?"

"Of course, the United States does not forget who made the credit for the country."

A man came running behind Jong-seok, who was moving his steps with a nod to Gerald's words.


At the sound from behind, Jong-seok's face, which turned his head, was puzzled.

A white man with a short haircut was running... It was a familiar face.


The running man was the chemistry of Eagle seen in the United States. Jong-seok smiled at Chemi, who ran with a bright face.

"Why are you... here?"

Chemi saluted the question of Jong-seok. When Jong-seok was lightly saluted with a smile on his face, Chemi approached him.

"How did you get into the unit, Master? It's a place where the public can't come in."

"I came in because I deserved it. And you?"

"I'm assigned here."

"I see..."

While talking, Jong-seok saw a basketball in his hand.

"What about training?"

"Would you like to see?"

When Chemi threw a basketball with a smile, Jong-seok reached out his hand and caught the ball.


Chemi smiled and nodded at the word East.

"I'm with you."

"No accidents?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

"Don't bother people?"

"I'm not bothering you. When I was in training, I carried the wounded man on my back.

"Why didn't you call me if you were in Korea?"

"I didn't contact you to surprise you. I'm going to surprise you in person."

Jong-seok nodded at Chemi's bright smile. Chemi contacted me from time to time after she went to the army with East.

Sometimes, when Chemi sends a video of her playing ball, Jong-seok gives her advice.

But I saw such chemistry in the U.S. Forces Korea.