233 Reading books gives you more experience! 233

Jong-seok was looking out the window. And next to it was Kang Chul-jae and a middle-aged man.

He was Lee Sang-seop, who took off his military uniform not long ago while working as a boss in a commando unit.

Upon receiving a call from a commando battalion commander, Lee Sang-sup immediately drove to Pyeongchang County.

Upon receiving the call, he joined his old men and search party members, divided into groups and scattered around the hotel.

And Lee Sang-seop took a room on the same floor and sneaked into the room to play the role of escort and command of Kang Chul-jae.

A sound came from Lee Sang-seop's radio while looking out the window.

Teeth! Teeth!

"Three suspicious people in a eleven o'clock car on the street lamp."

"Confirm one person with abnormal behavior in the lobby."

I've got reports of suspicious-looking men from all over the country scattered around.

At the sound of the radio, Kang Chul-jae said, receiving the radio that Lee Sang-seop was holding.

"Okay. And... Thank you,"

"No, I respect you."

Along with the smell from the radio came other voices.

"I respect you, too."

"I respect you."

Kang Chul-jae smiled at the sound of the radio and looked out the window.

The soldiers here... Most of the former soldiers were in their 40s.

As such, they were under the command of Kang Chul-jae at the beginning of his military career.

Of course, it was more of a command through a corps than a direct command, but... Anyway, they were from the subordinate unit of the 2nd Corps of Steel, so I had respect for them.

As I was looking out the window, Jong-seok glanced back and touched them small.

Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk!

When the two men saw Jong-seok, he touched his mouth and pointed to the door.

Lee Sang-seop put earphones on the radio and put them in his ears. That way, the sound does not go out and is heard by Lee Sang-seop.

Looking at Lee Sang-seop, Jong-seok told them to wait for him and quietly moved toward the door.

Lee Sang-seop's face was filled with admiration when he saw Jong-seok move.

I can't hear a thing.

There is something called covert maneuvers during the night during commando training. It refers to moving silently without making a sound, and Jong-seok was moving very quietly and fast to match the word "secret moving."

Not knowing that Lee Sang-seop was looking at him with a surprised eye, Jong-seok came close to the door and listened.

Then a small noise came from the entrance.


One was at the door. Jong-seok raised one finger at Lee Sang-seop and pointed to the entrance.

Lee Sang-seop whispered to the radio.

"Is anyone here in the commander's room?"

Lee Sang-seop's question was answered by the radio. Lee Sang-seop whispered softly to Jong-seok.

"I can't see any abnormal behavior in Robbie. I think it's him."

At the signal of Lee Sang-seop, Jong-seok looked at the door. He who stood at the door stood still.

You're looking at the dynamics of this place. I don't know if he's asleep or not.'

Jong-seok, who thought so, snored small.

"Hmm... Cool... Cool."

When he heard Jong-seok snoring, Kang Chul-jae saw him and began to snore.


"Target sleep check"

Lee Sang-seop approached slightly as Jong-seok snored and looked outside at the sound of a small sound coming from outside the door.

Lee Sang-seop was also moving quietly without making a single sound as he moved.

Lee Sang-seop, who approached Jong-seok, picked up outside the window. Then he raised his two fingers and pretended to move, and Jong-seok nodded.

He's approaching the car.

whispered to him in a small whisper.

"Can you make it right?"

When Lee Sang-seop nodded, Jong-seok gently took his finger to the door.

What's the signal?

When Lee Sang-seop looked at Jong-seok, he took a deep breath and pulled up his inner space.

But that's also for a moment...

Is there a need to reduce the internal strength?'

He's here to kill people anyway. He's a great senior citizen of his own, Keoam Kang Chul-jae.

With the thought, Jong-seok gently lifted his finger up. Roughly located on the right shoulder of the human...

The finger of Jong-seok, who measured the position, spouted the front lines.


A small blow was heard outside the door at the moment.


With a groan, Jong-seok opened the door strongly and reached out his hand.


Jong-seok, who hit a man who had not yet fallen down with Chun Ra-soo, grabbed a man who had passed out and saw Lee Sang-seop.

"Hold him in."

Lee Sang-seop grabbed the radio at Jong-seok's horse.


With instructions, Lee Sang-seop turned on the light in the room.


Those who were approaching the car by the suddenly lit fire in the room will be embarrassed. And they will be scattered and captured by former soldiers waiting.

With Lee Sang-seop giving instructions, Jong-seok dragged a person out of his senses and came inside.

One of the two men wearing hats, who were approaching by car, hurriedly said.

"The fire in the room"

When the man said, someone raised his head and looked toward the room, he hurriedly took out his cell phone and said,

I'm trying to call the room watcher. But then people showed up around them.

And without saying a word, he began to rush at them.


Suddenly, two men were surprised by the sight of the attackers and hurried away, but a fight broke out by those who came behind them.

Jong-seok was watching a fight that looked out the window. There were two opponents and ten on this side.

I could see the two of them rebelling more violently than I thought, but this is a group of 10 former Special Forces soldiers... The fight ended in a flash.

Cheek! Cheek!

"We got two."

"We got the driver in the driver's seat."

"Let's start the perimeter."

Kang Chul-jae nodded at the report and received the radio.

"Well done."


In the example of former soldiers, Kang Chul-jae nodded and opened his mouth.


And last thing I heard was a report.

"I have a pistol."

Kang Chul-jae frowned at the word pistol and grabbed the radio.

"Power gun?"

A pistol came out of the driver's seat.

When Kang Chul-jae saw the man lying in the room when he heard that the pistol had come out, Lee Sang-seop searched the body and found the pistol and took it out.

He caught the radio with steel.

"Isn't Siram hurt?"

"I've been bitten by a mosquito."

"It's better with saliva."

"I'm applying it now."

Kang Chul-jae, laughing at what he heard on the radio, opened his mouth.

"What about those who were approaching the car?"

"We don't have a gun, we have an awl, a nipper, and a few more tools."

"Okay. Hold it in a quiet place for now."


When I saw the fallen steel man who finished the radio with it, Lee Sang-seop went into the bathroom and brought a towel.

When Lee Sang-seop handed over the towel, Jong-seok saw him.

"0|Why the gun?"

"Hide your face"


"If you don't intend to kill this person, you'd better use Lee Jong-seok to hide your identity. I could just jump at you for revenge.

"If that's the case, people already out there..."

"I would have covered my eyes as soon as I overpowered the fighting in the dark, so I don't have to worry about that."

When Lee Sang-seop said, Jong-seok nodded as he tried to give the towel to Kang Chul-jae.

He's a target anyway, so he's covering his face or not. While thinking, Jong-seok put down his towel with a smile.

Lee Sang-seop was covering his face with a towel when he saw him.

"Why aren't you blocking it?"

"I thought about it and they already know my face. I've been going around with you all day."


Lee Sang-seop, who nodded at Jong-seok's words, approached the fallen man and tried to wake him up.

"I'll do it."

Then, he pressed the man's body with his hands.


The man, who opened his eyes with groans, looked at the people in front of him and tried to move quickly, but he was already tied up and could not move.

"Who sent you?"


Jong-seok laughed at the man who didn't answer.

"An easy road is so easy that it's easy. Let's go back a little."

Then Jong-seok put the towel he had put in his mouth and pressed the blood.

"Ugh! Ugh!"

The man couldn't scream because of the clogged towel and began to twist his body.

"If you want to talk, keep your eyes open."

Lee Sang-seop looked at Jong-seok with surprised eyes.

"This one?"

"I've put a lot of pain in the blood."

Then Jong-seok saw Lee Sang-seop.

"Didn't you have any ID when you were searching earlier?"



Jong-seo, who was talking, looked down at the man with a curious face. The man's wriggling sleeves on the floor were rolled up, revealing a tattoo.

And that tattoo was what Jong-seok knew.

"This is..."

"You have a greenberry tattoo.

Jong-seok nodded at the murmur of the steel.

"Do you know?"

"When I was active, I had a joint training with Green Beret."

At Jong-seok's words, Kang Chul-jae thought for a moment and saw Lee Sang-seop.

"Come into the hotel and let them rest."

"What? What about the watcher?"

"Put it in the car and call the police. If there are people with guns, they'll take them."


"It's all right."

At Kang Chul-jae's words, Lee Sang-seop gave instructions to people by radio without speaking any more.

Kang Chul-jae, who was looking at Lee Sang-seop, took his cell phone and went into the bathroom.

Maybe he was trying to talk to someone.

Guns and Green Berets...

Jong-seok was lost in thought when he saw a fallen man.

'You're not on active duty, are you a mercenary?'

There were former Green Bere mercenaries in Blawood, too. That's why Jong-seok recognized the tattoo.

Jong-seok, who was thinking for a while, peeked into the bathroom and focused on his work.

I thought I should know who Kang Chul-jae was talking to and what the contents were.

When I focused on my work, I heard Kang Chul-jae talking on the phone in the bathroom.

"I think they're from MA. Yes... send mercenaries all the way to Korea, plus guns."

'MA Airlines?'

When MA Airlines was thinking about what Jong-seok was thinking, Kang Chul-jae's voice was heard.

"It won't happen, but I think you should be careful about security."

When Kang Chul-jae came out of the bathroom door after finishing the call, Jong-seok opened his mouth while looking at him.

"Mr. Lee, I'll be guarding this place, so please take care of the accommodations for those downstairs."

When Lee Sang-seop saw him and Kang Chul-jae at Jong-seok's words, he saluted and left the room.

When Lee Sang-seop went out, Jong-seok saw steel.

"What is MA Airlines?"

Kang Chul-jae looked at Jong-seok with surprise.

"How did Mr. Lee do that?"

"I have good ears."

Then Jong-seok looked at the steel and said seriously.

"I don't know what's going on, but it's serious that you've got a gun."

"I know."

"And... I think I deserve to know that I've already taken one step."

At Jong-seok's words, Kang Chul-jae sighed as he looked at him and opened his mouth.

"Then don't tell anyone what I'm talking about."

"That's... I can't guarantee it."

"Why is that?"

"I'm not the only one who's worried about you."

Seeing Jong-seok speaking of the people of Moon Bang-woo, Kang Chul-jae relished his appetite and opened his mouth.

"What I do in the Department of Defense is thank you for the corruption in defense."

"Fireproof corruption?"

"All the weapons used in the military are astronomical, huge interest projects."

Then Kang Chul-jae, who had been silent for a while, sighed and opened his mouth.

"As a former soldier, I'm ashamed to say this, but... The defense corruption scandal is spread throughout the military. There are a lot of different kinds of food. For example, military USB.

"Army USB?"

"It's all about a million won... In fact, its performance is not that different from what they sell at around 10,000 won on the market."

"KRW 10,000 for one million?"

"When I hear about these guys making excuses, they say that military USBs have a security device that's hard to hack... In fact, there's a code program on the market. If I decide to solve it, I get an online decryption program and it works out right away."

"Bad guys. "I can't believe you're selling a 10,000 won bill for one million won."

"The problem is that about 900,000 won of that million went into the military lobby."


"All soldiers are fools. No, all the soldiers who protect the country are elite with professional education. Those people are so stupid and stupid that they can't afford a hundred times the price of a 10,000 won USB."

"That's... that's not."

"If you force them to buy from above, and raise questions, the person who raises the question will be replaced, demoted and brought into the military."

"When I sold it for a million won and entered the lobby for 900,000 won... But there's still a lot of money left. It's a profitable business for the company."

Kang Chul-jae sighed and nodded at Jong-seok's words.

"That's all the taxpayers' money I paid to protect the country...It's a sigh."