217 Reading books gives you more experience! 217


Jong-seok's hand moved with the image of Hong Dae-bang rushing toward him.


Jong-seok's hands, which quickly blocked Hong Dae-bang's sense of entitlement and twisted it, hit the chest.


Puff, puff, Puffing!

In an instant, the Hongdae room, which allowed four rooms, was pushed back. For a while, however, Hong Dae-bang held out the ground with his feet and was fired again.


Jong-seok tilted his head at the sight of Hong Dae-bang running toward him again.

'Was it weak?

With such thoughts, Jong-seok, who avoided the scene by leaning his head toward his head, walked the bridge of Hongdae with one leg.



When Hong Dae-bang's body came up with groans, Jong-seok grabbed the neck and put it down to the ground.



Jong-seok stepped back slightly to the scene of Hong Dae-bang groaning. The sound was loud, but the impact would not be great.

I didn't pull my head off when it fell.

And after a while, Hongdae-bang rose up.

"What about now?"

"I did some judo."

Hong Dae-bang nodded at Jong-seok's remark. He was only thinking of Cheonyeop-soo, so he only defended his batting skills, but he didn't know that he would come to judo.

Hong Dae-bang reached out to Jong-seok and began to attack again.

Puff, puck, puck!

And Hong Dae-bang began to be beaten by Jong-seok's hand. For Jong-seok, he must pass the test to take a tour of the training course with other martial arts trainees, so he cannot lose.

So I had to win, and the Hongdae room... With the intention of learning from Jong-seok, who is a master rather than himself, he has no choice but to keep beating him.

After being beaten and knocked down to prevent Hong Dae-bang from getting up any more, Jong-seok breathed long and suddenly looked around.

Around him, students who were being trained by the Hongdae Bang were looking at him with surprised eyes.

The sight made Jong-seok cry.

'Was it too much in front of the disciples?'

But it can't be helped. I can't stop my hands when I keep getting up and running.

Moreover, it is not polite to do so while being generous to the fighters.

Jong-seok, who had improved his appetite, reached out to Hong Dae-bang. Hong Dae-bang threw up his breath and held his hand and raised himself.

Then he put his head down, putting his hands together.

"I learned a lesson."

"I also learned a lesson."

Jong-seok's face and Hong Dae-bang's face were young in embarrassment. Jong-seok was not good enough to learn anything by competing with Jong-seok.

"But why do you want to enter our school?"

Jong-seok's ability was not enough to enter the school, but he could serve as a full-time master here.

"I didn't want to go to school, I wanted to go on a field trip.

"A field trip?"

"I wanted to find out about the system how people learn martial arts."

"Ah... well, the martial arts system here is good."

Then Hong Dae-bang turned his head toward his disciples.

"You guys keep training the iron engraving."


The disciples lined up again and stood in front of the log, and soon jumped up.

Watching his disciples train, Hong Dae-bang took Jong-seok to tour the school.

Hongdae room glanced at Jongseok, which looked around the training ground and the students' dormitories.

"Do you have anything to say?"

"That's... that's a little different from what I know..."

"Is that so?"

At Jong-seok's words, Hong Dae-bang nodded his head and opened up the natural tree he had mastered.

Jong-seok nodded as he saw it.

'It's definitely different from my natural lobe.'

"How do you do it?"

Jong-seok nodded at the question of Hongdae.

"It's definitely different from my tawny tree."


And Hong Dae-bang's eyes glistened. He seemed to want to ask why it was different.

"My teacher came to Korea a long time ago, so I think she's a little different from Cheonyeopsu now."

"Oh? My teacher... Ah! I'm sure there's someone who taught me the tree. What about your teacher?

"He was a monk at Shaolin Temple..."

When Jong-seok made his usual excuse, Hong Dae-bang nodded.

"Maybe you're the prophet who hid during the Cultural Revolution."

"Cultural Revolution..."

The word "Cultural Revolution" reminded me of stories about him in Jong-seok's head.

It is a policy of cultural slaughter that took place in China in the 1970s. An event called modern Bunseo-gangyu, which oppresses old cultures and has killed many people...

"I heard a lot of people died then."

"A lot of them died. That's when a lot of people die, and a lot of people die in martial arts."

"Are the martial arts people dead?"

When Jong-seok, who had never heard of such a story, wondered, Hong Dae-bang said.

"At that time, I cut a lot of slack for the genealogy of martial arts leading up to the priesthood. "At that time, Shaolin Temple was almost..."

Hong Dae-bang, who was talking, shook his head.

"I was exterminated."


"Then, as the regime changed and Hong Kong martial arts movies became famous, we created the current Shaolin Temple to foster martial arts in China."

"Really? Then what about the monks?"

"When Shaolin was suppressed, it scattered all over the place, and when it got better, it gathered... Some of them are orthodox, some of them are monks who have brought them in to keep their numbers. That's right."


Only then did Jong-seok nod his head at Hong Dae-bang's words. The Shaolin martial art in his own experience is great.

However, I wondered why the name was cut off, and there was a reason for this.

'That's why Shaolin's martial art is like this.

Then, Jongseok suddenly saw Hongdae.

"Don't you have any training in internal engineering?"

"Internal engineering..."

Hong Dae-bang shook his head after a while at Jong-seok's words.

"There's a breathing drill at headquarters, but... I didn't really feel it was an internal attack."


"Are you here to find out about your work experience?"



At Jong-seok's words, Hong Dae-bang was lost in thought with a small voice. When Jong-seok was curious about the appearance, Hong Dae-bang opened his mouth.

"As a Shaolin monk, I am ashamed to say this, but... The head office will not know what it is doing now. As I said earlier, the pulse of Shaolin martial arts, or Chinese martial arts, was cut off once and then resumed."


At Jong-seok's question, Hong Dae-bang shook his head as he was thinking of saying something.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Hong Dae-bang, who was briefly asked by Jong-seok, opened his mouth.

"Maybe it's better to go to Hong Kong than here to find the pulse of authentic Chinese martial arts."

"Hong Kong?"

"A long time ago, many Chinese martial artists moved to Hong Kong to avoid the Communist Party."

"I see."

It made sense.

"Then you do nothing else but breathing."


"Well... I'm sorry, but could you show me your breathing technique?"

Hong Dae-bang did not refuse Jong-seok's request. It is called Sorimsa breathing method, but there was nothing special about the idea of Hongdaebang.

Moreover, it is not a secret because it is a breathing method taught at the Shaolin Martial Arts School.

Hong Dae-bang, who was seated, took a deep breath and began to spit out slowly.

Jong-seok looked closely at the figure.

Breathe in so much that your belly is big... "When you spit out, you slowly exhale and exhale almost to the bottom."

Jong-seok nodded as he watched Hongdaebang exhale and drink.

'It's similar to Danjeon breathing for now.

While studying how to build up the internal organs efficiently, Jongseok also studied Danjeon breathing.

And what Hongdaebang is doing now was similar to Danjeon breathing.

'There's nothing about the clouds.

Hong Dae-bang was weak, but he could feel his inner strength. Although efficiency is reduced, Danjeon breathing can also be considered a form of psychology, which can lead to internal organs.

But the amount of history was very feeble.

When Jong-seok was lost in thought while watching his breathing, Hong Dae-bang, who had some breathing, rose up.

"How did you see it?"

"It's similar to Danjeon breathing in Korea."

Hong Dae-bang nodded, taking it as meaning that there was nothing special, nodded.

I don't think he's that great either. It's a breathing technique.

"Instead, the length of breathing is quite long, which will help with bowel and lung exercises."

"Is that so?"

"You don't have any constipation, do you?"


Jong-seok nodded at Hong Dae-bang's words. It is a breathing technique that causes the stomach to expand and shrink even if you don't know anything else, so the intestines and lungs also contract and expand repeatedly.

So there will be no constipation.

'Sorimsa breathing method is good for constipation...'

Jong-seok, who shook his head with that thought, asked.

"Are other school practices similar?"


"Is there any place for internal training?"

When Hong Dae-bang nodded, Jong-seok tasted better. Then suddenly, Jongseok saw a mountain far away.

That was Sungsan Mountain.

"The training method used by Shaolin Temple..."

While talking, Jong-seok saw Hongdae. Although I thought it was outside Shaolin Temple, Hongdaebang is also a student of Shaolin Temple.

If that kind of Hongdae room isn't familiar with its inner workings... It occurred to me that it would not be different within Shaolin Temple.

Is there no use? Why didn't you rather meet your teachers and see them train your students?'

When Jong-seok thought of it, Hong Dae-bang said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

"No, thank you for telling me many good things."

At Jong-seok's words, Hong Dae-bang looked at him and took out his wallet.

"And now that you're here, go up to Shaolin Temple. I don't know about my work, but there's a lot to see. The three-hour-long martial arts show is also a delight to see with your eyes."

What Hong Dae-bang took out of his wallet was a ticket to Sorim Temple. Jong-seok stared blankly at the Hongdae room.

Of course, tickets are needed to rise to the independents. However, he did not know that the monk of Shaolin Temple would give him a ticket to Sorimsa Temple.

You said Shaolin became secular. That's true.'

Though a little disappointed, Jong-seok received a ticket.

On that day, Jong-seok toured several more other martial arts schools. However, the training method was not that different from the school in Hongdae.

What surprised me was the number of students attending the martial arts school. There were hundreds of students in each school.

And with the large number of schools, I couldn't count how many people were learning martial arts.

But I couldn't see what Jong-seok wanted. There is no training method for the inner workings but only the outer workings.


Jong-seok, who had stayed at the hotel, was climbing Soongsan the next morning.

I didn't really have any expectations for Shaolin. I searched the Cultural Revolution and Shaolin history...

Now Shaolin Temple was not a real Shaolin temple. The government created Shaolin Temple, which was destroyed by the Cultural Revolution.

In addition, the governor of Shaolin Temple seemed more like a professional manager than a monk.

He was an MBA executive in the United States. So I didn't think I could learn anything from inside Shaolin Temple.

Still, the reason for climbing Soongsan Mountain was to visit Sorimsa Temple even if it is not Seung-ri.

People change, but their positions do not change, so I was going to feel the scent of old sounds from the traces.

Besides, there was one more place I wanted to see even if it wasn't Shaolin Temple. The ticket given by Hongdaebang was not only a ticket to Sorimsa Temple but also to see all the attractions of Soongsan Mountain. Among the attractions written inside, there was a place called Soongyang Seowon.

When I searched Seowon, it seemed to be an important place in history, so I became more interested in it.

At least the old writings will remain in Seowon, so I thought I would learn more than Sorimsa Temple.

So Jong-seok was walking past Shaolin Temple to Sungyangseowon Confucian Academy.

an end